SciTech Quiz, Alcheringa 2017 QM : Dhrubojit Bhattacharya

SciTech Quiz, Alcheringa 2017

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SciTech Quiz, Alcheringa 2017QM : Dhrubojit Bhattacharya



18 Questions, +1/0 (unless specified otherwise) No googling allowed. Quizmaster’s decision is final Starred questions will act as tiebreakers. If tie still persists, sudden death from Q1 Score will be carried forward multiplied by 5.



Connect these companies:(Non-exhaustive list)


As the captain of USS Enterprise, X lead his crew as they explore "where no man has gone before“. X became the first and only student at Starfleet Academy to defeat the Kobayashi Maru test, garnering a commendation for original thinking for reprogramming the computer to make the "no-win scenario" winnable. Give me X.


Whose ‘Uncyclopedia’ entry?“'Wicked Smaht'  was a ________-born theoretical physicist and the world's first true gangsta. He is famous for __________, and specifically the parachute-pants equivalence, E = MC Hammer. Up through the 1930's, his German detractors championed the notion that this and his simultaneously developed quantum theory was all BS "Jewish science" until they woke up one day and realized they could build a bomb with it. Thereafter, it was revealed that _________'s work was plagiarized, having suddenly been expressed only a few decades earlier by Max Planck, Henri Poincare or other lesser known gangsters. These he referred to as "hairy-assed playa-hata””


X wrote the first treatise on probability theory, De ratiociniis in ludo aleae ("On Reasoning in Games of Chance", 1657) He studied spherical lenses from a theoretical point of view in 1652–3, obtaining results that remained unpublished until Isaac Barrow (1669). His aim was to understand telescopes. He began grinding his own lenses in 1655, collaborating with his brother Constantijn.[ He designed in 1662 what is now named after him, with two lenses, as a telescope ocular. He was also one of the first to believe the wave theory of light. Who is he?


X is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole. it is rarely found in its pure form. Its structure is as shown below. Give me its common name, which it shares with a popular curse word and body part, thus making it sound extremely inappropriate?


Fill in the blank :____________ is excessive, misdirected or obtrusive artificial light. As a major side-effect of urbanization, it is blamed for compromising health, disrupting ecosystems and spoiling aesthetic environments. _______________ is a broad term that refers to multiple problems, all of which are caused by inefficient, unappealing, or (arguably) unnecessary use of artificial light


X and Y are two similarly named scientific ‘technologies’. While X stands for the process it is generated, Y is named after the creator, Jack Cover’s favourite childhood hero, Tom Swift’s Electric Rifle. Give me X and Y. (+1 for each)


Literally meaning a connection or series of connections linking two or more things, this is a line of consumer electronic devices that run the Android operating system. As of August 2016, the devices currently available in the line are two smartphones, the 6P (made with Huawei) and 5X (made with LG). Name this.


This happens when the magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed by the solar wind that the trajectories of charged particles in both solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, mainly in the form of electrons and protons, precipitate them into the upper atmosphere (thermosphere/exosphere), where their energy is lost. The resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emits light of varying colour and complexity.What am I talking about?


X's membership has long been composed of engineers and scientists. Allied professionals who are members include computer scientists, software developers, information technology professionals, physicists, and medical doctors, in addition to X's electrical and electronics engineering core. For this reason the organization no longer goes by the full name, except on legal business documents, and is referred to simply as X. Give me X


_____________ is an American content delivery network (CDN) and cloud services provider headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the United States. it's content delivery network is one of the world's largest distributed computing platforms, responsible for serving between 15 and 30 percent of all web traffic. The company was founded in 1998 by Daniel M. Lewin (then a graduate student at MIT) and MIT applied mathematics professor Tom Leighton. Lewin was killed aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed in the September 11 attacks of 2001. Leighton currently serves as ________'s CEO.__________ is a Hawaiian word meaning "intelligent" or "clever".FITB


What have been blanked out? No part points


An expedition from 1737 to 1740 by French scientist Pierre Bouguer attempted to determine something by measuring the period of a pendulum (and therefore the strength of gravity) as a function of elevation. The experiments were carried out in Ecuador and Peru, on Pichincha Volcano and mount Chimborazo.On the other hand, George Biddell Airy sought to determine the same thing by measuring the difference in the period of a pendulum between the surface and the bottom of a mine. The first tests took place in Cornwall between 1826 and 1828. The experiment was a failure due to a fire and a flood. The final accepted value is 5.51 (CGS Units). What is being measured?


