Questionnaire results

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  • 1. Questionnaire Results


  • I asked 40 people to do this questionnaire.
  • I asked 10 people from each year including Year 8, 9, 10 and 11.
  • I chose these years as they are my target audience for my magazine.

3. Question 1

  • How old are you?

From this question I was lucky and managed to get 10 people from each year group who were the ages I was looking for. This means I can get a more accurate range of views from the various ages. 4. Question 2

  • When you buy a magazine, what on the front cover most attracts you?

From this question I can see that people are most persuaded to by a magazine when they see a feature on the front cover which persuades them. This is why when I create my product I need to put the main features on the front cover to attract people. 5. Question 3

  • Rank the following artists 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.

This question shows that the pop group JLS are most popular with my target audience. I think this is because it is a more female orientated group and the number of people I asked, girls outnumbered the boys. My magazine is more aimed at girls so this is a good piece of research. 5. Leona Lewis 4. Beyonce 3. Alexandra Burke 2. Cheryl Cole 1. JLS 6. Question 4

  • What magazines do you currently buy?

From this question I gained a range of answers and none were front runners. As it was a mixed sex questionnaire my answers ranged fromHeattoNuts. One observation was that the younger participants tended to by magazines which were not aimed at them such asHeatand other celebrity magazines.This also arose with other magazines such asNutsandZoo. Gaming magazines were also popular mainly with the male participants includingGames Masterand specific console magazines. 7. Question 5

  • Do you feel pressurised to listen to music that your friends are listening to?

This question shows that peer pressure does exist. Mainly because the results show how most people listen to a certain genre of music mainly because their friends too and are told to do so. Some people may choose to listen to a different genre but dont as they may get taken the mickey out of by peers. 8. Question 6

  • What persuades you to buy a magazine?

From this question I can see that the thing people go for the most is a free gift aspect.This means that by placing a free gift on the front of the magazine, which relates to the target audience it will appeal to them. 9. Question 7

  • What TV channel do you watch the most?

This question allows me to see which content, apart from music, can feature in my magazine relating to television. The top 3 are on the right. It shows that the top result was E4. This is mainly because of the teenage drama which attracts viewers. 3. Sky1 2. MTV 1. E4 10. Question 8

  • Would you prefer to buy a magazine weekly or monthly?

The most popular result was the monthly option. These means that my target audience may not have the money to buy a weekly magazine and prefer to buy it monthly. They may also get bored of buying it weekly.