Red bull events

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By James Park

List of All Events Held by Red Bull

Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Rampage Red Bull BC One Red Bull Big Tune Red Bull Snowscrapers Red Bull Flugtag Red Bull Soapbox Red Bull Crashed Ice Red Bull Air Race Red Bull Paperwings Red Bull Trolley Grand Prix Red Bull X-Alps Red Bull Big Wave Africa Red Bull Drifting Red Bull Dolomitenmann Etc.

List of Well Known Events

Red Bull Flugtag Red Bull Rampage Red Bull X-fighters Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Crashed Ice Red Bull Air Race Red Bull Soapbox

Red Bull Rampage

This is a freeride mountain bike competition that is held in the zion national park, near kolob reservoir road. This event was held from 2001 to 2004, then it reopened again in 2008. It was canceled in 2004, because of the increasing risk the competitors were taking.

Red Bull Rampage is an event similar to freestyle skiing and snowboarding. The competitors are judged on their choice of lines down the course, their technical ability and the complexibilty of tricks.

Video of Red Bull RampageRed Bull Rampage 2010 Finals

Red Bull X-Fighters

Red Bull X-fighters are motorcycle stunt competitions that are contested in bullrings and similar venues. Alongside the other X-games, this competition is the most prestigious and most challenging freestyle motocross competition. To enter this competition, you have to invited to compete.

Video of Red Bull X-Fighters

Red Bull X-Fighters 2010 London

Red Bull Air Race

Red Bull Air Race is a competition where the competitors have a series of air races where they have to navigate through challenging obstacle courses in the fastest time possible. The pilots have to fly individually as fast as they can and fly through pylons in their slalom course. These pylons are also known as air gates.

Normally, the races are held above the water, but sometimes they are held above air fields or natural wonders as well.

Video of Red Bull Air Race

Red Bull Air Race World Series

Red Bull Flugtag

Red Bull Flugtag is an event where competitors try and fly their own homemade human-powered flying machines. The machines are usually launched off from a platform 30 feet in the air. Most of the competitors enter the competition for the entertainment, and the machines made hardly fly at all.

These are not the only events there are. There are a lot more events than the several events pointed out in this powerpoint.