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FILM PLOTPART ONE:Film plot and actors:

A group of friends stay in a cabin for the weekend, one of them starts being unusual and starts listening to the voices in his head… (On slide saying the actors I have is)

I have chosen Britany spears to play the character Britany because she will give publicity to the movie.

I have chosen Keagan Allen to play the part of Ben because he has started in few movies and TV shows such as; Pretty Little Liars I think he looks the part and I think he will be able to give an emotional performance.

I have chosen zooey Deschanel to play the character Jeanine because she had been in most films that are been a big hit in the past and she has been in comedy films/TV shows. This is good for the character because she the funny one of the group.

I have chosen Channing Tatum to play the character john because he have being in many films and shows his emotional feeling and actions of the part of the character.

The director of this movie is going to be tobe Hooper he is well known for the Texas chain saw massacre, this is important because the way he showed the horrific detail he went into for this movie shows that he knows what the word horror is and the outcome of his horror movies won’t disappoint you.

Page 3: Script for media

2Part two:Genre and information:This movie is going to be a horror because it going to show your fear of the uninvited guest that on one expects. The one person changes every think…This is going to be a horror genre because it going to show deserbing and freighting scenes, it’s going to show the fear of the unknown and the dark side of life. This movie is going to also contain strange and alarming events. This movie is going to be set in coquihalla canyon provincial park, British Columbia Canada I have pick this location because he has been used before in cabin in the woods. This movie will be a high budget movie because the cost of the actors, the props, special effects and the detail of this movie.