Real Media Research By Sabrina Pinnu

Real Media Research - Sabrina Pinnu

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Real Media Research

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Real Media ResearchBy Sabrina Pinnu

Page 2: Real Media Research - Sabrina Pinnu

Shaun of the dead

Genre: Zombie Thriller

Opening Sequence Conventions: The opening scene opens with a close-up shot of themain protagonist looking as if he is shocked by seeing something that has put that emotion upon his face.

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It then leads to a black screen portraying that things are going to start to get eeriewhich then will build up to what to what could happen, by this they are giving the audience an idea, to what movie will consist of further on.

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It then slowly leads to a tracking shot where it lists the production company credits. As well as we can see this is set in a supermarket where it clearly shows where the main character works. It’s giving us an insight to what will happen within the next scenes.

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It then continues by using a tracking showing the titles which list the production company credits. As well as we can see that this is set in a supermarket where it clearly shows that this lady works there.

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It then continues by showing a tracking shot again with the titles which list the production company credits. Moreover this is also showing what is happening in everyday life, this is giving the audience a sense of day to day life that people do everyday (work and travel).

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Moreover a tracking shot is used again with the titles which list the production company credits. The way the camera is moving it shows the audience that these people are not normal they have turned into zombies, which gives the audience a clearer idea on what the movie will consist of.

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A low angle-shot is used to portray the way he is walking due to getting out of bed, indicates towards the audience that the way he walks indicates that the film is aimed at zombies therefore highlighting the fact that he is showing a example of a normal human being who is not a zombie.

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This part indicates that they are living normal life like nothing is happening in the outside world. Therefore they are acting all normal and are doing their own thing. This indicates to the audience that they would feel scared for them due to the audience knowing what is going on yet, they do not know.

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The close-up shot indicates how his body language seems to be dull and not very enthusiastic due to being a very lazy person. This indicates to the audience he is not aware around his surroundings, to what is happening. He looks uninterested.

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The close-up shots portrayed at the end indicates where the main character hears a noise therefore he is going to see to what is going to happen. This character is very aware about his surroundings as well as he is portrayed as the stronger character.

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Warm Bodies

Genre: Teen romantic comedy thriller

Opening Sequence Conventions:

The close-up shot portrayed here signifies the evilness of the character however he is portrayed as a dead zombie within the movie.

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This scene is located at a place at the airport where it’s all messy and damaged. This signifies how the opening scene is indicating to the audience that this is showing the past on what the character now sees to what has happened. The clothing and area is seen to be messy showing how a teen thriller film is seen to be very unattractive and danger like.

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This scene is set in the past where it shows the 1960s quality this indicates to the audience that this film is relating back to the past showing what had happened to everyone, therefore this it is shown form the main character’s perspective and point of view.

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This close-up image of the zombie lady is portraying that she is evil which highlights how she has turned into a bad person. However it starts from a slow motion then gradually out of no where she pops, this is to scare the audience and make them jump.

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This image of the main character indicates how he is thinking about the past, he has no emotions within himself. It draws in the audience thinking why he feels this way, and causes a sense of mystery.

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This image is indicating how the main character seems lost he does not know where he is going, yet he is seeing all these zombies. This indicates to the audience how this image is full of darkness with no emotion. It shows the lighting being low, which usually are shown in most thriller movies. Moreover we can see that his hoodie which shows the colour red creates the dark connotations that ‘thriller movies’ usually have.

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This image is indicating how the main character seems lost he does not know where he is going, yet he is seeing all these zombies. This indicates to the audience how within thriller movies, it shows a sense of confusion which then makes the audience thinking to what could be happening within the scene or to what could be coming up next.

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This image is showing the dark side towards the airport, this indicates to the audience that this is a paranormal romantic thriller, where the antagonist is seen to be non-human which adds to the mystery and which creates a sense of tension towards the audience. As well as they will straight away get an insight that this thriller film is not mainly aimed at humans but humans who have turned into zombies.

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This is a two person shot indicating how the main character is interacting with another zombie. This highlights how they are both emotionless with no facial expression, this gives the audience an insight on how thriller characters act, this is where they are emotionless and are not seen to be normal but supernatural.

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This shot of a close-up of a zombie, evokes how he seems to be talking to himself, thinking he is in the real world, but he is dead. He does not know what is happening around him, he does not think like a human but like a zombie therefore it casues a sense of confusion towards the audience to what he could be doing.

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Genre: Romantic Thriller

Opening Sequence Conventions: It shows the opening scene of the title of the film ‘Memento’ this indicates how the colours red, blue and green indicate a variety of things,such as it could indicate towards the audience that this film could be based about a thriller however less killing or a thriller where it just has killing scenes throughout. As he is showing and holding a picture in his hand, we can see that this is aimed at the genre thriller clearly.

