Jordan Jones Kaleigh McAlpine Anastasia Norville Lyndsay Shaver MODELS OF MACRO PRACTICE SOCW 400 - 002

Socw 400 macro practice

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Jordan JonesKaleigh McAlpineAnastasia Norvi l leLyndsay Shaver


SOCW 400 - 002

The Portland Farmers Market – “How Local Can You Go?” Portland farmers market is promoting a food challenge to

encourage their local residence to feed back into the community by spending at least 10% of their food money on local food.

Merrick, K. (2015, July 31). How local can you go? The Port land Farmers Market. Retr ieved from http:/ /www.port landfarmersmarket.org/how-local-can-you-go/


Social Capital – By bringing farmers markets into a community, the article states that it also brings together farmers, artisans, musicians and local businesses. The farmers markets also foster a sense of community spirit and purpose.

Human Capital – Bringing together farmers, artisans, musicians, and local businesses improves the human capital of the community.

Financial Capital – Farmers markets increase the local spending in a community.

Physical Capital – By increasing the local spending in a community, the physical capital improves.


The Guardian – “Ferguson protests: state of emergency declared after violent night”

Swaine, J . (2015, August 10). Ferguson protests: state of emergency declared after violent night. The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/10/ferguson-protests-st-louis-state-of-emergency


The Ferguson protests were a direct response in the Darren Wilson’s verdict of no further action. Ferguson and surrounding communities saw the opportunity to take social action against what they believed to be social oppression.

The community wanted to see a change in leadership and a change in the way social inequity is handled. The protest quickly turned violent once the opportunity arose, stemming from the thought that the leaders of the community did not want to correct the injustice.


Yahoo! News – “Missouri law addresses concerns after Ferguson shooting”

Ballentine, S. and Suhr, J . (2015, July 9). Missouri law addresses concerns after Ferguson shooting. Yahoo! News. Retrieved from http://news.yahoo.com/missouri- law-addresses-concerns-ferguson-shooting-193039223.html


This is an example of social planning because this is the first new or changed regulation put in place since the death of Michael Brown.