Similarities and differences between mock up and final product

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I am going to explain the similarities and

difference's between the mock up design I created

in Task 5 compared to the Final Design that I made

in Task 7.

Task 5 was created on paper and was a basic draft of what

I hoped that the magazine would look like.

Task 7 was created on Adobe Photoshop and was the final

product of my magazine and the finished product.


Mock up Final Product


• A similarity between the mock up and final

products mast head is the colour scheme using

primary colours.

• The style of font is very similar.

• The bold black stroke on the outside of the letters.


• The final product has an image on the text itself with

the opacity lowered.


On the mock up design, the background is

white and is very plain. On the final design

the background is a green gradient which

looks very professional.

I chose to make the final design have this

background because I feel that it looks

more professional with the background

and much more appealing to the target




• The contents page layout consists of 2 images

and 2 copies of text.

• The layout is structured in a grid like pattern.


• I have made the ‘Mountaineering’ article’s

copy next to the images rather than under the

image like the mock up suggests

• The colours are all orange in the final product

compared to the mock up which has green

and pink outlines.


On the mock up, I positioned the

editorial at the bottom of the

page next to the Index. On the

Final product I positioned it at

the top of the contents page

next to the title.

I done this because I felt it

looked better and also had

space at the top that needed

filling to look good.


On the mock up, the left third has one image

with a lure and a caption. You can see part of

the advertorial and the masthead. It is very

simple and plain and looks quite unprofessional.

On the final product, the left third has a high

quality image with a caption and lure with more

lures containing other articles on it. The

headline is visible from the left third as well as

the advertorial and part of the masthead. It

looks more professional as it is filled like a real

life magazine is.


The main image is

very similar between

both pages. They’re

both cropped at the

bottom with the

background removed.

However, on the final

product the image is

above the masthead

whereas on the mock

up the masthead is

layered over the main



The headline and byline on the

mock up are sans serif text and

the byline was pink graphics.

The final product is similar and

has sans serif font. The byline is

also sans serif and has graphics

to make it more visually

appealing. The final products

byline graphics is blue instead

of pink as it stands out more

and looks more visually

appealing to the audience.


They’re very similar with a

banner. I chose to keep

them the same as I felt

the design created in the

mock up was very

effective and looked

visually appealing to the
