Recycled Flower Power collect, research, design, make and share! An eTwinning project between Bulgaria, Scotland and Poland.

Recycled Flower Power

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Page 1: Recycled Flower Power



Powercollect, research, design, make and share!

An eTwinning project between Bulgaria, Scotland and Poland.

Page 2: Recycled Flower Power

Collecting ‘rubbish’

First we collected the materials for our project. We had an interesting discussion in the class about recycling and about how much we waste by having so much packaging around our food.

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Researching native flowers

Next we spent some time exploring to find

and study native flowers in our

neighbourhood. From left to right are;

broom, scabious and buttercup.

The flies are enjoying the nectar of the buttercup even this late in the season!

Page 4: Recycled Flower Power

Working after school

Our parents and grandparents came to school to help us create flowers from our collected packaging.

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The finished flowers

We showed our home-made flowers at the local horticultural show. Some of us won prizes. We also sent some flowers to our European friends. We are waiting for their flowers which should arrive any day now!