Review and Poster construction TC

Review and poster construction

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Page 1: Review and poster construction

Review and Poster construction


Page 2: Review and poster construction

During construction:

We planned to use different fonts for the title and sub headings, we also were going to put 3 different pictures up however we decided to only put one in as otherwise, it would divert the readers attention elsewhere.

Page 3: Review and poster construction

Title Header – decided to make PETER. Stand out by making the font large and black, so it would be the first thing the audience would see.As most magazines that review movies contain a short quote, we decided to add one of our own in big letters underneath the review in red to match the overall layout of the magazine and to also stand out to gain attention.We created the layout on Canva, an online editor that is similar to Quark.We decided to make two separate paragraphs and place them in the bottom of the magazine underneath the main photo, to apply to the conventions of a real magazine film review page.

We wrote about the films main information, which you would usually find in a real film magazine article, it contains detail such as time, directors and actors. As this would be useful information to someone thinking about looking at the film.

For the main image we took a screenshot from our movie, we decided not to edit anything to make the photo look clear and so it would match the magazines over all image.

Page 4: Review and poster construction

We took a screen shot from our film and edited it on Photoshop, the screen shot is of our main actor in our movie, who plays Peter. We made the image brighter by editing the contrast to give the poster a warm effect.

We edited the title: PETER. Onto the middle of the image, to make it stand out, as the image background is quite dark, we made the main title white, so the title would not disappear into the background.

We also had the posters information at the bottom of the page, so the attention would not be taken away from the main image and title.

Page 5: Review and poster construction

We used the same Font for both the opening, ending/credits and poster in order to have the same theme throughout.

Back of Peter (Mukhang Limbu) with a blurry/fazed background to create a sense of uncertainty.

White font to stand out from the dark background.

Movie fonts in white to stand out from background.