 _______ Day is celebrated on the 256th day of the year (13 September in normal years and 12 September in leap years). The number 256 (2^8) was chosen because it is the number of distinct values that can be represented with an eight-bit byte. Also, '256' in hexadecimal is '100' ('0x100'), and it's the highest power of two that is lower than 365 (the number of days in a year). Typical celebrations of _______ Day include playing around with old computers and behaving in a generally inane(stupid and silly) manner. It is an official professional holiday in Russia. FITB


A major issue of the purchase was the fact that X was a major competitor to Y, raising many concerns among antitrust regulators, open source advocates, customers, and employees. The EU Commission delayed the acquisition for several months over concerns of Y's plans for MySQL. The commission finally approved the takeover, apparently pressured by the United States to do so, according to a Wikileaks cable released in September 2011. Several notable engineers resigned following the acquisition, including James Gosling, the (resigned April 2010); Tim Bray, the creator of XML (resigned February 2010); Kohsuke Kawaguchi, lead developer of Hudson (resigned April 2010); and Bryan Cantrill, the co-creator of DTrace (resigned July 2010).Name X and Y (Order is important) (+1 for each)


___________ is a scripted, headless browser used for automating web page interaction. It provides a JavaScript API enabling automated navigation, screenshots, user behavior and assertions making it a common tool used to run browser-based unit tests in a headless system like a continuous integration environment. It shares its name with a very popular comic book character. FITB.


What has been blacked out?/Give Funda.


"There were a lot of different color iterations", says Ruth Kedar, the graphic designer who developed the now-famous logo. "We ended up with the primary colors, but instead of having the pattern go in order, we put a secondary color on the L, which brought back the idea that _______ doesn't follow the rules.“What is being talked about here?

Now the Answers!


Connect these companies:(Non-exhaustive list)

PayPal Mafia


As the captain of USS Enterprise, X lead his crew as they explore "where no man has gone before“. X became the first and only student at Starfleet Academy to defeat the Kobayashi Maru test, garnering a commendation for original thinking for reprogramming the computer to make the "no-win scenario" winnable. Give me X.

Captain Kirk


Whose ‘Uncyclopedia’ entry?“'Wicked Smaht'  was a ________-born theoretical physicist and the world's first true gangsta. He is famous for __________, and specifically the parachute-pants equivalence. Up through the 1930's, his German detractors championed the notion that this and his simultaneously developed quantum theory was all BS "Jewish science" until they woke up one day and realized they could build a bomb with it. Thereafter, it was revealed that _________'s work was plagiarized, having suddenly been expressed only a few decades earlier by Max Planck, Henri Poincare or other lesser known gangsters. These he referred to as "hairy-assed playa-hata””

Albert Einstein


X wrote the first treatise on probability theory, De ratiociniis in ludo aleae ("On Reasoning in Games of Chance", 1657) He studied spherical lenses from a theoretical point of view in 1652–3, obtaining results that remained unpublished until Isaac Barrow (1669). His aim was to understand telescopes. He began grinding his own lenses in 1655, collaborating with his brother Constantijn.[ He designed in 1662 what is now named after him, with two lenses, as a telescope ocular. He was also one of the first to believe the wave theory of light. Who is he?

Christiaan Huygens


X is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole. it is rarely found in its pure form. Its structure is as shown below. Give me its common name, which it shares with a popular curse word and body part, thus making it sound extremely inappropriate?



Fill in the blank :____________ is excessive, misdirected or obtrusive artificial light. As a major side-effect of urbanization, it is blamed for compromising health, disrupting ecosystems and spoiling aesthetic environments. _______________ is a broad term that refers to multiple problems, all of which are caused by inefficient, unappealing, or (arguably) unnecessary use of artificial light

Light Pollution/Photopollution


X and Y are two similarly named scientific ‘technologies’. While X stands for the process it is generated, Y is named after the creator, Jack Cover’s favourite childhood hero, Tom Swift’s Electric Rifle. Give me X and Y.

