Shot Composition Activity Eleanor Monk Group 057

Shot Composition

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Page 1: Shot Composition

Shot Composition

ActivityEleanor MonkGroup 057

Page 2: Shot Composition

The Rule of Thirds

To the left is an example of a close up (CU) shot using the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is a guideline proposing that an image should be compositionally divided by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, positioning the most prominent elements either alongside these lines or on their intersections.

To the right is an example of a long shot (LS) using the rule of thirds. We lined up the edge of the building with one line and positioned the tree within another, leaving the third section less cluttered.

Page 3: Shot Composition

Using Leading Lines

This is a long shot example of using leading lines in camerawork (left). Leading lines are used to draw the viewers eyes to the focal point within the frame, in this case Kenny walking along the pavement in the distance.

On the right is an example of a medium shot (MS) using leading lines. The pavement leads the viewers eyes around the corner and to where Kenny is heading.

Page 4: Shot Composition

Using Symmetry and Patterns

To the left is a medium shot using symmetry and pattern. Symmetry and pattern can enhance a shots aesthetic appeal, whilst unsettling the symmetry can be used to create tension. This shot uses pattern in the window frame and a line of symmetry down the middle of the door. These compositional elements can also be used to draw the viewers attention to something, in this case the door.On the right is a long shot using

symmetry and pattern to achieve a similar effect, but with a slight unsettlement of the symmetry because of the cars in the foreground. This can sometimes be used to create an uncomfortable atmosphere within film.

Page 5: Shot Composition

Different Viewpoints

Using different viewpoints of the same object or person can create a wide range of effects depending on how they are used. These three shots are examples: the shot to the left makes the car look sleek and powerful, whereas the shot in the corner makes the viewer feel as though they are chasing it, and the above shot makes it appear intimidating and tense.

Page 6: Shot Composition

Using Backgrounds

The shot to the left is an example of an extreme close up (ECU) using backgrounds. Backgrounds can be used to put the subject of the frame into context, highlight it, or perhaps even distract from it. In this example a textured wall has been used as the background to make the subject stand out whilst adding interest.

The shot on the right is a long shot using backgrounds. The van (the focal point point of the shot) is in front of a wall and scaffolding to give it a background.

Page 7: Shot Composition

Using Depth

This is an example of an establishing shot using depth. Using depth in a shot impacts on the viewer by making them feel as though they are witnessing the scene themselves. We have created the illusion of depth here by including several features that are different distances away from the camera, with one wall right next to it and the path eventually being blocked from view by a building in the distance.