Question 5 By Barnaby Thurgood

Question 5

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Question 5

By Barnaby Thurgood

My Front Page

Reasons My Front Cover Attracts My Target Audience

• I target audience is young men who are serious about music. I targeted them by having four young men stand at the front. The back ground and writing are in lighter colours and more neutral to attract the younger generation because if the writing and background was in red and black, they might think it’s a rock magazine. Also as the front cover is fairly simple and not very busy it gives a more formal feel to the page. The four men on the front cover are wearing all black to show they are serious and all looking at the camera. Also the writing font is very sensible, bold, easy to read and attracts attention . The mast head says “THE CHARTZ” which is quite obvious that my magazine is about chart music.

Contents Page

Reasons My Contents Page Attracts My Target Audience

• The layout of this page is very easy to navigate around which would appeal to my target audience because they are interested in reading about the celebrities and not just looking at the pretty pictures. You can tell this is a mainstream pop magazine because of the colours and the lay out. E.g. If it was a rock magazine it would be a lot busier, brighter and more in your face but my contents page looks very calm.

Double Page Spread

Reasons Why My Double Page Spread Attracts My Target Audience

• The title “What goes up must come down” attracts attention as it is bigger than half a page and once they read it they would want to carry on to see what its about. It is in black and white so it looks formal and has information at the bottom of the page about how a very popular band are splitting up due to involvement with drugs. That would also attract the younger generation as generally it is younger people who take drugs these days so they will be able to read about some of the consequences in this article.

Over All

• All three of my pages use very simple colour schemes so it doesn’t distract them from the stuff they want to read about. Also, none of them have loads of picture to make them seem formal and sensible.