Radial Analysis of Front Page - 1 Large bold letters are used here over a red background, which has a ‘striking’ effect on the eye. This font has connotations of strength and dominance, which fits with the magazines genre of hip-hop as that is what the majority of hip-hop artists present themselves as being. This gives the preferred meaning to the audience that reading this magazine will help you develop a powerful personality. The colour red has connotations of power and passion. This helps enhance the meaning of the word ‘sexy’, and also presents the women as being sexually active to the audience as, what limited amount of clothes they have on, this is the colour which the clothes are. The preferred meaning of this front cover is that this is a high status and popular magazine; therefore the audience would want to read it over other competition. This is done by using a well- known and successful artist as the main focus on the page, being shown as being happy – suggesting that he is happy to be involved with the magazine. A long shot is used for the only image on the front page. This represents ‘Lil John’ as living a life of luxury, as in the shot he is portrayed to have woman surrounding him in a paradise environment. He is shown to be holding an expensive chain, which has connotations of money. This appeals to the target audience as this is what they would

Radial Analysis

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Page 1: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Front Page - 1Large bold letters are used here over a red background, which has a ‘striking’ effect on the eye. This font has connotations of strength and dominance, which fits with the magazines genre of hip-hop as that is what the majority of hip-hop artists present themselves as being. This gives the preferred meaning to the audience that reading this magazine will help you develop a powerful personality.

The colour red has connotations of power and passion. This helps enhance the meaning of the word ‘sexy’, and also presents the women as being sexually active to the audience as, what limited amount of clothes they have on, this is the colour which the clothes are.

The preferred meaning of this front cover is that this is a high status and popular magazine; therefore the audience would want to read it over other competition. This is done by using a well-known and successful artist as the main focus on the page, being shown as being happy – suggesting that he is happy to be involved with the magazine.

A long shot is used for the only image on the front page. This represents ‘Lil John’ as living a life of luxury, as in the shot he is portrayed to have woman surrounding him in a paradise environment. He is shown to be holding an expensive chain, which has connotations of money. This appeals to the target audience as this is what they would aspire to.

Page 2: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Front Page - 2

Thick, bold, white font over a blue background is used for the promotional word ‘free’. This makes the word stand-out, as it would interest the audience to buy the magazine.The layout has also put the word in the top left of the page, which is generally the first place looked at. Again, this is likely to entice the audience to purchase the magazine.

A light blue and white colour scheme has been used throughout the layout of the page. These colours have connotations of peace and relaxation. This is comparable to the magazines main genre of music, as I would say the music is meant to have a ‘chill-out’ effect on the listener.

The copy ‘must-hear’ is underlined. This increases the importance of the phrase, which puts pressure on the audience to purchase the magazines as they don’t want to miss out.This gives a forceful mode of address, as it is almost giving the reader an order; however it also appears to have the reader’s best interests at heart.

The preferred meaning of the main image gives the impression that the artists music is mysterious, which is done through their facial expressions. This puts a ‘curious’ affect on the audience, making them want to listen to it.

Page 3: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Front Page - 3The mode of address for this front cover is aggressive. This is created through the direct eye contact and clenched fists of the main feature on the page.

The phrase ‘I am hip-hop’ which is on the top of Lil Wayne represents him as being the most talented artist in this genre of music at this present time. This represents the magazine as being up to date and as having the most appealing content which would appeal to its target audience.Also, Lil Wayne is a very popular and well-known person; therefore the image of him on the front page would help increase the magazines status.

The personal pronoun ‘we’ll’ used here creates a friendly mode of address, giving off a sense of community.

‘Big Poppa’ is coloured red, and is in large capital letters, making it stand-out. This is a well recognised name in the hip-hop industry, and therefore would interest the target audience as this would be what they want to read about. The chosen font and colour used puts more focus on ‘Big Poppa’s’ name from the rest of the copy, enhancing its visibility to the audience, as this would be a strong attraction to the reader.

This image represents Lil Wayne as being tough and aggressive, as he has both fists clenched. This appeals to the target audience of the magazine as the genre of hip-hop often has content of violence in it, therefore this is the type of personality that they would be interested in.

Page 4: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Contents Page - 1The use of the date and location indicates that the editor was there at the time of the concert. This creates a sense that the information produced is accurate and reliable, and also gives reference to how up-to-date the magazine is.

There is a list with number reference showing what content is on each page in the magazine. This enables easy access to the information that you want to read about.

By telling the reader that the offer expires on a certain date puts pressure on him/her as they now know that the offer is not available to them forever.

The use of the word ‘only’ suggests that this is a deal which is not to be missed, as you are getting your moneys worth.

It is clear that the artist is the main focus on the page. This is because he takes up a large space on the page. His head is also over the title of the page, showing that he is seen as an important aspect.

The use of the word ‘lots’ and the big bold font used emphasises the amount of help that has been put in for Haiti. This copy creates a friendly mode of address, as it has connotations of generosity and rescue.

Page 5: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Contents Page - 2

The artist here is shown to be wearing a lot of jewellery. This represents the artist as being wealthy and successful.

The colour red has connotations of danger and death. This gives off a violent mode of address to the reader.

There is a page number at the bottom right of the page, which seems to be a convention followed for a contents page.

A list of ‘features’ is placed on the left side of the page in a column form. This gives information on what the contents of each page in the magazine is.

The magazine title has been placed in the top right of the page, in an identical but smaller version to the masthead which is on the front cover. A date of the magazines issue is underneath it.

The artist is staring straight at the camera, whilst gritting his teeth and pressing his fists on his head. This represents the artist as being aggressive, and gives the preferred meaning that reading this magazine will put you in a serious mood.

Page 6: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Contents Page - 3

Again, information on the contents of the magazine is in a column form, running down the left side of the page. The page numbers are in a larger font and coloured red, making them stand out to the rest of the copy.

Images have been included with page numbers in the top left corner of each one throughout the page. These images have reference to the contents of the stated page.

The word ‘exclusive’ has connotations of being new, unique and interesting. This has been made to look like a stamp, and placed next to one of the ‘features’ in the column. This would attract the reader to that certain chunk of copy, as it has been labelled with a positive representation, whereas the rest hasn’t.

The largest image on the page is in black and white. This represents the image as being original, which would signify to the reader that the man playing the drums is a legend.

The addition sign has been used as a substitute for the word ‘plus’. This represents the magazine as being clever.

A date has been put in the top left corner of the page, in thick large letters, above the masthead of the page. This is so it is clear to see what monthly issue this particular magazine is.

Page 7: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Double Spread - 1

The name of the band is in a large white font, and is the main feature of the bottom left half of the double spread. This makes it clear to read, and represents the band as being the main focus of the page.

Columns have been used to manage all copy.

A quote has been taken from the copy and made to be larger and bolder in order to be more visible to the reader. This may make the reader want to read the contents of the columns, as they could be curious in what made the artist say those words.

Colourful graphic follows colour scheme of magazine, and may be seen as a ‘end of page’ sign.

The image represents the people dressed in black as having authority, as they are staring at the camera and sitting around the table. Below them are people sitting cross-legged, dressed in white with blind folds on. They signify that the people dressed in black have power over them as they could be interpreted as obeying their orders.

The letter ‘F’ has been emphasised here, as it is separated from the rest of the word in a square with a purple background behind it, and is larger than the rest of the copy which it follows on to. This is the first letter of the column.

Page 8: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Double Spread - 2

A large image of the band is the main feature of the first page in the double page spread. This image represents the band as being lazy, as they appear comfortable whilst laying on a bed.

The copy is set out in columns next to the image of the band.

The contents of this puff represents the band as being important and likeable. This is because the magazine has stated that itself ‘loves’ the band, and so as the readers have chosen to read this magazine, may be influenced by it.

The name of the band is in a large and bold font with a blue background behind it, making it stand out from the rest of the copy.

The opening letter has been made more visible to the reader. This is because it has been enlarged.

A separate section with information on the artists in the image has been provided. This gives the reader a better idea of who they are looking at.

A quote from the copy has been taken, put separate, and enlarged with a background behind it. This looks to be a convention of a double spread page.

Page 9: Radial Analysis

Radial Analysis of Double Spread - 3

Columns have been used in the layout.

Subheadings have been used in order to separate the copy.

A quote has been taken from the copy and emphasised. This particular quote has been chosen as it has connotations of death, competition and violence, which would catch the attention of the reader. The colour red has also been used for it as this also has these connotations.

There is one image on the page, and it is a dominant image of the artist in his own environment, and has been placed in the middle of the page. The rule of thirds has been used to make him the main focus.

Page 10: Radial Analysis

Forms and Conventions

Forms and Conventions

Front Cover1. One main image of artist.

2. Masthead in top left corner of page.

3. Barcode at bottom of page.

4. Cover lines used on sides of page, and copy is aligned according to which side they are on. For example, cover lines on left side of page = copy aligned to the left.

Contents Page1. A column on the left side of the page with page numbers running down

it in numerical order, with copy explaining what is on each of the pages next to it.

2. Date.

3. One main image in centre of page relating to a story in the magazine.

4. Page number in bottom right corner of page.

Double Page1. One main image – seems to be of artist staring at the camera whilst in

their own environment.

2. Copy set out in columns.

3. Quote from copy taken and emphasised on – separate from copy.

4. Graphics or larger font tends to be used on the first letter of the first word in the first column, making it more noticeable and clear that that is the beginning of the article.