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Social Psychology Journal 1

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20 NOVEMBER 2013

Page 2: Social Psychology Journal 1

15 October 2013

After many years of dreaming, you finally decide it‟s time. To chase your dream to

achieve what is right and my dream is be an architect. I am Garnette Robert and I am an

eighteen year old who is fighting for her life to be good at something. Basically, to be an

architect. I am in this Foundation of Natural and Built Environment and in this course we

have 7 subjects which are Design Visualization, Culture and Civilization, English 2, Effective

Public Communication, Introduction to Business, BahasaKebangsaan A and last but not least

Social Psychology. Social Psychology is one of my favouritesubject where we get to express

ourselves and get to know our expressions. Sometimes, we have things we need to let them

out to, and we also need to understand them emotionally and knowledgably. Ever since I

started this class, on the first day, I remembered we were asked to say things about ourselves,

positive or negative doesn‟t matter. And so our answers define our own self-concept, who we

are, our feelings towards ourselves, because one‟s feelings towards may be different. We tend

to see ourselves in the center of the stage, whereas others put us aside. Well, we just need

know our own limits and to control over our outcomes.

Page 3: Social Psychology Journal 1

22 October 2013

Throughout the days of Social Psychology class, we then learnt slowly of what we

had to do next, about our assignments, and projects. We also learned about “The Opener

Scale”. Its just another way of how we learned about ourselves. How much we know or how

little we don‟t. Furthermore I studied about ethics, and the lecturer then showed us a little

more on the ethical guidelines. She also did a very interesting class experiment on us, where

we get to see how shy are we. However I got number 3 which was, moderately characteristic

of me. In the recent class, we learned about „Vision‟. What is vision? To simplify it, it is the

detection of light. We learned about the psychology of colour, there‟s more then meets the

eye. Our eyes sees and is attracted to different colours for various meanings. Our eyes also

tricks us very well with visual illusions. What we see isn‟t exactly what it is. That‟s how

unique our eyes are. To more classes to come.

Page 4: Social Psychology Journal 1

12 November 2013

This week‟s of Social Psychology class I basically learned about Attitudes and

Behavior which they both are not the same. And all this time I thought they were. Mainly, the

lecturer concentrates on attitudes, and attitudes are positive or negative evaluations. The ways

for attitudes to change are by learning from something that happened or someone. I didn‟t

know animals were so smart, but because of what they know they will get in return, it

automatically tells them to do something. It‟s the same goes for us humans, without us

knowing we sometimes just do things and expect things in return. I love the videos that were

shown from the lecture, they were so meaningful and I‟ve never seen some of them before.

To add on to that, this makes me more aware of people and animals surrounding me. It also

makes me be aware of my own attitude.