Shell programming in ubuntu

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  • 1. Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared by trainees ofbaabtra as a part of mentoring program. This is not officialdocument of baabtra Mentoring PartnerBaabtra-Mentoring Partner is the mentoring division of baabte System Technologies Pvt .Ltd

2. Shell Programming inUbuntuMohammed Jawad N [email protected]/ 3. SHELL PROGRAMMING IN UBUNTU Shell is a program that takes commands from the keyboardand gives them to the operating system to perform Bash (Bourne Again Shell) TERMINAL: Program that opens a window and lets youinteract with the shell There are two primary ways to use the shell: interactivelyinteractivelyand by writing shell scripts. In the interactive mode, the user types a single commandand the result is printed out 4. COMMANDS Pwd - (print working directory) cd - (change directory) ls - (list files and directories). less (view text files) cp - copy files and directories mv - move or rename files and directories rm - remove files and directories mkdir - create directories 5. type - Display information about command type help - Display reference page for shell builtin man - Display an on-line command reference chmod - modify file access rights su - temporarily become the superuser sudo - temporarily become the superuser Echo- command to display text or value of variable. 6. SHELL SCRIPTING a shell script is a file containing a series of commands. To be executable, a shell script file must meet some conditions: The file must have a special first line that names an appropriatecommand processor#!/bin/bash The file must be made executable by changing its permission bits. Anexample:$ chmod +x (shell script filename) In shell scripting, the user types anything from a few lines to an entireprogram into a text editor, then executes the resulting text file as a shellscript. 7. If this presentation helped you, please visit ourpage and like it.Thanks in | | 8. Contact Us