The Newcomers By Rosie and Sophie

Sophie and Rosie newcomers 2015

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The Newcomers

By Rosie and Sophie

Page 2: Sophie and Rosie newcomers 2015

The Celts The Celts we the first to invade us they came in 500 BC . They lived in the iron age before the Romans came . Also they covered their body's in mystical blue blue paint from a flower called Woad .

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The first by the Vikings was in 793 AD .866 -877 AD Invasion of the great dengue Viking .The Viking age in Britain began about 1,200 years ago in the 8th century AD and lasted for 300 years .

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Romans The Romans we’re the second to invade us nearly 2000 years ago . They changed the way people lived by inventing new things like : baths , roads and under road pipes. The Romans armies left in 410 AD and were a part of the Empire for almost 400 years .

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The Anglo Saxons • The Anglo Saxons came to Briton after the Romans had left they came

round about 450 AD .The were Welsh .They left there home lands in north Germany ,Denmark and north Island. And rowed across the north sea in wooden boats