X : LASER, Y : Taser


Literally meaning a connection or series of connections linking two or more things, this is a line of consumer electronic devices that run the Android operating system. As of August 2016, the devices currently available in the line are two smartphones, the 6P (made with Huawei) and 5X (made with LG). Name this.



This happens when the magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed by the solar wind that the trajectories of charged particles in both solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, mainly in the form of electrons and protons, precipitate them into the upper atmosphere (thermosphere/exosphere), where their energy is lost. The resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emits light of varying colour and complexity.What am I talking about?



X's membership has long been composed of engineers and scientists. Allied professionals who are members include computer scientists, software developers, information technology professionals, physicists, and medical doctors, in addition to X's electrical and electronics engineering core. For this reason the organization no longer goes by the full name, except on legal business documents, and is referred to simply as X. Give me X



_____________ is an American content delivery network (CDN) and cloud services provider headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the United States. it's content delivery network is one of the world's largest distributed computing platforms, responsible for serving between 15 and 30 percent of all web traffic. The company was founded in 1998 by Daniel M. Lewin (then a graduate student at MIT) and MIT applied mathematics professor Tom Leighton. Lewin was killed aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed in the September 11 attacks of 2001. Leighton currently serves as ________'s CEO.__________ is a Hawaiian word meaning "intelligent" or "clever".FITB

Akamai Technologies


What have been blanked out? No part points


An expedition from 1737 to 1740 by French scientist Pierre Bouguer attempted to determine something by measuring the period of a pendulum (and therefore the strength of gravity) as a function of elevation. The experiments were carried out in Ecuador and Peru, on Pichincha Volcano and mount Chimborazo.On the other hand, George Biddell Airy sought to determine the same thing by measuring the difference in the period of a pendulum between the surface and the bottom of a mine. The first tests took place in Cornwall between 1826 and 1828. The experiment was a failure due to a fire and a flood. The final accepted value is 5.51 (CGS Units). What is being measured?

Density of the Earth


 _______ Day is celebrated on the 256th day of the year (13 September in normal years and 12 September in leap years). The number 256 (2^8) was chosen because it is the number of distinct values that can be represented with an eight-bit byte. Also, '256' in hexadecimal is '100' ('0x100'), and it's the highest power of two that is lower than 365 (the number of days in a year). Typical celebrations of _______ Day include playing around with old computers and behaving in a generally inane(stupid and silly) manner. It is an official professional holiday in Russia. FITB

Programmers Day


A major issue of the purchase was the fact that X was a major competitor to Y, raising many concerns among antitrust regulators, open source advocates, customers, and employees. The EU Commission delayed the acquisition for several months over concerns of Y's plans for MySQL. The commission finally approved the takeover, apparently pressured by the United States to do so, according to a Wikileaks cable released in September 2011. Several notable engineers resigned following the acquisition, including James Gosling, the (resigned April 2010); Tim Bray, the creator of XML (resigned February 2010); Kohsuke Kawaguchi, lead developer of Hudson (resigned April 2010); and Bryan Cantrill, the co-creator of DTrace (resigned July 2010).Name X and Y (Order is important) (+1 for each)

X : Sun, Y : Oracle


___________ is a scripted, headless browser used for automating web page interaction. It provides a JavaScript API enabling automated navigation, screenshots, user behavior and assertions making it a common tool used to run browser-based unit tests in a headless system like a continuous integration environment. It shares its name with a very popular comic book character. FITB.



What has been blacked out?

Pokemon Catch-Rate


"There were a lot of different color iterations", says Ruth Kedar, the graphic designer who developed the now-famous logo. "We ended up with the primary colors, but instead of having the pattern go in order, we put a secondary color on the L, which brought back the idea that _______ doesn't follow the rules.“What is being talked about here?






12 Questions, 6 clockwise, 6 anticlockwise +10/0 on direct +20/-10 on pounce +10 on bounce Infinite pounce and bounce.


The tragic end of the dodos occurred because Dutch sailors brought pigs to the island of Mauritius, which plundered the dodos' nests and ate their eggs and ultimately drove the birds to extinction. It is a misconception that the sailors ate the dodos themselves - they rarely did so as the meat tastes bad.What, in the world of technology, is a magnificent historical reconstruction of this tale ?

