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  1. 1. Q1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  2. 2. The masthead Billboard is big and bold so it stands out. It is usually the biggest text because it is most important and makes it recognisable. Main image of Beyonc is a medium shot. Even though the celebrity is posing she is still making direct eye contact with the camera so is engaging the reader. Mis-en scene is used. This includes her facial expression, costume and make-up. Use of quotation This gives the audience an inside view on something the artist has said before and what the magazine entails. The Left-side third rule Most of the features are on the left. This tends to be the most important features because readers read from left to right. Plug Advertises Information about contents inside the magazine. 3 main colours used for the front cover, these colours are White, yellow, salmon pink. The text has no text boxes which enables them to layer the text on top of the image. The text is layered around the image and not over the celebrities face as this is seen as disrespectful. The image is layered over the masthead this is because the existing magazine have established their name so people will recognise the magazine even if all the mast head isnt clear. Typically the price of a music magazine is 4.00, by the looks of it the price is at the top right hand corner of this magazine however it is hard to see this. The magazine make the price less noticeable by putting it on the right and in smaller text so that readers arent put of buying the magazine due to its price because they are usually expensive. Also, the barcode is not on the front cover and is likely to be on the back so it is not one of the first conventions the readers see, it makes the readers buy the magazine for its contents.
  3. 3. I have put the price in small font because I do not want this to be text that the buyer is drawn too as they may be put of by the price. Especially, because my audience is aged 13-16 years old so they wont have a large income meaning they are less likely to spend their money on magazines. Therefore, I have priced it at a cheaper price than most music magazines. I have used a bold masthead so that it stands out. It is the biggest text on the front cover and is in a unique font so that it is recognisable. The main image on the magazine is a medium shot. Even though the celebrity is posing he is still making direct eye contact with the camera so is engaging the reader. The Left-side third rule Most of the features are on the left. This tends to be the most important features because readers read from left to right. 3 main colours used for the front cover, these colours are White, Black and Red. I used red because it is a unisex colour so will appeals to both males and females. I have layered the image slightly over the masthead this is because the masthead. I have not layered it so that you can not see the masthead because it is a new magazine which means people will not recognize the company easily. Whereas, with older magazines they will have established their name so people will recognise the magazine even if the masthead isnt clear. I have used a Plug to advertise Information about festivals which is content inside the magazine. The text has no text boxes which enables them to layer the text on top of the image. The text is layered around the image and not over the celebrities face as this is seen as disrespectful. For example, I have layered Owen James over his body. I have included Mis-en scene on my front cover. This includes his costume and facial expressions. The artists name is in an unique font and larger text than the features because it is the most important then it stands out.
  4. 4. The arrangement of other photos are often layered or angled on the page to improve its appearance. The description text for the features is plain but bold. This makes it easy to read. The information included about the features is selective this is because they include the most interesting details about the feature to make it sound interesting to read. Branding is maintained in the bottom left hand corner with the Q logo. Keeps a consistent house style thought out the magazine. Q have used three main colours throughout, these include: Black, Red and white. There is a quote from the artist which also links to a page in the magazine which makes the reader want to read this page. On the contents page there is one main image this is either a long shot or a medium long shot. Also, they have other images that link to certain features in the magazine. They state the issue number and date so it shows that it is a specific issue of the magazine. It also establishes that the magazine sell loads of issues so are a popular magazine brand. The font of the masthead is the same as used of the front cover it is also placed in the same place as the front cover. The Colours are also the same and keeps a consistent house style. Subheadings and page numbers are a different font and colour to the other text on the contents and often they underline the page numbers and subheadings to make them stand out. All the features are placed on the left hand side of the contents page because the readers read from left to right.
  5. 5. I have used the left-side third rule, I have put the main features of the magazine down the left side on the contents page because people read from left to right. These features are the features that were on my front cover which I think are most important. The arrangement of other photos are often layered or angled on the page to improve its appearance. Therefore I have used a landscape picture as well as a portrait picture to improve the appearance of my contents page. I have put Subheadings and page numbers are a different font to the other text on the contents and I have put the page numbers in red to make them stand out. I have put a quote from the artist which also links to a page in the magazine which makes the reader want to read this page. I have stated the issue number and date to show that it is a specific issue of the magazine. The issue number on my contents page shows that the magazine is new because it is the first issue. I have used the same font on the masthead is the same as used of the front cover it is also placed in the same place as the front cover. The colours are also the same which keeps a consistent house style. I have put the description text for the features in a clear font. This makes it easy to read. I have included information about the features is selective this is because they include the most interesting details about the feature to make it sound interesting to read. I have maintained the branding in the bottom left hand corner with the Dynamix logo.
