Risk Assessment Of Filming Production

Risk assessment

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Page 1: Risk assessment

Risk Assessment Of Filming Production

Page 2: Risk assessment

Potential Hazard Who is at risk? Control measures to reduce risk

Risk Rating (out of 5)

Probability(out of 5)

Likelihood of risk taking place (Risk rating X Probability) out of 25

Further Action needed to be taken

Camera falling from tripod

Everybody (especially if falling from high angle).

Screw it tight to tripod, or keep camera in the case

2 1 2Low

Report to teacher quickly, to prevent further damage

Camera getting stolen

Everybody is at risk Keep camera in the case, or film in less populated areas

1 1 1Low

Report to police, or contact Bridge Academy

Being harassed by people of the public

Everybody is at risk If so, film in less populated areas

1 1 1Low

Report to Police, or contact Bridge Academy

Tripod hitting somebody when transporting it

Everybody is at risk Collapse it and fold into bag

1 1 1Low

Keep it out of sight, and place into bag/ contact Bridge Academy

Hair getting tangled with camera

Everybody is at risk Tie up hair, and keep it away from camera

1 1 1Low

Visit the local health services centre

Tripping over laces, falling onto the camera

Everybody is at risk Tie up laces, and wear suitable footwear

1 1 1Low

Check for scabs/cuts; then find nearest First-aid.

Making inappropriate noise, disturbing an area

Everybody is at risk Keep noise volumes to a minimum

1 1 1Low

Contact local authority

Cars coming when filming

Everybody is at risk Stay out of the road, or look around when filming

5 1 5Low

Contact emergency services as soon as possible

Members of crew falling ill on-site

Everybody is at risk Everybody checked beforehand, and having first-aid kit nearby

1 1 1Low

Visit health service centre, and contact emergency contact

Rain The equipment needed to film Check weather forecast beforehand, or place equipment back into cases

1 1 1Low

Contact Bridge Academy

Page 3: Risk assessment

Emergency Contact NumbersName of Contact Contact numbers

Our Emergency Contact: Bridge Academy 020 7749 5240 – Then ask for further assistance

Fire Brigade 999 – Then ask for further services

Ambulance 999 – Then ask for further services

Local pharmacy: Haggerston Pharmacy 02072492441 – Then ask for further assistance in case of an emergency

Coastguard 999/112 – Then ask for further assistance