(Ghost Town) by (Toby Adshead)

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(Ghost Town)

by(Toby Adshead)


We start with the Bruce Mellows in the bath room trying to take his pills. This begins to anger him because is not able to take them because he is dead, Just by the side of Bruce Mellows is the first sighting of a hallucination which only the audience sees, Bruce then decides to go for a walk. Just before he leaves his house he looks at a picture of his old dog and then looks at the floor as he walks to the front door of his house. He walks past a room that only the audience see’s because he is looking at the floor, this room seems quite messy and just in front of the door there is a chair which is fallen over and a piece of rope with a loop in it (noose) you only see this room for a short second as Bruce leaves the house.

EXT. Standard street - Midday

Bruce leaves his house and sees to guys walking with each other talking about a film (Donnie Darko) he decides to walk with them and join in with their conversation even though they can’t hear him can’t here him.

MAN 1So what you think of Donnie Darko then?

MAN 2It completely mind fucked me, like what was the end even about?

BRUCE MELLOWS Don’t you guys get it? it’s a parallel univ…

MAN 1 Im pretty sure it’s just about a kid who’s messed up in the head. Bruce Mellows No! It has a deeper meaning to it

MAN 2 More than likely yeah,they did say something about the Donnie kid not taking his pills

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BRUCE MELLOWSPlease, just listen to me. Stop making me feel so isolated. I can’t deal with you guys ignoring me please!

EXT. Small Town

Once the conversation finishes Bruce Mellows finds him self in a town where there are plenty of people walking around. The first destination Bruce finds him self at in the town is the local church, he gets out side the church and takes a hard long look at the stained glass windows from the outside, particularly the ones with jesus. Bruce then walks towards the main part of the town and Among the crowd of people Bruce sees the hallucination for the first time. Bruce is now talking to him self because he desperately needs his medication.

Bruce 1 Maybe i could go to the local doctors maybe he can sort me out.

Bruce 2YE,YE,YEAH! Dr Phil is great he’s the one who give me the pills to stop me from doing silly things.

Bruce 1But he’s also the one who wanted me to stay in the soft white room. Bruce 2I hated that p,place it has no windows and breathing in their feels strange.

Bruce 1 Wait! What was that

Bruce sees the Hallucination up close with its disturbing face of darkness with no emotion at all. The hallucination dose not say or do anything, just looks at Bruce with an evil glare.

Bruce 2 I need my pills i need them now i can’t deal with seeing that everyday no,no way in hell.

(Passer by is screaming about God)

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preacher The lord is coming the the rapture is nigh.

Bruce 1 Sir please help, listen to me i need your help.

Bruce 2L,L,Listen to me you fucking idiot i need your help!

Preacher Confess your sins show the lord you are pure.

Bruce 1 Maybe he’s right, maybe we should pray to God Bruce 2Stop being fucking stupid, I,I,I don't need lord i don't need anyone, just fuck off.

Bruce 1 Fuck this i can’t stay here much longer its pointless i need to find something to take my mind of it.

EXT. Bruce heads towards the canal to look back on what has happened on this day. The water calms him and he is no longer arguing with him self

EXT. Canal

Bruce 1

The canal isn't going to keep me happy for ever, I need to figure whats going on with me why can’t i just DIE!

Bruce 2

Theres no point i should just go home.

Bruce notices the hallucination again and decides to follow it.

Bruce 1

What the fuck was that.

Bruce 2

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Piss Off leave me alone, leave me alone!

The hallucination walks along the canal, Bruce decides to follow it.



Bruce 1

What are you saying, please explain what is going on.

The hallucination disappears and Bruce isn’t sure where he is going so he just follows the canal all the way down. Hoping that he can get some answers from the strange hallucination.

Bruce 2Maybe if i keep going this way i can

find some answers maybe ill finally be f,free.

Bruce 1

Answers, I need answers. Where are you, come back. What the fuck is going on.

The hallucination speaks out to Bruce in a soft tone trying to communicate to him properly, this is the first time the hallucination is talking English.


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If you follow you will understand, but if you follow you will die. If you follow your spirt will be free, but if you follow you will not feel.

Bruce 2

But,but i’m already dead


If you follow you will understand, but if you follow you will die. If you follow your spirt will be free, but if you follow you will not feel.

Bruce 1

You don’t make any sense, talk properly

Bruce 2

Explain yourself tell me what the hell is going on.



Bruce 1

What are you talking about exactly! What are you talking about!

Bruce 2

Hell you mean hell, no, no you cant please

Bruce 1

I’v never done anything wrong please explain. Wait Sir are you death?


Follow me

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Bruce is to confused to understand what is happening so his only option is to follow the hallucination, he finds the hallucination comforting because it’s the only thing he's been able to make communication with, this makes him feel less lonely. Bruce follows the hallucination down the canal until he sees a very dark area, the hallucination walks in to this area, Bruce then follows him.


Dark room, with only one light on Bruce

Bruce 1

Please explain whats happening just tell me, don’t let me down easily i’m ready to except my fate. Theres nothing i can do I may just take it as it is.


You are leaving this place, but your not going up, don't scream for help because you have no luck.

Bruce 2

Im going to hell but why, I lived my life correctly and i have never broken a law.


Are you ready?

Bruce 1

But why, I don't want to go down i don't deserve this, please have mercy!

Hallucination Everything happens for a reason, are you ready to leave?

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The hallucination steps a side and reveals a door behind him, the hallucination points at the and then walks through, Bruce follows through this door the door has a bright light coming through it and has a very strange sound coming from it.

Cut to black.

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