Introduct ion In this presentation we are going to find out and study the causes of bunking lectures by the students. We will show all this by making a Pareto diagram. Students bunk their lectures very frequently. They make new excuses daily for not attending the lectures. Bunking lectures is not a good thing, every student should attend

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In this presentation we are going to find out and study the causes of bunking

lectures by the students. We will show all this by making a Pareto diagram.Students bunk their lectures very

frequently. They make new excuses daily for

not attending the lectures. Bunking lectures is not a good thing, every

student should attend their lecturesOn a regular basis.

A Pareto is a type of chart that contains both bars and line graphs, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars and the cumulative total is represented by the line.

The left vertical axis is the frequency of occurrence , but it can alternatively represents cost or another important unit of measure. Divide vertical axis is the cumulative percentage of the total number of occurrences , total cost or total of the particular unit of measure. Because the reasons are in decreasing order , the cumulative function is a concave function.

The purpose of Pareto chart is to highlight the most important among a set of factors.


Symptoms of Bunking Lectures :

1.Over sleeping

2.Hanging out with friends

3.Health issues

4.Influence by friends

5.No water available in the morning

6.Mental disturbance

7.Disinterested in studies

8.Falling into bad company

9.Getting nervous at the time of exams

10. Mood swings

Over sleeping

•This is the reason which most of the students uses for not going to the classes. They watch movie late night and then at a result of it they go to bed late and wake up late in the morning.

Hanging out with friends

•Hanging out with friends is more important than attending the classes for the students. Some students think that hanging out with friends make them cool and famous among others which doesn’t make any sense.

Health Issues

• Some students bunk their lectures because of some health issues but bunking lecture for a minor health problem is not good. Some students bunk classes because of some normal headache.

Influenced by Friends

• A student who is ready to attend the lecture get influenced by his/her friends for not going to the class and stays back to the hostel.

No water available in the morning

• This problem occurs in almost every hostel of every university. the students don’t get water in the morning for bath and also have to wait outside the bathrooms for their turn to come for bathing.

Mental Disturbance

• A mentally disturbed person cant focus on anything. And the matter like studies a lot of attention. May be some family issues or some personal issues is disturbing the person , will not be able to attend the lectures. As if they attend this will lead to mentally absent.

Dis-interested in Studies

• We do all those things in which we are interested. If person isn’t interested in studies will not attend the classes , they will go out saying that they’re going to attend the lectures but they don’t because they are least interested in studies.

Falling into bad company

• Someone falling into a bad company ruins his/her own life. They feel that they are more happy with the wrong person, they start spending time with them. As a result they bunk their lectures.

Getting nervous at the time of exams

• Students who get nervous at the time of exams studies very much but don’t go to the classes because of lack of confidence.

Mood Swings

• Every person has mood swings and students’ mood swings very frequently. They get ready to attend the classes and then suddenly their mood changes and cancel their plan to attend the lectures and do stuff rather than studies.

Most frequent symptoms

Causes for bunking lectures Number of occasions

Over sleeping :- 80Hanging out with friends :- 65Health issues :- 75Influenced by friends :- 50Mental disturbance :- 45Mood swings :- 35

Compilation Table

Causes of bunking lectures Number of Percentage Cumulative (Decreasing order) occasions percentage

Over sleeping 80 23 23Health issues 75 21 44Hanging out with friends 65 18 62Influenced by friends 50 15 77Mental disturbance 45 13 90Mood swings 35 10 100

Pareto diagram for Bunking Lectures


In this presentation we have discuss about the causes of bunking lectures by the students, by showing the causes on a Pareto diagram.

By this presentation we have concluded that bunking lectures is very frequent among the students and the most common cause of this is over-sleeping.

By this presentation we have learned how to make a Pareto diagram.

It helps us to understand the causes in a better and simple way.

ThankYou!We would like to thank the team of QCL ( Qimpro champions league) for giving us the opportunities to learn new things and to show our creativity.

And we would also like to thank our friends who helped us to complete this presentation.