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Page 1: Questionnaire results

Questionnaire Results and Evaluation

Page 2: Questionnaire results

Which of these words/phrases would be the most effective as a

film title for a crime drama featuring a robbery?










Potential film titles

The number of participants that chose which film title would fit best within our

crime drama.

Page 3: Questionnaire results

Evaluation of Graph 1

The least popular film title is ‘The Night Before’ as nobody selected it. A reason for this could be that it’s too long so doesn’t capture the audiences attention and it doesn’t fit within our genre (crime drama).

The most popular is ‘Masked’ with 40% of participants choosing it. They may think it’s suitable for a crime drama that features a robbery and it’s monosyllabic which means its not only catchy but also memorable.

We chose to ask this question as we believe it will greatly benefit our work by helping us to decide what would be the most popular and effective title for our movie. It’s important that the audience like the title as it’s one of the first parts of the film that they see and it’s vital that they have a good first impression, encouraging them to watch the rest of the film. It also helps us to determine whether our film title ideas are adequate and if they fit within our genre; if the participants didn’t like any of them we’d know that we would have to rethink our ideas.

Page 4: Questionnaire results

Name two features that should be in an opening scene in order to

capture the audience’s attention and influence them to watch the

rest of the film.



Dramatic music

Element of confusion (intriguing)

Special effects

Popular actors


Fits genre

Page 5: Questionnaire results


We got the participants to name two features that they believe should be in an opening scene and the most popular answers are displayed on the previous slide.

In our personal opinion we think that having a cliffhanger is the most important element of the opening scene in a crime drama as it leaves the audience wanting to know more, therefore persuading them to continue watching. It also makes the audience question what might happen next allowing them to feel more engaged with the film and adding an element of suspense.

We decided to include this question because it gives us a good idea of what the audience want from an opening scene and therefore it also provides us with a good idea of the necessities that should be incorporated into our film.

Page 6: Questionnaire results

In your opinion what would you expect a typical robber to wear?

Black clothing


Face covered




Scarf over face


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We got the participants to state what items of clothing they’d expect a typical robber to wear. All the answers we got were predictable and there was nothing unexpected, meaning that our already existing ideas for the robbers clothing were confirmed.

We felt this would be a useful question as it was a way of ensuring we were on the right lines and that our initial thoughts on the costumes for our film were accurate.

We can’t incorporate all the clothing that was suggested by our participants so we decided to select the ones that will fit the best within our opening scene. We are going to use all black clothing such as black hoodies, black gloves and both robbers will have scarves covering their faces. We decided to use scarves instead of balaclavas as our robbers are meant to be inexperienced and are committing their first crime meaning that balaclavas may look too far-fetched and unrealistic.

Page 8: Questionnaire results

Which one of these items is a robber most likely to steal during a

break in?




Money/credit cards14%



Car keys14%


The percentage of people who thought a robber was most likely to steal that particular object.

Page 9: Questionnaire results

Evaluation of Graph 2

We asked our participants what items they thought a robber was most likely to steal. The outcome was that jewellery was the most popular as 29% of participants chose it most likely to be stolen and the least preferable item to steal was food and clothing which were both selected by 0% of participants.

We chose to ask this question as a method of helping us to decide certain aspects of our plot, for example our robbers are going to focus on stealing jewellery from a jewellery box and are also going to search the house for electricals which was the second most popular item. It’s important that we take the participants opinions into account as it will make our film more realistic and believable if the robbers are stealing valuable items rather than things such as clothes or food. Furthermore, we ensured that our questionnaires participants were the same age as our target audience which means they will be the ones watching the film so their opinions are vital to the success of our movie.

Page 10: Questionnaire results

If you were a robber and were about to be caught red handed

what would your reaction be?



Run away



Hand yourself in

Do nothing

Number of participants









A graph to show which reaction to being caught red handed was chosen most


Page 11: Questionnaire results

What is the reason behind the reaction you chose to being caught

red handed?

Don’t want to go to prison

Less likely to get caught

Might evade police

Punishment may be less


You know you’re in the wrong

Nothing to lose

Prison is better than current living conditions



Dislike police

Unsure what to do, no options‘Run Away’



‘Hand yourself in’

‘Do nothing’


Page 12: Questionnaire results

Evaluation of graph 3

Our graph shows that the most popular reaction to being caught red handed was to run away, and the least popular was to do nothing or to fight.

We then asked for the reasons behind that reaction the participants chose, and often people said they would run away because they wouldn’t want to go to prison and they would be scared of getting caught. However some people said that they wouldn’t run away and would rather hand themselves in as prison could be better than their current living conditions and it might mean their punishment would be less severe. Also, people stated that they wouldn’t fight as it may lead to an even worse punishment, could lead to injury or they would be too scared that they would lose in a fight against policemen.

We decided to ask this question as our plot involves the robbers running away from the police and we wanted to discover if this would be an accurate portrayal of what others would do if they were caught in a similar scenario. Our results revealed that the majority of people agree that they would also run away adding to the believability of our film and allowing the audience to relate with the characters. It also helped to determine the end of our opening scene because if for example hiding was the most popular reaction we may have to alter the ending to make the robbers hide from the police rather than run away to match the audiences expectations and fit in with their desires.