Evaluation Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 2

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Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Page 2: Question 2

Our media product represents gender by making our female characters look venerable. This has been done through out our film as our female characters are being followed without being aware of it. This makes them look stereotypically venerable as women are portrayed as weak in comparison to men.Also by having our female characters jogging through the wood it also follows stereotypical views of women within society as they are seen to be obsessed with the way they look and their body image.

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Our film presents teenagers as naive. This is shown through our film as when our teenage protagonist see’s the ghost child in front of her, she just runs away. Also it is shown through our dialogue as when our teenage protagonist is explaining where they are going to be jogging, she sounds like she lacks experience and knowledge of her surroundings.Despite this, we also portray teenagers as independent and responsible as our teenage protagonist has been given the responsibility to be out with a child on her own. She shows maturity as she protects the younger child from the danger of the ghost as she drags her away from it as the end of the film. She also shows maturity and responsibility as she shouts ‘Come on keep up’ to the young child, this shows that the teenager is worried about the childs safety and does not want to loose sight of her.

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We portray children as vulnerable and oblivious as the child has no idea what is going on. Also the child is spoken to in controlling terms such as ‘keep up’ and ‘were almost done come on’. This shows the difference in maturity between the two characters as the child is not motivated enough to keep jogging. This is shown were Lily is bent over on the bridge trying to catch her breath. The oblivion is clearly shown towards the end of the film where she does not know that she is in danger and just repeatedly questions why she is being dragged away.

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We portray joggers in our 2 minute film opening as vulnerable. This is due to them often putting themselves at risk. People may often see joggers as being a threat of danger due to them jogging in isolated areas e.g. The woods or empty roads at late at night or early in the morning. By jogging at these times, it is more likely for someone to be able to commit a crime upon someone without being seen or heard.