Research on my music genre and video

Research on music genre and video

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Research on my music genre and video

Page 2: Research on music genre and video

List of Genres

RockHip HopJazzPopFolkR&B

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Introduction to Rock music Rock consists of sub-genres of popular music that have roots in

1940s’ and 1950s’ rock and roll, but developed into a distinct identity as rock music in the 1960s’. By the late1960s’ a number of identifiable rock music sub-genres had emerged, including hybrids like blues rock, folk rock, country rock, and jazz-rock fusion, many of which contributed to the development of psychedelic rock influenced by the counter-cultural psychedelic scene. New genres that emerged from this scene included progressive rock, which extended the artistic elements; glam rock, which highlighted showmanship and visual style; and the diverse and enduring major sub-genre of heavy metal, which emphasized volume, power, and speed. From the 1990s alternative rock began to dominate rock music and break through into the mainstream in the form of grunge, Britpop, and indie rock. Further fusion sub-genres have since emerged as well as conscious attempts to revisit rock's history.

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Selected Genre “Soft Rock”

Soft rock or light rock is a style of music which uses the techniques of rock music (often combined with elements from folk rock) to compose a softer, more toned-down sound. Hard rock had been established as a mainstream genre by 1965. From the end of the 1960s, it became common to divide mainstream rock music into soft and hard rock, with both emerging as major radio formats in the US. Soft rock was often derived from folk rock, using acoustic instruments and putting more emphasis on melody and harmonies. The genre tends to make heavy use of acoustic guitars, pianos, synthesizers and sometimes saxophones. The electric guitars in soft rock are normally faint and high-pitched.

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Soft rock is a style of light, melodic, radio-friendly Rock music which gained huge commercial success in the 1970s. It employs clean, highly polished production values and arrangements, often led by piano and/or acoustic guitar, aided by bouncy, harmonious bass guitar and with smooth, restrained use of electric guitar. Artists make frequent use of catchy, high-pitched harmonies, simple verse-chorus structures and sentimental lyrics, whilst additional layers of gentle synths and orchestration are not uncommon.

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Lyrics are a set of words that make up a song, usually consisting of verses and choruses. They help to create a narrative by conveying a story to the audiences. Soft rock songs generally tend to focus on themes like love, everyday life, and relationships.

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Mise En Scene

Mise-en-scene refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement for example composition, sets, props, actors, costumes, lighting etc. However, in my selected genre maintaining a balance of symmetry is very important. This refers to having an equal distribution of light, color, and objects in the music video. Unbalanced composition is also used in the videos audiences are more inclined to pay attention to something off balance, as it may seem abnormal.

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Camera work

The camera work for Soft Rock music video always involves a lot of close-ups of the band members as well as tracking shots of the performance and sometimes the audience. Also, the videos that involve stories usually have a lot of mid-shots to give a general idea to the audience of what is happening in the story as well as the idea that using mid-shots allows the audience to see all the people in the setting and their emotions and actions.

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Editing and Sound

Editing aids to compile and syncing music during the production of a soundtrack. Sound editing developed out of the need to fix the incomplete, undramatic, or technically inferior sound recordings of early talkies, with sound editors implementing the aesthetic goals of motion picture sound design and supporting the narrative of the music videos. There are primarily three divisions of sound that are combined to create a final mix dialogue, effects, and music.