RUN-ONS p. 430-431

Run ons

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Page 5: Run ons

Comma Splices

Comma splices can also occur when two or more independent clauses are separated by a comma and a coordinating adverb, instead of by a coordinating conjunction.

Ex. Jim studied for the test, therefore he passed.

Conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, for, so, & yet.

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Words that Lead to Run-ons

People often write run-ons when the second thought begins with one of these words…

I, you, he, she, it, we, they, there, this, that, now, then, next.

Be on the alert for run-ons when you use these words!

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Correcting Run-ons

Method 1. Period and a capital letter. For fused sentences, locate where the

major break is between thoughts. Place a period in-between thoughts. Make the first letter of the first word in

the second thought a capital letter.

Ex. My grades are good. My social life gets a C.

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Method 2. Comma and a joining word. Use a comma and a joining word

(conjunction). And- In addition to, along with. But- Yet, however, on the other hand,

just the opposite, except. For- Because*, the reason why, the cause

of something. So- As a result, therefore.

Ex. My grades are good, but my social life gets a C.

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Method 3. Semicolon ( ; ) Use a semicolon with a transitional word & a

comma to join two complete thoughts.

Ex. We were out of money; therefore, we decided not to eat out that weekend.

See p. 438 for a list of transitional words and their meanings.

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Method 4. Subordination. Use dependent words to show that one

thought is not as important as another.Ex. Because it rained all week, the highway

was flooded.

Some common subordinate words: After, although, as, because, before,

since, if, even though, unless, until, when, while.

Page 12: Run ons

Read the sentence aloud & listen for a break to indicate two complete thoughts. Your voice will probably drop and pause at a break.

Read the paper aloud from last sentence to first. This will help you hear and see each complete thought.