Quality IEPs Fall 2013

Quality iep's fall 2013 session 2

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Quality IEPs

Fall 2013

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• Ice Breaker• Norms• Issue Bin

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There will be 4 Main Focus sessions

– Student Profile & PLAAFP– Quality Annual Goals & Progress Measurement– Service Delivery & LRE statement– Prior Written Notice – DEC 5

Snippets of Customer Service will be imbedded

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Customer Service Activity

Are we a good host?– Take a minute to list the things you do to

prepare to “host” an IEP meeting.

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Being Prepared for the IEP Meeting– Goals have been sent home 5 days earlier

(10 days if translation is needed)– Room is ready

o projector is up, water, tissues, etc.– Staff are ready

o EC teacher has confidential folder, Reg ed has CUM– A team member escorts parents to the room– Agenda is available

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Session 2

Annual Goals & Progress Measurement

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Measureable Annual Goals

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– Meets the child’s needs that result from the disability

– Links directly to the areas of need identified in the PLAAFP

– Describes what can reasonably be expected to accomplish within the duration of the IEP.

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Major Components– Givens/conditions (when, with what, where)…as

applicable– Skill/domain area (academic, behavioral, functional)– Observable learner performance (what the

learner will be doing, visible and countable)– Measurable criteria - specifies the level at which the

student’s performance will be achieved (e.g., speed, accuracy, frequency)

– NOTE: ONE skill per annual goal

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What is Measurable Criteria?– Yields the same conclusion when measured by

several people– Criteria is specific:

– Ex. 4 of 5 trials, 3 consecutive days, % accuracy

– Is measurable “as written”– Ex. - Will “count to 10 without error” in 5/5 trials

vs. Will “improve counting skills” which needs more

information in order to measure

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A note about percentage…

– The use of percentage needs to be carefully limited to a narrow range of goalso Appropriate use of %: Will correctly spell 95% of the 6th

grade spelling words dictated to her.o Inappropriate use of %: Will improve behavior 80% of the

time with 90% accuracy.

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Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Based on a review of curriculum-based measures and data collected from teacher observations, given one minute to read a 4th grade passage, Kara reads 48 words correctly (70% accuracy). Given a 3rd grade passage, Kara reads 50 words correctly (80% accuracy).

She is able to read basic sight words and uses picture clues to identify words in a text. She decodes simple one syllable words with short vowels but has difficulty reading words with multiple syllables. She fails to use word attack strategies to read unknown words in a passage.

Kara’s oral reading is below beginning 4th grade reading level. Therefore, she has difficulty reading 4th grade level material independently. Due to these reading deficits, Kara has difficulty completing assignments independently in reading, math, science, and social studies. Her independent work is often incomplete and inaccurate.


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What do we Know about Kara’s Performance in Reading?

Strengths• Reads some basic sight words

with success• Sometimes uses picture clues

within the text to identify unknown words

• Reads

Deficits• Fluency rate is below level as

compared to her grade level peers• Has difficulty reading words of

multiple syllables• Fails to use word identification

strategies to read unknown words• Struggles with comprehension

when reading text independently

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KaraPLAAFP Component

1. Data-based student specific information about the student’s current academic achievement and functional performance

2. Strengths of the student

3. Needs resulting from the disability

4. How the disability affects involvement and progress in the general education curriculum

PLAAFP Statement

1. Teacher observation and curriculum based measures

2. Reads sight words, one syllable words and uses clues from pictures

3. Kara needs to use word identification strategies to decode multi-syllabic words

4. She has difficulty completing assignments independently in all content areas. Her work is often incomplete and inaccurate

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Measureable Goal ExamplesMeasurable Annual Goal Statements

Goal 1Given a 4th grade reading passage, Kara will accurately read 105 words or more per minute in 4 out of five trials.

Goal 2Given a 4th grade reading passage, Kara will independently read 4 – 5 syllable words with 95% accuracy

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ActivityWith a partner:– Critique 2 Annual Goals on each IEP

o Give a point for each component presentoList any missing componentsoWrite a compliant Annual Goal if needed

We will share out in 15 minutes

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How did we do?

– Share a quality Annual Goalo How did it link to the PLAAFP?

– Share one that needs improvementoWhat component is needed?

– Do we see any patterns that can be addressed?

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Progress Measurement

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– The method used to measure progressoMust list the tool used for data collection

o& o The frequency of data collection

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– Take a minute to list the methods you typically use to for measuring progress on an annual goal

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Progress Monitoring Methods– Response to Instruction

o Brief measures on a frequent basis– Curriculum-Based Measures

o Repeated measurement – weekly or monthly across extended periods of time

– Formative Assessmento Results in informed instructional decisions

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CriteriaThe method used to measure progress MUST:– Measures the skill stated in the annual goal– Is measured on a regular basis– Yields accurate data regarding that skill– Provides clear evidence of progress/lack of

progress toward achieving the annual goal– Uses language the parent can understand


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Criteria continued

– Pass the stranger test:o A stranger can pick up the IEP, read the annual

goal, read how progress will be measured, and know what to do without asking ANY questions

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– Aligns with the Annual goal and its criteria– Lists the Data collection tool/method – Describes the Frequency

o Example:• Daily behavior chart• Weekly spelling test• Periodic fluency sample

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ActivityWith a partner using the same annual goal from

the previous activity: – Critique the Progress Measurement statements

o Give a point for each component listedoWrite a correct statement if needed

We will share out in 8 minutes

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How did we do?

– Someone share a quality Progress Measurement statemento How did it link to the Annual Goal?

– Someone share one that needs improvemento What component is missing?

– Do we see any patterns that can be addressed?

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– Annual goalo Given a 4th grade reading passage, ___ will read

175 words per minute with zero errors– Progress Measurement

o Record daily one minute timings on Words Per Minute chart

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A Note About Progress Reports

– Provided concurrent with the issuance of report cards, or more often as determined by the IEP team (NC 1503-4.1)

– Which implies at least quarterly, which means there should be 4 Progress Reports on an IEP

– There should always be a Final Progress Report to close out the current IEP

– This Final Report should lead to the next PLAAFP & Annual Goal….

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Follow up Activity

Over the next two weeks– Evaluate @ least 2 other IEPs for quality Annual

Goals & Progress Measurement – Share your results with your Facilitator– Share your plan to improve the next IEP– Facilitators will keep this data in a Notebook

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Next Session

– Bring back the IEPs you worked on today– We will be reviewing

Determining Service Delivery&

Explaining LRE


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Sticky Note• Rate you level of understanding regarding development of

Quality Annual Goals & Progress Measurement: 2-I feel confident in writing compliant annual goals and

progress measurement 1-I would like additional trainingPlease click on the link below to complete the survey for this training session.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dHBFUGt0VHNKWG1VcnVwbXBGNE5DU1E6MA