Safety Slide!

Angry Birds

The clinching evidence for this interpretation is that dodos were flightless birds, so of course they would have needed to use catapults.


Founder and CEO of the parent company commanded his deputies in 2004 to build the world's best ____________ before competitors could. In reference to this, they originally used the codename Fiona.The name was devised by branding consultants Michael Cronan and Karin Hibma. Lab126 tasked them to name the product, so Cronan and Hibma suggested this name. They felt this was an apt metaphor for reading and intellectual excitement.What are we talking about?

Safety Slide!

The Amazon Kindle™


In publishing and graphic design, X is a Latin term. Literally meaning ‘pain itself’, it is typically a scrambled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed to make it nonsensical, improper Latin. What is X?

Safety Slide!

Lorem Ipsum


Whose epitaph reads, “3.14159265358979323846264338327950”, because he had demanded that one of his most famous ‘discoveries’, which he was so proud of, should be on his grave?

Safety Slide!

Ludolph Van Ceulen

He was the first to calculate the valueof pi accurately to 15 places.


X is known as a "Renaissance Man" of 17th century England for his work in the sciences, which covered areas such as astronomy, physics and biology.In 1653, X enrolled at Oxford's Christ Church College, where he supplemented his meager funds by working as an assistant to the scientist Robert Boyle. While studying subjects ranging from astronomy to chemistry, he also made influential friends, such as future architect Christopher Wren. His publications include Micrographia (1665) and Lectures of Spring (1678). Who is X?

Safety Slide!

Robert Hooke


She went to high school in Tehran at Farzanegan, National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET). In 1994, she won a gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad, the first female Iranian student to do so. In the 1995 International Mathematical Olympiad, she became the first Iranian student to achieve a perfect score and to win two gold medals.Whom am I talking about?

Safety Slide!

Maryam Mirzakhani


Identify the waterbody shown (the one passing between the land).

Safety Slide!

Suez Canal


For NTT DoCoMo's i-mode, each _____ is drawn on a 12×12 pixel grid. When transmitted, ______ are specified as a two-byte sequence, in the private-use range E63E through E757 in the Unicode character space, or F89F through F9FC for Shift JIS. The basic specification has 1706 symbols, with 76 more added in phones that support C-HTML 4.0.Five symbol modifier characters were added with Unicode 8.0 to provide a range of skin tones. These modifiers are called _________ MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-1-2, -3, -4, -5, and -6 (U+1F3FB–U+1F3FF). They are based on the Fitzpatrick scale for classifying human skin color. FITB.

Safety Slide!



Slightly smaller than Earth's Moon, X is primarily made of silicate rock and has a water-ice crust and probably an iron–nickel core. It has a tenuous atmosphere composed primarily of oxygen. Its surface is striated by cracks and streaks, whereas craters are relatively rare. In addition to Earth-bound telescope observations, X has been examined by a succession of space probe flybys, the first occurring in the early 1970s. X has the smoothest surface of any known solid object in the Solar System. The apparent youth and smoothness of the surface have led to the hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath it.Give me X

Safety Slide!



X is an enterprise software company that develops products for software developers, project managers, and content management. It is best known for its issue tracking application, Jira, and its team collaboration and wiki product, Confluence. X serves over 60,000 customers. Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar founded X in 2002.The pair met while studying at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.Give me X

Safety Slide!



By moving a needle across a surface and monitoring the electric current that flows through it, scientists can map a surface to the level of single atoms. It is so precise that it not only looks at atoms—it also can manipulate them into structures. Its development earned IBM researchers Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer a Nobel Prize and helped launch the emerging era of nanotechnology. What invention?

Safety Slide!

Scanning Tunnelling Microscope


In spite of having a tradition of bishops in the family, the Gadolins took their family name from a root word meaning “great”; the choice being a clear deviation from the clerical custom of gentrifying one’s name into a Latin form (for eg: Linnaeus). As a result, the element Gadolinium, named after Johan Gadolin is the only element in the periodic table with what distinction?

