Renaissance period Music

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Page 2: Renaissance period Music

The Renaissance is a term for the period of history between 1450 and 1600 and has its

birthplace in Italy.

At this time a rebirth of man occurs , restoring the philosophical and artistic values

of classical antiquity.

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Page 4: Renaissance period Music

Discovery of America by Columbus in 1492 .

Rise of modern science with Copernicus , Kepler and Galileo Galilei .

Invention of printing by Gutenberg in 1455 .

Luther's Protestant Reformation and Anglican reform.

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In the Economic Development of trade and mercantilism .

Rise of the Bourgeoisie one important positions . Time of great confrontations between lords and kings.

Knight assumes great importance ( urban man , elegant and negotiator ) which replaces the court

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Musical life was linked to power and royal courts. The composer depends on the church and

other lay communities , and its patrons.

The musician is formed in the realm of religion receives general and music (vocal and instrumental) training.

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Chapels serving the King :Set of musicians who encouraged parties and travel .They are privileged musicians with big salaries and

variety of functions.

Chapels church service :Set of musicians who accompanied the cult .The church musician named choirmaster 's foremost

organist, commissioned to compose for worship and teaching choirboys .

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The Renaissance is the time of polyphony . The composition of many voices are definitely imposed on medieval monody .

Monodia : musical composition for one voice

Polyphony : Musical Compositionwhere several voices sound at a time.

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1. The fauxbourdon : Appears in the fifteenth century English influence.Composition for three voices .The middle voice is not written improvises . Use intervals 4th, 6th and 8th .

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2. Imitative technique: Technique used to compose masses, motets and madrigals .It consists in 4 parts and each is imitated .

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3. Parody : Compositional technique that involves taking a secular song melody and replace it with Gregorian chant .Compositional device widely used in the composition of Masses and Motets .

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In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries becomes very important the sacred compositions, especially the Mass, the anthem and the composition of trade.These compositional forms accompanied the worship in churches.The most important composers are hired as choirmasters of the main cathedrals and traveled throughout Europe.Mass:The Mass is made up of music with the most important prayers of celebration: Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy). Glory. Creed. Sanctus (Holy). Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).

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- Composition of business:Magnificats numerous Hymns and anthems are written.

Magnificats: Composition dedicated to the Virgin.                                           Coral style processing.Hymns: They sing to one or three voices alternating stanzas.                                   Anthems: Composition in which two halves alternate choir.

- The Motet:It is the main genre of Renaissance sacred music.It is a composition of many voices (typically 4 or 5) on religious text in Latin.It is serious, solemn, written with the technique of imitative counterpoint.

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The Protestant Coral: simple composition based on folk melodies. Written for 4 voices with German text and is homophonic texture. All this facilitated the participation of the congregation in singing.

The Anthem or Anglican hymn is a similar motet composition, written for 4 voices and English text

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In the Renaissance secular vocal music own styles associated with each nation or region emerged:In Italy Madrigal :

Composition of many voices on poems in Italian. The theme is love . Composers : Marencio


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In France Chanson : Musical piece on texts in French.

They are simpler than madrigals compositions. They had great acceptance among the population.

Composers :           Janequin .

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In Spain Carol (Villancico): Word derived from villain, peasant (villano-campesino). Musical composition that alternates Chorus - song. The theme is love or picaresque. Composers :             Juan de la Encina Juan Vazquez.

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Also in Spain the salad (Ensaladas Musicales): Fragments musical pieces that mix different character

and different languages (Latin - Castilian ) .

Its creator was Mateo Flecha "El Viejo" .

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

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In England the Falas : Popular songs developed musical parts of syllables fa -

la -la -la ... Composers :            Thomas Morley

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Instrumental M. Evolution of the Renaissance :Instrumental M. initially serves to accompany M. dances and singing.Later instrumental music is autonomous and works written exclusively for instruments.

Instrumental music genres :Vocal pieces adapted from works :Ricercare : derived from the motetCanzona : derived from chanson .They improvised on a given melody ( cantus firmus ) : : Fantasy and Toccata based on improvisation pieces.Parts based on the change : On a given scheme the performer is changing the original melody. In Spain they were known as differences .

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Development in the manufacture of instruments Appearance of treaties and practical instrumental

music . Thanks to the printing press. Appearance of simple notation systems ( tabs ) .

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Dance music was very important in this period , there was widespread and was very popular.The dances were matched in pairs and were contrasting , always quick with another slow

. Pavane.

. Gallarda Renaissance dances . Passamezzo .

. Saltarello .

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•Wind:-Viento Madera woodwind:Flauta Dulce Serpentón Pífano Militar Bajón Chirimía Orlo

-Viento Metal Brass :Trompetas Cornetas Sacabuche Cornamusa

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String:Bowed string :Violas and extended family .

- String Dotted : Harp Lute Vihuela

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Instrumental families are divided into two categories according to their sound power Música Alta. instruments of high sound power . They are intended for interpretation groupings outdoor public events.

Música Baja. instruments mild intensity. They are groups designed to interpretation indoors