Q2 Sound L/O: To practice writing good PEA responses for editing using key terms

Sound question 2

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Q2 Sound

L/O: To practice writing good PEA responses for editing using key terms

Sound key terms• Diegetic = sounds characters can hear

• Non-Diegetic = sounds characters can’t hear (background music)

• volume control (how quiet/loud sounds are)– Crescendo– diminuendo

• ambient sound• sound effects (natural, unnatural)• foley• sound bridging• Voiceover• Dialogue (language, accent, tone etc) • Asynchronous/synchronous• Tempo/pace

‘most likely key terms’

• Diegetic/non-diegetic• Sound effects• Volume control • Crescendo/dimuendo • Soundtrack (non-diegetic)

Film _____________

• 1st time = no video

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn8PKheX8PE&nohtml5=False

SOUND What can you hear in the shot? Why has it been used?What does it communicate?What is the effect?

Model answer• P The diegetic sound has had a filter added to it in post-production to make it

sound muffled and create the effect of disorientation and confusion.• E This happens near the beginning of the sequence as the boy’s mother sees the

attackers running with violent intent from the train towards her and her sons. The diegetic sounds of children playing in the water are suddenly muffled.

• A (how) The muffled sound signifies the confusion and disorientation of the young boys and their mother because it replicates for the audience what it must have been like at the time for them. Their lives changed in a matter of seconds as the hordes of men ran at them and attacked and this would have been extraordinarily stressful for them and particularly confusing for a young child who then watched his mother get killed. The muffled diegetic sound signifies their confusion as they cannot think clearly.

• A (why) This change in the tempo/pace of the editing has been used at this particular point in the film as this is a key conflict between the protagonist and an important antagonist. This sort of physical combat scene is a generic pleasure of action/adventure films and the increase in the number of cuts helps to create the intensity and pace that the audience expect and want to see in this genre of film.

Turning it into 5/5 paragraphs

• Start with your Point – use a technical term and say what effect it creates:

• The diegetic sound has had a filter added to it in post-production to make it sound muffled and create the effect of disorientation and confusion.

Turning it into 5/5 paragraphs

• Then, make sure you identify a really specific Example:

• This happens near the beginning of the sequence as the boy’s mother sees the attackers running with violent intent from the train towards her and her sons. The diegetic sounds of children playing in the water are suddenly muffled.

Turning it into 5/5 paragraphs

• Finally, but really importantly, you need to develop your original point with some Analysis.

• People find this the tricky bit – a common mistake is just re-writing the original point without really adding anything new.

• Think about the questions on the following slide – by answering them fully you will develop your original point with some Analysis.

Analysis pointers

• How does this sound create this particular effect?

• Why has this sound been used to create this particular effect at this point of the film?

• Is the sound technique helped to create the effect by being combined with another technical code?

Turning it into 5/5 paragraphs

• The muffled sound signifies the confusion and disorientation of the young boys and their mother because it replicates for the audience what it must have been like at the time for them. Their lives changed in a matter of seconds as the hordes of men ran at them and attacked and this would have been extraordinarily stressful for them and particularly confusing for a young child who then watched his mother get killed. The muffled diegetic sound signifies their confusion as they cannot think clearly.HOW?

Turning it into 5/5 paragraphs

• This sound effect has been used at this particular point in the film as the protagonist is recalling a momentous and life-changing event from his past. The muffling of the diegetic sound connotes his confusion and disorientation and encourages the audience to empathise with him and to feel sympathy for what he witnessed as a young child. The director is trying to signify to the audience what it would have been like for the young boy by using the sound to clearly signify his distress and confusion.


Turning it into 5/5 paragraphs

• The confusion and disorientation of the protagonist is also signified and supported by the camerawork at this point in the film. Dutch angles that frame the mother in the foreground with the attacking hordes in the background running towards them work alongside the muffling of the diegetic sound to signify that this was a hugely distressing and confusing event. Therefore, the sound and the camerawork combine to signify the enormous impact that this had on the protagonist as a young child.


The 1st sound technique in the is:

The director uses ……..

This is used when….

This connotes/shows/suggests….

SOUND What can you hear in the shot? Why has it been used?What does it communicate?What is the effect?

Group response

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbBiXPVKuTA

The 1st sound technique in the is:

The director uses ……..

This is used when….

This connotes/shows/suggests….

SOUND What can you hear in the shot? Why has it been used?What does it communicate?What is the effect?

2 paragraphs

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l4qdf_1nGM mission impossible bridge