Safety Slide!

Hebrew Etymology




1. Written round2. 5 Google Doodles. Write down the reason behind them3. +20/0 for each. +40 bonus on all correct






Exchange Sheets!


1. Ada Lovelace’s Birthday2. End of Mayan Calendar3. Ramanujan’s Birthday4. Ustad Allah Rakha’s Birthday5. Jagdish Chandra Bose’s Birthday



1. 8 Subjects to choose from2. Two questions in each subject3. +10/0 and +20/0 for direct, +5 and +10 on bounce4. +10/-10 and +20/-20 on pounce












Q1 (+10/0)

He was born to a wealthy family of the nobility in Paris in 1743. The son of an attorney at the Parliament of Paris, he inherited a large fortune at the age of five with the passing of his mother. During late 1772 he turned his attention to the phenomenon of combustion, the topic on which he was to make his most significant contribution to science. He reported the results of his first experiments on combustion in a note to the Academy on 20 October, in which he reported that when phosphorus burned, it combined with a large quantity of air to produce acid spirit of phosphorus, and that the phosphorus increased in weight on burning.Who is he?

Safety Slide!

Antoine Lavoisier

Q2 (+20/0)

X was born in Raruli-Katipara, a village in the Khulna District of present-day Bangladesh. His father Harish Chandra was a land proprietor. Up to the age of nine, he studied in a school in his village. In 1870 his family migrated to Calcutta and he and his elder brother were admitted to Hare School.In 1896, he published a paper on preparation of a new stable chemical compound: mercurous nitrite. This work made way for a large number of investigative papers on nitrites and hyponitrites of different metals, and on nitrites of ammonia and organic amines. He started a new Indian School of Chemistry in 1924.Who is X?

Safety Slide!

Prafulla Chandra Ray



Q1 (+10/0)

________ is a British pharmaceutical company headquartered in Brentford, London. drugs and vaccines earned £21.3 billion in 2013. Its top-selling products that year were Advair, Avodart, Flovent, Augmentin, Lovaza and Lamictal. Consumer products, which earned £5.2 billion in 2013, include Sensodyne and Aquafresh toothpaste.Fill in the Blank

Safety Slide!

GSK (Glaxosmithkline)

Q2 (+20/0)

____________ was an Indian physicist who was known for his work that led to his creation of the a plot (named after him) for understanding peptide structure. He was the first to propose a triple-helical model for the structure of collagen. In 1970, he founded the Molecular Biophysics Unit at the Indian Institute of Science which was later known as the Centre of Advanced Study in Biophysics. Notable awards that he received include the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award for Physics in India (1961) and the Fellowship of the Royal Society of London. In 1999, the International Union of Crystallography honored him with the Ewald Prize for his 'outstanding contributions to crystallography‘.Who is he?

Safety Slide!




Q1 (+10/0)

Shortly after Indian Independence, in 1949, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) designated _________ to be the centre for all large-scale projects in nuclear research The first theoretical physics group was set up by the founder's students B.M. Udgaonkar and K.S. Singhvi. In the 1950s, ________ gained prominence in the field of cosmic ray physics, with the setting up of research facilities in Ooty and in the Kolar gold mines.Which premier institute am I talking about?

Safety Slide!


Q2 (+20/0)

__________ is an elementary, half-integer spin (spin  1⁄2) particle that does not undergo strong interactions. Two main classes of leptons exist: charged, and neutral. Nearly 40 years after the discovery of the electron, the muon was discovered by Carl D. Anderson in 1936. It became clear that the muon was much more similar to the electron than to mesons, as muons do not undergo the strong interaction, and thus the muon was reclassified: electrons, muons, and the neutrino were grouped into a new group of particles, _________.FITB

Safety Slide!




Q1 (+10/0)

______ is an American semi-secret research-and-development facility founded by Google in January 2010, operates as a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. _____ has its headquarters about a half mile from Google's corporate headquarters, the Googleplex, in Mountain View, California.Work is overseen by entrepreneur scientist Astro Teller, as CEO and "Captain of Moonshots". The lab started with the development of Google's self-driving car.Name this lab.

