How to write an effective résume? Shikha Sota

Resume Writing

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How to write an effective résume?

Shikha Sota

It’s important!

• A simple Google search gives 51,900,000 results for “How to write an effective resume?”

• Like millions of products available in the marketplace, millions and even more candidates are also available in the “marketplace”

Shikha Sota

It’s important!• It’s the first meeting between YOU & the employer

• Goal of a resume is to gain you an interview!

• Acts as a reminder when interviewer is done interviewing

Shikha Sota

The layout

• Layout is very important as its similar to garnishing the food!

• Looks/aesthetics matter

• No ugly resume

• One page, at the most two pages

Shikha Sota

Are there any rules?

• Yes! Yes! Yes!


Keep it short & simple

• Only include relevant information

• No typing errors

• Do not include any negative information

Shikha Sota

Some don’ts

• Avoid acronyms

• Never use pronouns such as: “I”, “me”, “my”, “our”

• No fancy fonts, pictures, e-mail IDs, layouts

• Avoid graphics

• Don’t use capital letters

Shikha Sota

Some don’ts

• Don’t use colored/fancy backgrounds

• Avoid using bold excessively

• Don’t use italics, underline

• Do not lie and exaggerate

• Don’t use difficult words

• Don’t write religion, political affiliations

Shikha Sota


Shikha Sota

Contact information

• Includes name, Address, e-mail Id and contact number

• Right at the top or extreme bottom as footnote

• Be crisp and clear

Shikha Sota

Career objective

• Ctrl C + Ctrl V = Big NO

• No melodramatic & fairy tale line

• First know what your long term career objective is and then pen it down

• Focus on “What you can do for the company” rather than “What company can do for you.”

Shikha Sota

Career experience/history Includes

•Organizations you have worked with

•Job profile



•Time frame

Shikha Sota

Career experience/history

• Avoid writing at length

• The order is recent to oldest

Shikha Sota


• Degree

• College/University

• Percentage/ CGPA

• Other qualifications

• Recent to oldest

Shikha Sota


• Be 100% sure

• Be specific

Shikha Sota

Words matter!

• Be very careful with words/language

• Be formal

• No slangs

Shikha Sota

It takes time

• Rome was not built in a day

• You need to re-draft

Shikha Sota