How did you attract/address your audience? The target we were aiming at was teens and adults aged 15+ that are interested by action, crime and the Film Noir genre. To do this we initially set the age rating of this film as a 15. We also used intertextuality with the film ‘The Godfather’ as this film is based around mob crime and therefore the audience that we were aiming our film at will likely make the link between the two films. We also used some common settings that would likely be found in a film involving crime – A Gang Hideout and Police Sargent’s office. We also followed a common convention of Film Noir Crime and used Italian-American accents for the characters in the film. As for action, we hinted towards a lot of action in the opening. By doing this, we hopefully intrigued the target audience into wanting to watch more so that they can see this action happen. We also challenged convention by killing off one of the main characters in the opening of the film, hopefully the target audience would be shocked by this unexpected twist and likely feel intrigued to watch more.

Question 5

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How did you attract/address your audience?

The target we were aiming at was teens and adults aged 15+ that are interested by action, crime and the Film Noir genre. To do this we initially set the age rating of this film as a 15. We also used intertextuality with the film ‘The Godfather’ as this film is based around mob crime and therefore the audience that we were aiming our film at will likely make the link between the two films.

We also used some common settings that would likely be found in a film involving crime – A Gang Hideout and Police Sargent’s office. We also followed a common convention of Film Noir Crime and used Italian-American accents for the characters in the film.

As for action, we hinted towards a lot of action in the opening. By doing this, we hopefully intrigued the target audience into wanting to watch more so that they can see this action happen. We also challenged convention by killing off one of the main characters in the opening of the film, hopefully the target audience would be shocked by this unexpected twist and likely feel intrigued to watch more.