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Questionnaire Analysis

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Page 1: Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis…

By Nicole Antonio

Page 2: Questionnaire Analysis

G enre of Music…

This graph shows that the majority of people voted Hip/Hop,

Pop and R&B and this can help me decide on what kind of

music will feature in my magazine and as I mainly wanted

to have a pop and R&B magazine this will be ideal as I

know more about pop music and I can use more features

to attract my target audience which is 1 5- 21 year old

boys and girls.

Page 3: Questionnaire Analysis

C olour Schemes…

Most people picked blue and white with 1 2 people picking it

then with 9 votes was red and white. But overall, I am happy

with the positive result as the colours blue and white go well

together and this can create a really good effect on the genre

of pop and R&B as they are fun colours which can mirror the

genres of pop and hip/hop. The least liked was blue and light

pink as it can only reach out to females.

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Features in the Magazine…

This graph shows that my magazine should have celebrity

gossip and interviews as this can show new news about

music celebrities and their new work and therefore attract

new customers to pick my magazine. There were only a few

article votes which I was happy with as I don’t think it can

attract new customers.

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This question was quite important to ask as it shows want people

are willing to pay for a magazine. The results show that people were

quite reasonable and fair as 1 0 people said they would pay up to

4.00 on it . This is a comparison to other music magazines as £Rolling Stone costs 3.95 which is quite sensible for a music £magazine. Also, as the cost will be quite high then it can afford to

pay for advertisements and page space.

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Publication Frequency…

This graph shows how many people will buy the magazine weekly,

fortnightly of monthly. I was expecting people to buy the magazine monthly

as most music magazines are, however, they chose to publish it weekly

which is an advantage as there is more up to date news about the charts,

albums and artists. Also, if it comes out weekly it will differentiate my

magazine to other music magazines as we will have the most up dated

news and customers won’t have to wait each month.

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Masthead Font…

Finally, this graph shows what people think of my ideas for the

title cover as this is very important as it creates a brand

image and it has to be different to other music magazines so

it has its own unique selling point which will make customers

buy it, therefore repeat purchases which ultimately means

customer loyalty.