SAMR for Teachers

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Vision:-What is your ultimate goal for students?-Darby’s goal?-Hilliard City Schools’ goal?

Accept the Challenge?

Ready for Tomorrow?

Conquering Tomorrow Today?


Skills:-What 21st Century skills do you have?-What 21st Century skills do you need?

-Define skills

-Is it your job to troubleshoot technology problems?

-How is your current mindset a skill?

-What knowledge do you already have?

-Identify of whatever knowledge or expertise is required to move forward.

-The capabilities to implement new plans.

-The means to act in new ways, explore different ways of working, negotiating, collaborating.

-The abilities to try out different strategies, developing skills as teachers and within pupils


Incentives:-Are you intrinsically or extrinsically motivated?-Are your students intrinsically or extrinsically motivated?

-What is in it for me? Self-

esteem? Sense of achievement?

-Reasons to change: intellectual

excitement, opportunities for

collaboration in planning and

delivery, to try new things.


Resources:What do we need to be successful?

-What do we need to make the required changes?

-Existing knowledge and expertise from colleagues

-Emotional and social support

-Meaningful professional development

-Extra staff



Action Plan:Where do we go from here? -What if our SMART goals were

truly based on changing our concept of instruction and assessment?

-Do we have commitment?

-What are our goals?ABSENCE = RUNNING ON A TREADMILL: going nowhere


OUR thoughts on SAMR

Instruction & Assessment

Instruction & Assessment

Instruction & Assessment

Instruction & Assessment

Adding Technology to SAMR means going from basic motor oil in your veins to PSL (pick your poison) on a daily basis!


Bloom’s Taxonomy was revised to add CREATE to the top of the pyramid.

Why not add one more for Bloom’s sake:Create and PUBLISH!

Students + SAMR + Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy =

SUBSTITUTION: Describe, Memorize, Define, List, Observe

AUGMENTATION: Interpret, Summarize, Explain, Infer, Paraphrase, Discuss, Solve, Calculate, Demonstrate, Organize, Categorize)

MODIFICATION: Experiment, Manipulate, Apply, Prediction, Judge, Critique, Defend

REDEFINITION: Design, Invent, Compose, Imagine, Assess, Construct, Publish