QUESTION 5 How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 5

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How did you attract/address your audience?

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From the opening sequence you can tell that there is going to be an element of action

which I feel that my target audience would enjoy and enticing them more into the film

therefore they are more likely to enjoy the film. Also the ages and genders of my

characters will appeal to my target audience because they are similar to those of my target

audience which makes the characters more relatable to the target audience. I feel that the

visuals of my opening title is one I think that my target audience would like because it is

based in an regular town area which would be places similar to those where the target

audience live which would make it much more relatable for the target audience. I feel that

the unique narrative structure would help entice the target audience including cinephiles

because they would like the difference making it much more different to the standard type

of film of the same genre.