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It then leads to the casting of the film, this highlights how he is still holding the picture to highlight the suspicion towards the audience to what could come up next, to what the filmcould be about. It gives away the thriller sense, by the picture being shown.

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It is seen that the man has taken a picture, this is clearly highlighting that he is taking pictures for evidence and proof. This evokes towards the audience that he could be the investigatoror someone who seems like a stalker. Yet they are still confused to why he is taking pictures and for what reasons.

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We can tell that the quality of the film is seen to be old since this film had been filmed in 2000.we can see he is clearly about to take something out of his pocket, probably a weapon to defend himself or harm someone else. This indicates towards the audience a sense of tension. As well as this scene is seen to be full of danger which matches the genreof the film.

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There is blood dripping from the wall, this is seen to be very shocking for the audience as they may not understand how this has been filmed, due to being a very odd way of filming. This is causing a sense of confusion towards the audience. The blood representsdanger and relates to the genre of the movie.

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There is a bullet, this represents how someone has been killed or shot. The dimmed light and dolly zoom on the bullet signifies danger, where this could make the audience want to watch more into what could happen next

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It also shows a pair of glasses where the man could have shot another person, yet indicatingtowards the audience a sense of danger however confusion, as we would not know who’s it is and why it is there. It had zoomed into it due to signifying the background as it shows blood all over the wall, where it makes the audience want to watch more yet matches the theme of the genre ‘thriller’.

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It then shows the man on the floor dead, signifying how he has clearly done something wrong to be killed. I can see that this film is filmed backwards due to the reverse when it showed the bullet and glasses first. The blood dripping and on the floor signifies the thriller very well as a thriller has to have some sense of blood to make the audience into the movie.

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Then moves onto the man, pointing a gun at the man on the floor. This signifies how the man has done something wrong, probably flirting with his wife/girlfriend, therefore he is taking revenge. Or there could be a twist as we do not know who has been cheating, it could have been his girlfriend/wife. It shows towards the audience a sense of danger and tension as we do not know the reason to why he is killing the man.

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It then shows the man looking into the distance, thinking he has probably done the right thing.The black and white effect, shows towards the audience how it gives them a sense of eeriness and tension as they may want them to wonder why he has done this and to keep them confused.

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Genre: Psychological Thriller

Opening sequence convention: The opening scene opens up with the universal logo and production company. It shows the colours orange which is seen to be fire like and slowly fades to black to show that this is going to a killing thriller film, where it gives a sense to the audience that it will be full of bad events.

Side Effects

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An establishing shot is shown here of the building where it is used for the opening sequence.It creates a sense of suspicion when it slowly zooms in. This gives to the audience an insight of what this film could be about.

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It then shows the title of the film, where the building is seen from an angle, and the title hasbeen shown to show a sense, that the audience could be thinking that it is not a thriller film.However the music in the background that plays is seen to be soft and quiet. This indicates towards the audience a sense of tension building up, therefore by confusing them to what could happen next.

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It then zooms into the building highlighting that something is not right, therefore it shows a sense towards the audience that something could be happening but we do not know what.It builds tension and confusion towards the viewers.

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In this scene we can see something is not right, therefore it leaves the audience confused asthey would want to know to what could have happened here. This scene links to the psychological thriller genre. It is slightly obvious that something has happened such as anserious crime, however we cannot judge to who did it and what happened.

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It slowly shows a sense of darkness especially when the blood is shown on the floor. ThisIndicates towards the audience how something serious has happened, but we do not know What. The darkness casues a sense of eeriness which leaves the audience thinking and Confused. The sense of eeriness is mainly used is psychological thriller movies.

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We can clearly see a chair where there is a box which is shown to be a gift, however we do not know anything more about it, however this will be later shown within the movie. It showsthe room where it has dimmed lights, it clearly indicates towards the audience that this gift is important, however they do not know much about it and why it is there and who’s it is.It shows the genre clearly, as most thriller films are aimed at thinking and about a mysteryleaving the audience clueless. As the camera stoops on the chair it is clearly showing to the audience a sense of clue, therefore this will draw them into the film more.

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It slowly then shows towards the audience what has happened about three months later. This is giving us an insight to what could be happening, next by indicating the murder or evenThe person who could be in danger. It blanks out then slowly fades into a women's face.

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As we can see from here it shows the lady putting on red lipstick, this indicates how she couldbe the women who is clearly causing the trouble or the lady which is in trouble. As she is applying the colour red it clearly shows a sense of danger or a trouble maker as these are the connotations of the colour red. Most thriller movies highlight how the lady can either be evil or innocent.