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Question 3

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Question 3

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Research.For my research stage, I relied quite a lot on my teacher’s and class peers for

feedback. This was because I hadn’t yet decided exactly what I was looking for so I would gather trailer’s and film campaigns together and then ask other’s if they knew any similar one’s.

By asking both peers and staff I got a mixed variety of examples to look at as there is a age gap between the two groups and obliviously a range in knowledge/ interests.

The first example of this is when I brought together the friends with benefits and knocked up analysis’ a teacher suggested I looked at older films like, ‘How to loose a guy in 10 days’ and ‘When Harry met Sally’ and ‘When Harry met Sally’ This feedback helped me look into older campaigns, the originality of the genre and how they were presented.

A peer’s feedback suggested I looked into the new wave of Rom/Coms. I looked into this term and found that films such as ‘500 days of summer’ came under this title. This was the kind of Rom Com that fled away slightly from the normal conventions.

By having this feedback and the support of new wave films being successful it helped me in realizing that as long as I kept getting feedback from my target audience (which is my peers) that I could stray from conventions slightly.

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Planning.During my planning I would get people of my target audience to give me feedback

after I finished a task. I did this via my personal blog on tumblr. By using this sight that I’m familiar with I could engage in a way that made me feel comfortable. Asking people I know very little to help or give feedback was always awkward for me in person. So by using my blog, I could talk to people who knew of me, and are 100% willing to respond. This sight is also perfect as the average user is aged 14-25 and combines people from all over the world.

This feedback helped because I could get a broad range of feedback, such as when I finished writing my plot, I made a post explaining the plot and then asked for people’s opinions. At first a few people thought it was cliché, so I moved away from the ‘hearing the opposite sex think’ idea.

I then came up with the ‘catfish’ plot and again posted it on my blog to get my target audience’s thoughts this time it was a huge hit. Many people were excited about the plot and wanted to help with it more.

By doing this with each step of my planning I managed to get the most appropriate planning for my target audience, making it easier to understand what they want also.

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Construction.During my construction I again used the help of my tumblr blog to gain feedback.

Because it is a personal blog I would update it during lessons when I was working with Ideas and drafts of my work to get instant and ongoing feedback. This was incredibly helpful as it saved allot of time.

I also decided to just straight up ask what people would want to see from my products and got these replies.

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Construction.I on this feedback and kept it in mind through all of the construction. By asking

people I knew where interested in my work, I could ask for constructive feedback when showing draft products which they did.

By having this ongoing feedback I could adapt small elements on my products to make them suit the audience as much as possible.

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Evaluation.For my evaluation my feedback taught me what was/wasn’t successful but why and

how, if I wanted to I could improve it.

When gathering feedback a looked to a wider audience than my tumblr. For my print products this was the feedback...

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Evaluation.The feedback I got from my trailer was..

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In conclusion...

I believe that feedback throughout the whole project taught me many different things. Ultimately that receiving others’ opinions on your work as much as possible really does help in meeting your target audience.