Sea Animals on the Move

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  1. 1. Traveling Without a Map People would get lost very quickly if they tried to swim underwater from place to place. There are no signs or buildings to point the way in the ocean. Surprisingly, however, sea animals do not get lost. Scientists think that sea animals use their senses to find their way. Some fish use their strong sense of smell. It helps them notice the familiar scents of rocks and plants along the way. Others use their sense of touch. They feel the movement of waves, tides, and currents. These clues help them map their journey. Scientists have another interesting idea. They think that some sea animals have a sense that people do not. Something in the bodies of these animals may act like a compass. This sense may point them in the right direction. Tag a Fish Scientists are trying to learn more about migration. They have invented tools such as tagging to study how sea animals move. Researchers catch a sea animal, glue or strap a small tag to it, and then return the animal to the water. The tag gathers facts about the animals journey and sends a report to satellites above the Earth. The satellites send the report back to computers on land. People use this information to learn about the patterns of the animals. Reports about migration are useful. People from different countries are sharing what they learn so that we can all work together to protect sea animals. Dr. Barbara Block is one of these people. She believes, The first step in protecting their [sea animals] future on Earth is knowing where they go.