  6. 6. In the interview, the artist talks about her experiences since becoming famous. It mentions her main performance on the Royal Variety and MTV awards were she was remembered for an eccentric performance. The interview also reveals her past life, about how she got into the music industry and her past education as a child before she became the famous artist she is today. As well as this Lady Gaga opens up about how she struggled with a drug addiction. This interview gives an insight of what is like to be a famous music artist and how to become famous. The purpose of this photograph is to show the readers who the interview is about. This picture a medium close up shot of the artist and has been edited, instead of the picture being coloured they have printed it in black and white. This is because it fits in with the colour theme so continues to maintain the house style. Also, the mise-en-scene of the photograph is important as it shows the readers how Lady Gaga act. For example, her make up is natural but her hair is wild which represents her personality as being crazy or separated. In addition to this the artist is in the nude with no props used, there is only a chain necklace round her neck which shows that she is unique and revealing herself in the interview. She is also making eye contact with the camera which is enticing the readers to read the article and by placing the photograph on the left hand side they are more likely to notice the picture so will see the picture and want to read the article. The representation of the artist is very important because it represents the genre of music that the artist is known for. This image on the left hand side of the article is similar to the image of her on the front cover. In these images is consistent, she is wearing minimal clothing in both and has the same hair and make up in both. This continues the same representation of the artist throughout the magazine. The interview starts with an enlarged letter in a serif font. This is a popular feature to use in magazines because it emphasises the start of a new paragraph which could represent the article talking about a different event in the artists life. The web address is included so that the readers can find out more about this article or visit the magazines website to look at other stories or content. Also, they are able to subscribe so that they receive the magazine it monthly or weekly with a direct debit. The date is normally included in the corner of the contents page because it specifies the date that this article was published and when the artist was interviewed. It maintains the branding for the magazine by placing the Q logo in the bottom right hand corner. It is the same colour And font as the logo on the front cover which maintains the house style. The page numbers are important because they link to the page numbers on the contents page. This means that the readers can flick to the page quickly to read the article they want. The text is typically laid out into 2-3 columns for an magazine article. This makes it easier to read the article and by putting t in columns it improves the appearance of the magazine. The font that is most commonly used is a basic font that is a small size so that all the information can fit onto one double page spread. There are no hyphens used this is so that the readers continue to read downwards within the same column and do not carry on reading from left to right, if there where hyphens then the text could become confusing and not as clear to read. They maintain the house style of Q magazine by using the red, white and black which are the three main colours associated with Q . Also, they have put the logo in the corner of the magazine to brand the article this is important because it makes people recognise and remember the magazine. As well as this the magazine have used the same text for the artist name on the article and on the front cover. The artists name is enlarged compared to the other text on the page so that it stands out. They want it to stand out because the article is all about lady Gaga. The text also links to the picture on the left hand side of the magazine.
  7. 7. The text is laid out into 2-3 columns to make it easier for the readers to read the article. Also, by putting it into columns it has improved the appearance of the my magazine article. I have used a basic font because this is most commonly used so that all the text can fit onto one double page spread. I have not used any hyphens so that the readers continue to read downwards within the same column and do not carry on reading from left to right, if there where hyphens then the text could become confusing and not as clear to read. I have put the artists name in enlarged text compared to the other text on the page so that it stands out. They want it to stand out because the article is all about Owen James The text also links to the picture on the left hand side of the magazine. I have maintained the house style of Dynamix magazine by continuing to use the three main colours associated with Dynamix which are Red, Black and White. Also, I have put the logo in the bottom left hand corner of the magazine to brand the article this is important because it makes people recognise and remember the magazine. In addition to this I have used a similar text for the artist name on the article and on the front cover. I have included the correct page number in the corner of the magazine article because it links to the page number on the contents page. This means that the readers can flick to the page quickly to read the article. Double page spreads usually have a photo of the artist on the left hand side. I have used a photograph to show the readers who the interview is about. The image I have used is a medium close up shot of the artist and has been edited, I have edited in a red circle. This is because it fits in with the colour theme so continues to maintain the house style. Also, the mise- en-scene of the photograph is important as it shows the readers what the artist is like. For example, he is posing towards the camera in a mysterious way which makes people want to know more. Also, he is making eye contact which is enticing the readers to read the article and by placing the photograph on the left hand side they are more likely to notice the picture so will see the picture and want to read the article. I have maintained the branding for the magazine by placing the Dynamix logo in the bottom left hand corner. It is the same colour and font as the logo on the front cover which maintains the house style. I have placed the important quotes in a different font and colour that still fits in with the house style of the magazine to make them stand out. These quotes connect to the quote on the contents page.