Safety Slide!

X or Google X

Q2 (+20/0)

__________ a Taiwanese multinational electronics contract manufacturing company headquartered in New Taipei City, Taiwan. It is the world's largest contract electronics manufacturer, and the third-largest information technology company by revenue.Notable customers and products the company manufactures include BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Nintendo 3DS, Nokia, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, and Xbox One.They have been involved in several controversies relating to how it manages employees in China. There has been a history of suicides at its factories blamed on working conditions. In January 2012, about 150 employees threatened to commit mass-suicide in protest of their working conditions. Which company am I talking about?

Safety Slide!




Q1 (+10/0)

____________ is a deterministic primality-proving algorithm created and published by three Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur computer scientists, Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal, and Nitin Saxena on 6 August 2002 in a paper titled ‘PRIMES is in P’. Commenting on the impact of this discovery, Paul Leyland noted: "One reason for the excitement within the mathematical community is not only does this algorithm settle a long-standing problem, it also does so in a brilliantly simple manner. Everyone is now wondering what else has been similarly overlooked. Name this algorithm.

Safety Slide!

AKS Primality Test

Q2 (+20/0)

Before being found ground into the rugs of child-rearing homes everywhere, X was ironically created to be a cleaning product. The paste was first marketed as a treatment for filthy wallpaper — before the company that produced it began to go down the tubes. The discovery that saved Kutol Products — headed for bankruptcy — wasn't that their wall cleaner worked particularly well, but that schoolchildren were beginning to use it to create Christmas ornaments as arts and crafts projects. By removing the compound's cleanser and adding colors and a fresh scent, Kutol spun their wallpaper saver into one of the most iconic toys of all time — and brought mega-success to a company headed for destruction. Name X

Safety Slide!




Q1 (+10/0)

The film depicts a dystopian Los Angeles in which genetically engineered replicants, which are visually indistinguishable from adult humans, are manufactured by the powerful Tyrell Corporation. The use of replicants on Earth is banned and they are exclusively utilized for dangerous or menial work on off-world colonies. Replicants who defy the ban and return to Earth are hunted down and killed ("retired") by special police operatives known as X, which is also the name of the movie. Give me X.

Safety Slide!

Blade Runner

Q2 (+20/0)

X is an Indian astrophysicist. He is a proponent of steady state cosmology. He developed with Sir Fred Hoyle the conformal gravity theory, commonly known as Hoyle–X theory. It synthesises Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Mach's Principle.He has written science fiction, novels, and short stories in English, Hindi, and Marathi. He is also the consultant for the Science and Mathematics textbooks of NCERT. His sci-fi writings include The Return of Vaman, The Adventure and The Comet. Name X

Safety Slide!

J V Narlikar



Q1 (+10/0)

Name what this woman is standing with. Thename of the woman would do too.

Safety Slide!

Margaret Hamilton

The code that got Man to Moon (Apollo)

Q2 (+20/0)

He was a Dutch computer scientist and an early pioneer in many research areas of computing science. A theoretical physicist by training, he worked as a programmer at the Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam) from 1952 to 1962. He was a professor of mathematics at the Eindhoven University of Technology (1962–1984) and a research fellow at the Burroughs Corporation (1973–1984). He held the Schlumberger Centennial Chair in Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin from 1984 until 1999, and retired as Professor Emeritus in 1999. Several concepts and problems that are now standard in computer science were first identified by him or bear names coined by him.Name this Dutch genius.

Safety Slide!

Edsger Dijkstra



Q1 (+10/0)

If the universe's expansion speed does not exceed the escape velocity, then the mutual gravitational attraction of all its matter will eventually cause it to contract. If entropy continues to increase in the contracting phase, the contraction would appear very different from the time reversal of the expansion. While the early universe was highly uniform, a contracting universe would become increasingly clumped. Eventually all matter would collapse into black holes, which would then coalesce producing a unified black hole. What is this theory called?

Safety Slide!

The Big Crunch Theory

Q2 (+20/0)

Where can you find a messages from U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, Beethoven, Mozart and several other people? Along with messages from the other people, you may also find some food, architecture, and signals of a woman in love.

Safety Slide!

The Voyager Golden Records