REGARDING OIL Anujin Myangankhuu 12.01.2015

Regarding oil

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REGARDING OILAnujin Myangankhuu


An oil is any neutral, nonpolar chemical substance that is a viscous liquid at ambient temperatures and is both:

Hydrophobic ( immiscible with water, literally "water fearing”)

Lipophilic ( miscible with other oils, literally "fat loving").

Oil has a high carbon and hydrogen content and are usually flammable and slippery.

About the OIL

The general definition of oil includes classes of chemical compounds that may be otherwise unrelated in structure, properties, and uses.

-Oils may be: -

Specially prepared oils are used in some religious ceremonies as purifying agents.

Animal,Vegetable,Petrochemical in origin,Volatile ornon-volatile

TYPES Organic oils

Organic oils are produced in remarkable diversity by plants, animals, and other organisms through natural metabolic processes. Lipid is the scientific term for the fatty acids, steroids and similar chemicals often found in the oils produced by living things, while oil refers to an overall mixture of chemicals. Organic oils may also contain chemicals other than lipids, including proteins, waxes and alkaloids.

Mineral oils

Crude oil, or petroleum, and its refined components, collectively termed petrochemicals, are crucial resources in the modern economy. Crude oil originates from ancient fossilized organic materials, such as zooplankton and algae, which geochemical processes convert into oil. Mineral oil is organic. However, it is classified as "mineral oil" instead of as "organic oil" because its organic origin is remote, and because it is obtained in the vicinity of rocks, underground traps, and sands. Mineral oil also refers to several specific distillates of crude oil.

APPLICATIONS1. Cooking oil

2. Cosmetics oil

3. Religio oil

4. Painting oil

5. Heat transfer

6. Lubrication

7. Fuel

8. Chemical feetstock

Cooking oil Several edible vegetable and animal oils, and also fats, are used for various

purposes in cooking and food preparation. In particular, many foods are fried in oil much hotter than boiling water. Oils are also used for flavoring and for modifying the texture of foods (e.g. Stir Fry).

Cooking oils are derived either from: -Animal fat, as butter-Lard and other types, or-Plant oils ( olive, maize, sunflower and many other spicies)

OLIVE oil Olive oil” is how we refer to the oil obtained from the fruit of olive trees.

People have been eating olive oil for thousands of years and it is now more popular than ever, thanks to its many proven health benefits and its culinary usefulness.

Olives can only grow in certain regions, yet millions of people are involved in olive oil production throughout the world and the culture of olive oil is rich and vital.

Olive oil is a fat obtained from the olive (the fruit of Olea europaea; family Oleaceae), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean Basin.



After olives are picked and washed, they’re crushed – sometimes between two big stones, but now more commonly by steel blades. The resulting paste is stirred to release the oil droplets in a process called maceration, before being spun in a centrifuge to pull out the oil and water. After the water is removed, what is left is olive oil.

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Only about 30 percent of all olive oil production ends at extracting the oil from the olives. Refining involved using solvents and high heat to neutralize the tastes of the oil. This allows producers to use olives that are not in the best condition, and blend from oils from a wide variety of sources (even countries) because the bad tastes resulting from oxidized olives and the mass production process are chemically removed. When you see “Pure Olive Oil” at the store, or a bottle that says simply “Olive Oil,” these are refined.


Unrefined olive oils do not undergo chemical refining.

The process goes no further than extraction and bottling. Producers of unrefined olive oils need to use fruit that is in good condition and carefully manage various factors, because the oil will not be treated to chemically hide bad tastes that would result from oxidized olives or some other contamination.

In unrefined olive oilsextra virgin olive oilsvirgin olive oils

Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin is the highest quality and most expensive olive oil classification. It should have no defects and a flavor of fresh olives.

In chemical terms extra virgin olive oil is described as having a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, of not more than 0.8 grams per 100 grams and a peroxide value of less than 20 milliequivalent O2. It must be produced entirely by mechanical means without the use of any solvents, and under temperatures that will not degrade the oil (less than 86°F, 30°C).


Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat and the cornerstone of the famous Mediterranean diet. Most people choose olive oil because of its many proven benefits to human health. Extra virgin olive oils offer even more: a world of fruity-bitter tastes that chefs are capturing to elevates dishes to a level they never thought possible.


Studies of the health benefits of olive oil consumption fill the pages of medical journals around the world. Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and cancers are among the long list ailments that can be avoided and conditions that can be improved by a diet that includes olive oil.

Seed oilA seed oil is a vegetable oil that is obtained from the seed (endosperm) of some plant, rather than the fruit (pericarp).Most vegetable oils are seed oils. Some common examples are sunflower oil, canola oil, and sesame oil.

NOT: Some important vegetable oils are not seed oils.

Seed Preparation Mainly Soybeans for Direct Solvent Extraction (without Dehulling)

The prime task of any seed preparation plant is to process seeds in such a way that under normal circumstances, the solvent extraction plant can remove the oil in an economical way. The basic technological steps used in today’s modern and highly efficient oil mills comprises the following steps: