Quiz bowl questions round 3 & 4

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20 Catholic Quiz bowl questions with answers

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What is the 10th Commandment?

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What is the 10th Commandment?

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

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What was Solomon's great sin?

a) he wanted another man's wifeb) he became very selfishc) he turned his heart to false gods

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What was Solomon's great sin?

a) he wanted another man's wifeb) he became very selfishc) he turned his heart to false gods

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Where was Jesus when he said, "A prophet is not without honor except in his native place..."?

a) Bethlehemb) Nazarethc) Capernaum

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Where was Jesus when he said, "A prophet is not without honor except in his native place..."?

a) Bethlehemb) Nazarethc) Capernaum

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Paul advised the Corinthians never toe at meat that had been sacrificed to idols.

True or False

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Paul advised the Corinthians never toe at meat that had been sacrificed to idols.

True or False

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What is the 7th Commandment?

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What is the 7th Commandment?

You shall not steal

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What is it called when God makes himself known to us?


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What is it called when God makes himself known to us?


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What is the 8th Commandment?

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What is the 8th Commandment?

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

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Paul received money at Corinth in return for preaching the gospel.

True or False

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Paul received money at Corinth in return for preaching the gospel.

True or False

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Who was the great scholar/theologian of the 13th century?

St. Joan of ArcSt. Francis of AssisiSt. Thomas Aquinas

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Who was the great scholar/theologian of the 13th century?

St. Joan of ArcSt. Francis of AssisiSt. Thomas Aquinas

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Who gave Jesus his name?

a) Joseph and Maryb) the angel Gabrielc) Simeon in the Temple

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Who gave Jesus his name?

a) Joseph and Maryb) the angel Gabrielc) Simeon in the Temple

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According to Luke, where did Jesus go after his baptism?

a) to the desertb) to Jerusalemc) to Galilee

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According to Luke, where did Jesus go after his baptism?

a) to the desertb) to Jerusalemc) to Galilee

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According to Paul, what became of the Mosaic covenant?

a) its glory was surpassedb) it proved itself uselessc) it was still effective

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According to Paul, what became of the Mosaic covenant?

a) its glory was surpassedb) it proved itself uselessc) it was still effective

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Which is not one of the original twelve apostles?

a) Jamesb) Lukec) Thomas

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Which is not one of the original twelve apostles?

a) Jamesb) Lukec) Thomas

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Who was the brother of James, the son of Zebedee?

a) Peterb) Andrewc) John

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Who was the brother of James, the son of Zebedee?

a) Peterb) Andrewc) John

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Which book of the Bible is directed especially to the young and inexperienced?

a) Jonahb) Proverbsc) Song of Songs

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Which book of the Bible is directed especially to the young and inexperienced?

a) Jonahb) Proverbsc) Song of Songs

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According to Matthew, Jesus was very popular at the beginning of his ministry

True or False

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According to Matthew, Jesus was very popular at the beginning of his ministry

True or False

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Paul wrote, "for what is seen is , but what is unseen is eternal."

a) a delusionb) transitoryc) enduring

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Paul wrote, "for what is seen is , but what is unseen is eternal."

a) a delusionb) transitoryc) enduring

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The first 5 books of the Bible are called the

a) Pentateuchb) Koranc) Writings

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The first 5 books of the Bible are called the

a) Pentateuchb) Koranc) Writings

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According to Luke, where did the Ascension of Jesus take place?

a) outside Jerusalemb) at the Templec) at Bethany

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According to Luke, where did the Ascension of Jesus take place?

a) outside Jerusalemb) at the Templec) at Bethany

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To whom is the Acts of teh Apostles addressed?

a) the Christian community at Jerusalem

b) Theophilusc) Gentile Christians

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To whom is the Acts of teh Apostles addressed?

a) the Christian community at Jerusalem

b) Theophilusc) Gentile Christians

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Which Gospel contains no parables of Jesus?

a) Johnb) Matthewc) Luke

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Which Gospel contains no parables of Jesus?

a) Johnb) Matthewc) Luke

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What was Paul's name before he became a Christian?

a) Titusb) Justusc) Saul

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What was Paul's name before he became a Christian?

a) Titusb) Justusc) Saul

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According to John's Gospel, which is Jesus' greatest sign?

a) the multiplication of the loavesb) the healing of the man born

blindc) the raising of Lazarus

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According to John's Gospel, which is Jesus' greatest sign?

a) the multiplication of the loavesb) the healing of the man born

blindc) the raising of Lazarus

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Give all 16 words of the Sign of the Cross.

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Give all 16 words of the Sign of the Cross.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

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Paul advised the Corinthians never toe at meat that had been sacrificed to idols.

True or False

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Paul advised the Corinthians never toe at meat that had been sacrificed to idols.

True or False

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What is the 1st Commandment?

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What is the 1st Commandment?

I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me.

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Where was Jesus when he said, "A prophet is not without honor except in his native place..."?

a) Bethlehemb) Nazarethc) Capernaum

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Where was Jesus when he said, "A prophet is not without honor except in his native place..."?

a) Bethlehemb) Nazarethc) Capernaum

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What is the 2nd Commandment?

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What is the 2nd Commandment?

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

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What is the 3rd Commandment?

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What is the 3rd Commandment?

Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.

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Which Gospel does not tell about the baptism of Jesus?

a) Matthewb) Markc) John

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Which Gospel does not tell about the baptism of Jesus?

a) Matthewb) Markc) John

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What is the 9th Commandment?

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What is the 9th Commandment?

You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

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Name the Sacraments of Initiation

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Name the Sacraments of Initiation

Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist

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What is the Paraclete?

a) the first 5 books of the Old Testament

b) the liturgical season following Easterc) the third person of the Blessed Trinity

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What is the Paraclete?

a) the first 5 books of teh Old Testament

b) the liturgical season following Easterc) the third person of the Blessed Trinity

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Which part of the Mass explains the Gospel in terms of living in today's world?

a) the collectionb) the homilyc) the prayers of the faithful

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Which part of the Mass explains the Gospel in terms of living in today's world?

a) the collectionb) the homilyc) the prayers of the faithful

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The Church and the State agree on what is right and wrong in society.

True or False

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The Church and the State agree on what is right and wrong in society.

True or False

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In what religion does Christianity have its roots?

a) Islamb) Paganismc) Judaism

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In what religion does Christianity have its roots?

a) Islamb) Paganismc) Judaism

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The public worship of the Church is .

a) liturgyb) communionc) reconciliation

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The public worship of the Church is .

a) liturgyb) communionc) reconciliation

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Only the saints in heaven can be called holy.

True or False

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Only the saints in heaven can be called holy.

True or False

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Who is the head of a diocese?

a) the Popeb) the bishopc) the pastor

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Who is the head of a diocese?

a) the Popeb) the bishopc) the pastor

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Which liturgical season recalls the time when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert?

a) Adventb) Ordinary timec) Lent

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Which liturgical season recalls the time when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert?

a) Adventb) Ordinary timec) Lent

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