Made by: Fatima Al-Zahraa Grade: 7A Subject: Biology To: Miss Ashraf REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS

Reproduction in plants, biology, IG

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Includes: 1.Types of flowers 2.Parts of Flower 3.Fertilisation 4.After Fertilisation 5.Seed 6.Seed dispersal 7.Artificial and Asexual Reproduction

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Page 1: Reproduction in plants, biology, IG

Made by: Fatima Al-ZahraaGrade: 7ASubject: BiologyTo: Miss Ashraf


Page 2: Reproduction in plants, biology, IG

Reproduction??• Reproduction is the process by which animals and plants produce new individuals.

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Types of Reproduction


Sexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction

Artificial Reproduction

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Reproduction in Plants


Flowering Plants



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Flowering Plants• Flowering plants are plants that can reproduce more than one way like sexual and asexual.

E.g. Tulips

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Nonflowering Plants• Nonflowering plants are plants that reproduce using spores/ specialized gametes.

E.g. Ferns

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Types of Flowers

i. Complete Flower

ii. Incomplete Flower

iii. Bisexual Flower

iv. Unisexual Flower

v. Regular Flower

vi. Irregular Flower

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Complete Flowers

•Flowers which have all the four parts of the flower ( petals, sepals, carpel, stamen) are known as complete flowers.

E.g. Roses

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Incomplete Flowers

• Flowers that lack one or more parts of a flower is known as an incomplete flower.

E.g. Black walnut

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Bisexual Flowers

• Flowers that have both sexes ( stamen and carpel) are known as bisexual flowers.

E.g. Lily

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Unisexual Flowers

• Flowers which have only one sex ( carpel or stamen) are known as unisexual flower.

E.g. Watermelon

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Regular Flowers

• Flowers that are radially symmetrical are known as regular flowers.

E.g. Crocus

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Irregular Flowers

• Flowers that are bilaterally symmetrical are known as irregular flowers.

E.g. Pea

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Parts of the Flower

•Four parts which are•Sepals/ calyx•Petals/ corolla•Carpel•Stamen

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Sepals/ CalyxFunction?• The sepals protect the flower during bud condition.


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Petals•Petals are large and bright coloured.

Function?• Its function is to attract insects for pollination.

Very attractive

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Stamens•Stamen is the male reproductive organ as it contains the male gametes.Parts of Stamen• Anther It contains pollen which contains male gamete• Filament It supports the anther

Function?•Stores the male gamete and is the male reproductive organ.

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Carpel• It is the female reproductive organ as it contains the ovum.

Parts of the carpelStigma: It is the receiving surface of pollenStyle: It connects the stigma with the ovaryOvary: It contains and protects ovules.

Function?It contains the ovum and is the female reproductive organ in

the plant.

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Receptacle•Function?• It is where the flower starts developing.

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Pollination• Reproduction in plants can’t occur without pollination. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower.


Self pollinati


Cross pollinati


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Self PollinationSelf pollination occurs when the pollen is transferred from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower or another flower of the same plant.

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Cross Pollination

• Cross pollination occurs when the pollen is transferred from the anther to a stigma of another flower of another plant of the same species.

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Ways of Pollination

Wind Pollination

Insect Pollination

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Adaptations of Wind-pollinated flowers

•Petals are dull or absent

•No scent or nectar•Anthers dangling outside flower

•Stigma is feathery

•Pollen is small and light weight

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Adaptations of Insect-pollinated flowers

• Petals are large and colourful

• Scent and sweet nectar is present• Filaments are short so stamens are inside flower

• Stigma is smooth

• Pollen is large, spiky and sticky

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Fertilisation• After pollination takes place fertilisation occurs.•When the pollen is on the stigma the sticky, sugary solution ( indicates that ovules are mature and ready for fertilisation) stimulates the pollen to grow a pollen tube.• This pollen tube is the path through which pollen travels to the ovule.

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•The pollen enters the ovule through the micropyle.•The male gamete unite with the female gamete. This is known as fertilisation.

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After Fertilisation

• After fertilisation takes place the ovule becomes a seed and the ovary becomes the fruit.

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Plumule Radicle



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Parts of SeedI. TestaII. PlumuleIII. RadicleIV. Cotyledon

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Testa/ Seed Coat

• It is a hard covering which the seed develops to protect the embryo.


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Plumule and Radicle

•Plumule is the part of the seed which grows to a shoot/ stem.•Radicle is the part of the seed which grows to a root.

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Cotyledon•The cotyledon stores the minerals which the needs to germinate.

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Germination• The plant need special conditions so that it can germinate.

•Conditionsi. Waterii. Oxygeniii. Warm temperature

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Seed DispersalSeed




Wind Self Water




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Why dispersed?

•Plants can’t grow in an overcrowding condition or in their parents’ shade. Seeds have to be dispersed so that they can germinate properly.

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Wind Dispersal• Seeds that are wind dispersed are usually light in weight and have wing like structures which will help them to scatter by the wind.

• E.g. Sycamore

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Water Dispersal

Plants that are water dispersed should float and should have a waterproof case. It also should be hollow.

E.g. Coconut

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Self Dispersal•Some fruits becomes so dry so as a result the fruit explodes and the seeds are scattered away from the parents.

• E.g. Witch hazel

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Animal Dispersal

•Seeds that are animal dispersed are usually spiky, large and sticky. Some seeds are released during excretion.

• E.g. Hooked Fruits

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Fleshy Fruits Dry Fruits

Aggregate Multiple

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Simple Fruits•Simple fruits form from a carpel.



y Fruits

Dry Fruits

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Aggregate Fruits

•These are formed by fusion of a pistil of one flower.

• E.g. Cherimoya

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Multiple Fruits•These fruits are formed by fusion of several separate pistils of several grouped flower.

•E.g. Fig

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False Fruits•Some fruits, such as apples, are called false fruits because their fleshy part does not grow from part of the flower but from the receptacle on which flower grows.

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Asexual Reproduction

• It occurs only with one parent and offspring produced are genetically identical to their parent.

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Ways of asexual reproduction

Ways of asexual


Runners Tubers Bulbs

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Runners •These are side branches of some plants that grow along the surface of the soil. Roots grow down from buds on the runners. These develop into a new plant.

•E.g. Strawberry

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Tubers•A swollen, fleshy, usually underground stem of a plant, such as the potato, bearing buds from which new plant shoots arise.

• E.g. Potatoes

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Bulbs• A short, modified, underground stem surrounded by usually fleshy modified leaves that contain stored food for the shoot within: an onion bulb.

•E.g. Onion

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Advantages of sexual and asexual reproduction and their disadvantages

Type of reproductio

n• Sexual

• Asexual


• Shows genetic variation

• More offspring produce


• Few offspring produce

• No genetic variation

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Artificial Reproduction

Artificial Reproducti


Grafting Cutting Cloning

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Grafting•This method involves making a cut into the stem of a tree. A small stem from another tree which has buds is fitted into the cut.

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Cutting•This method involves cutting small piece of the stem which has leaves, the cutting is then placed in water until roots develop. Then this plant is place in the soil and develops into a new plant.•To speed up the process hormone rooting powder can be used.

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