What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product Question 6

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this productQuestion 6

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Having had previous experience with Photoshop and InDesign, it gave a me a chance to develop my skills in the programmes.

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Using WordPress for the first time was rather tricky, as there are several buttons that do the same thing and menus that take you a complicated way around things, I wouldn’t personally use WordPress again because I prefer the format of blog sites like Tumblr.

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I’ve not really learnt anything new in terms of my use of PowerPoint knowledge, again I’ve just been re-kindling some of my skills I’ve not used in a few years.

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After 3 years of photography on my current camera and 2 awards there wasn’t anything during my current project that I learnt about the photography, again I just re-used knowledge I already had.

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Did I find anything tricky or easy?

Generally all of the production process was really easy and was all reliant on skill I already use day to day.

The only thing that was tricky was the concept art, because I had never done anything like it before. Also, the user interface of WordPress was tricky to get around and work.

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How important is good technology to the magazine industry.

Good technology is as crucial to the industry as good literacy and grammar. It’s imperative that you stay on top of all of the new software, techniques and

marketing strategies, otherwise you can be left behind very quickly.

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What tips would I give?

Definitely use Pinterest and blogs for inspiration it helps to get the creative juices flowing.

You must learn the shortcuts for Photoshop InDesign and even Microsoft programmes like Word and PowerPoint, it helps to get all practical and theory work done faster.

Talk to people from the industry, get hints and tips for what your doing. The internet isn’t the only resource, use libraries, they’re often the best place, because

they allow you to sit in the quiet an concentrate on books and work easily and take away all distractions.