Taking Care of Business: Reimagining the Art College in the 21 st century Reflec%ons on Open Educa%on for the Arts John Casey University of the Arts London Shaun Hides and Jonathan Shaw Coventry School of Art & Design, Coventry University h"p://crea*vecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Reimagining the Art College in the 21st Century

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Page 1: Reimagining the Art College in the 21st Century

Taking Care of Business: Reimagining the Art College in the 21st century  Reflec%ons  on  Open  Educa%on  for  the  Arts  

John Casey!University of the Arts London Shaun Hides and Jonathan Shaw !Coventry School of Art & Design, Coventry University


Page 2: Reimagining the Art College in the 21st Century


External •  Funding cuts, staff redundancies, course closures

and a changing market •  Demographic trends: ageing society and an

increasingly diverse student population •  Demand outstrips supply •  Growing expectation and need for more flexible

learning opportunities •  ‘Knowledge economy’ discourse mystifies the

fundamentals (Facer, 2009)


Page 3: Reimagining the Art College in the 21st Century


Internal – ‘force multipliers’ •  Conservative pedagogical cultures - makes

alternatives difficult to conceptualise •  Managerialism - financial data as the basis for

planning •  Short-termism - concentration on current contexts

limits long-term development •  Inflexibility - in assessment, certification,

administration, employment and budgeting •  Narrow social base - UK visual arts are less diverse

than most disciplines (NALN, 2005)


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Trends  in  HE  

Demystification, Globalisation, Disaggregation •  Traditional model based on scarcity •  Economic limits of existing model •  Conflation of research with teaching quality •  Cultural Change: Tackling TINA and Entropy •  The Rhetoric of Crisis The Open Education Environment •  Understanding ‘Open’ & ‘Closed’ Education •  The Open Education Continuum (OU, OER, MOOCs…) •  Public Good and Public Goods – The Emerging Political

Economy of an Open Public Education System


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Effects  of  ‘Opening  Out’  

•  Open Ed. & OER: a lightening conductor for issues related to: –  Power –  Control –  Ownership –  Identity –  Pedagogy –  Tech Infrastructure –  Cultures… –  Policy –  Strategy & New Business Models #ELIA

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Some  UAL  Outputs  

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Ins@tu@on  –  Changing  Mind-­‐sets  

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Open  Hybrids  or  Open  Boundary  


1,000,000 listens


15,000 people in 10 weeks from 152 cities

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Richard Stacy ...Why social media is a dangerous concept ”

In fact, the more engaging social media becomes, the less scale it delivers. Think about it. We all know that social media is essentially conversational and personalised. But conversations only work with a small group of people: the more people you add to a conversation (the more scale you add to it), the less effective it becomes.


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Effective ...does not have to equal scale! #ELIA

Page 12: Reimagining the Art College in the 21st Century

Collabora@on  and  Partnerships  


“Shaking up photo-education”

New Adventures! ...a ‘living’ book-project at www.newlandscapesofphotography.org

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Consequences–  Changing  Prac@ces  

Page 14: Reimagining the Art College in the 21st Century

Opening  Up  -­‐  to  Business  Proposi@ons  

-  Culture Change: they way things are done here -  Challenges / Disrupts

–  Inflexible processes –  Internal economic models –  Learning credit and assessment practice –  Personal Values / Ideas

– New Economic / Educational Models: –  College as Community not ‘Place’ –  Community & Co-Curriculums –  Delivery with Industry CoP


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Create ‘Living Laboratories’ •  Assessment, accreditation, evidencing, quality

assurance, evidence Open Ed Collaborative Enterprises

•  Tactic to overcome TINA and entropy, ECTS Feedback into redesign of art education Technology can enable e.g. Badges. But drivers (and obstacles) are social, cultural, educational, economic and political.


Page 16: Reimagining the Art College in the 21st Century

John [email protected] Shaun [email protected] @ShaunHides_COMC Jonathan [email protected] @time_motion Presentation available at: http://slidesha.re/11XmpLL http://process.arts.ac.uk/ www.disruptivemedia.org.uk