question 7

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  1. 1. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  2. 2. Throughout the process of making the magazine, I feel that I have learnt a lot. This is because when we first started the course, we were assigned a preliminary task where we had to create a college magazine, I had no skills, I did not know how to use photo shop or InDesign. I was also being taught a variety of terminologies that accompany a magazine. For example, Pull quotes, cover lines, denotation, connotation Drop caps etc. for the college magazine, I was only assigned to do a front cover and contents page. All of the pictures taken were on my smartphone or a compact camera which had very basic quality.
  3. 3. This made the college magazine look less professional. We were also allowed to take pictures from google, for example: pictures of logos and things like that. Which differed in the actual magazine because all of the photography within the magazine had to be taken by yourself. I created the front cover on the magazine on photo shop and at the time I was new to the software so I wasnt familiar with how to use it to its fullest potential. However I still used some of the terminology that I just learned by putting in teasers and a cover line. But still, the front cover was not up to scratch. This is because the front cover image was really dull and in black and white. The teasers and anchorage texts were not in line and I was using times new roman
  4. 4. The contents page I used was only one page as well however I tried to stick to a house style by carrying on the grey from the front cover. All this did was just carry on the dullness of the magazine. The images on the contents page was very limited which lead to the contents page having far too much empty space on the page. Looking at my college magazine and my actual magazine, I see a big improvement and it is very obvious as well. This is because you can tell that my photo shop and InDesign skills have improved in a major way and that is shown through the quality of the magazine. For example, on the front cover of the college magazine the image was in black and white and that just set a dull theme. However on the real magazine, the front cover image was in colour followed by the bright colour of Red to accompany it and make it pop and stand out.
  5. 5. Also when I was doing the college magazine, all I knew how to do was change the colour of the main image, however when I started to do the real magazine, I started to fully use the software to its fullest potential by using image manipulation, changing the brightness and contrast tool, using the spot healing tool, stroke tool and most of all I used the rubbing out technique on the masthead. This is where I rub out parts of the masthead to fit around the models head, this gives the illusion that the model is in front of the masthead which then gives the connotation that the model is more important as she is featuring in the latest issue as well as making it look like most magazines in the industry like Vibe and XXL.
  6. 6. On the DPS, I used a drop caps technique to make sure the readers know where the article is starting and it also makes it look like a real magazine. I used denotations of the image of the model to show that she is fierce, determined, strong etc. However these denotations may lead to connotations that the public can assume their selves which makes my images not allow any limitations. My colour scheme also give out connotations for the genre of RnB/Hip Hop. With black white and red. Red connoting love, fierceness, black connoting seriousness and mystery and the white being the median between the two and shows how the magazine can be for everyone as white connotes a truce. I have used pull quotes in magazine which I did not do in the college one, making the magazine look realistic. Overall, it is evident that I put far more work and effort into the actual music magazine compared to the college magazine like when I spent a lot of time designing my masthead and editing pictures on Photoshop.
  7. 7. This developed my understanding of these softwares which then made it easier for me to navigate around the page and use all the tools. This is shown through feedback because on my college magazine, I was told that it looked too bland and the colour scheme was really dull. But on my music magazine, the feedback was very positive and the choice of colour was praised, however I was told to change a few things such as the cover line and then I went back and addressed this.