Social Studies - Elements of a Civilization

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  • 1. Elements of a Civilization Core Elements

2. Advanced Agriculture

  • Advanced agriculture is growing grain

3. Using special tools and irrigation. 4. Irrigation is the controlled flow of water to your crops 5. Advanced Agriculture

  • We grow grain because grain stores well.

6. Compared to hunter-gatherers you can have a few people feed thousands. 7. That leaves extra time for people to do other jobs. 8. Long-Distance Trade

  • Needs safe routes

9. Places to stay 10. Straight paths 11. Trade for stuff you need 12. Use animals to pull wagons 13. Long-Distance Trade

  • Need to make good trades

14. Be true to deal 15. Take extra supplies 16. Make sure your stuff is secure 17. Specialized Occupations

  • Builders- Build buildings and

18. houses 19. Priests- talk to god for natural 20. disasters. 21. Law enforcement- keep the law 22. Soldiers- fight wars for their 23. leaders 24. Specialized Occupations

  • Teachers-provide schooling for others

25. Scribes- write things for others to read 26. Urbanism

  • Urbanism has been part of our modern society for years

27. Without this we couldn't have great buildings and monuments like today! 28. We have revolutionized urbanism 29. Urbanism

  • Urbanism is a focus on cities and great buildings

30. Urbanism is one of the key core elements in a civilization 31. Elements of a Civilization Secondary Elements 32. Laws

  • The law is used to enforce right and wrong according to societies rules.

33. Most countries use laws from the Ten Commandments, such as do not steal and don't murder. 34. Developed Transportation Systems

  • Network to connect all elements of a city.

35. Personal movement 36. Moving goods and services rapidly 37. Monumental Buildings

  • A monumental building is a building which is built to remember someone or something.

38. A worker in the old days might have built a building to resemble there ruler 39. Writing

  • To have a civilization one needs a writing system

40. But before a writing system came it was a verbal communication 41. With a verbal language we forget so writing came which was pictographs (pictures) 42. Astronomy

  • Math is needed to read the stars

43. You can talk with the gods 44. Know how to navigate 45. People who is good with math is good with stars 46. Standards of Measurements (Currency)

  • Currency is money.

47. Instead of Bartering they've developed a system of what is worth what. 48. Money has a consistent size and weight. It is a broadly accepted standard. 49. Mathematics

  • The study of quantity, space, structure, and change

50. Used to follow the stars and predict when to plant the seeds to make the crops 51. Used in nearly all of the elements of a great civilization 52. Art

  • Made from rare materials

53. Used to explain religious cultures 54. Used to explain stories 55. Explains history 56. Made from paint, metal, gold 57. Advanced Metallurgy

  • With Advanced Metallurgy you are able to make weapons, tools, utensils, and armor

58. One must find the correct metal, heat it the metal, and shape it into what you want it to be.