RUBRICS: Developing and RUBRICS: Developing and Using Rubrics in Using Rubrics in Assessing Students’ Assessing Students’ Learning Learning MIGUEL ANGELO ROSALES

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RUBRICS: Developing and RUBRICS: Developing and Using Rubrics in Using Rubrics in

Assessing Students’ Assessing Students’ LearningLearning


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WHAT IS A RUBRIC?WHAT IS A RUBRIC? It also articulates gradations of quality for each

criterion, from excellent to poor. Goodrich 1997

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A rubric is a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or “what counts”

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Rubrics according to the CEFRubrics according to the CEF

“The instructions given to a candidate on how to respond to a particular input”

The rubric must present as clearly as possible the task which the examiner is setting the candidate.

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Differences between Rubrics Differences between Rubrics and checklistsand checklists

Rubrics are rating scales.

Checklists are used with performance assessment.

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Why use rubrics?Why use rubrics?Rubrics:

are powerful tools for teaching and assessment,can improve students perfomance as well as

monitor it,Help define “quality”,

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Why use rubrics?Why use rubrics?

Help students become more thoughtful judges of the quality of their own and others’ work (peer assessment),

Reduce the amount of time teachers spend evaluating student work,

Teachers appreciate rubrics because their “accordion” nature allows them to accommodate heterigeneous classes.

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Steps in designing of scoring Steps in designing of scoring rubric rubric

Re-examine the learning objectives to be addressed by the task.

Identify specific observable attributes that you want to see (as well as those you don’t want to see) your students demonstrate in their product, process, or performance.

Brainstorm characteristics that describe each attribute.

For holistic rubrics, write thorough narrative descriptions for excellent work and poor work incorporating each attribute into the description.

For analytic rubrics, write thorough narrative descriptions for excellent work and poor work for each individual attribute.

For holistic rubrics, complete the rubric by describing other levels on the continuum that ranges from excellent to poor work for the collective attributes.

For analytic rubrics, complete the rubric by describing other levels on the continuum that ranges from excellent to poor work for each attribute.

Collect samples of student work that exemplify each level.

Revise the rubric, as necessary.

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The key questions to The key questions to consider when writing a consider when writing a rubric are:rubric are:

How clear is it?How easy is it to

understand?How adequate is

it?How relevant is

it?How consistent

are rubrics?

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How to Make an Instructional How to Make an Instructional RubricRubric

Designing an instructional rubrics takes

time. Needing a rubric tomorrow, you’re likely to sit down and try to come up with one. This might if you have vast experience with rubric design.

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Look at models-Review examples of good

and poor work on a project like the one your students are about to undertake. For example, if they’re going to give an oral presentation, show them an excellent presentation-perhaps a televised speech-flawed presentation perhaps a videotaped speech from one of last year students.

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List Criteria-Tell students that you’re going to ask them to do similar project and you want to think together about how you should assess it. Students will draw on the list generated during discussion of the models.

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Pack and Unpack criteria-You are likely yo end up with a long list of criteria, many of which may relate to one another or even overlap. after class rate time to combine criteria. Avoid creating categories that are too big, don’t bury criteria that

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Drawing again on students comments during the discussion of good poor models, sketch out four levels of quality for each criterion.

Level 4 – “Yes, Briefly summarized the Plot”Level 3 – “Yes, I summarized the plot, it I

also included some unnecessary details or left out key information.

Level 2 “No I didn’t summarize the plot, But I did include some details from the past.

Level 1 “No, I didn’t summarize the plot”

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Create a draft rubric-After class, draft a rubric that includes the list of criteria that you generated with your class and expand on that levels of quality.

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Revise the draft-Show the draft to your students and ask their comments. They will probably ask you to make a few revisions. After revision, the rubric is ready to use. Hand it out with the assignment and have sdtudents to use it when assessing their own and their peers first and second drafts. It’s Important that you use the rubric assign grdes.