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Page 2: Proposal

What am I producing?

I am producing a booklet about fishing of which will contain information about fishing equipment, different type of fishing and some of the fish that can be caught when fishing.This will also consist of photographs of fishing equipment and if possible the equipment in use.I will also include an interview with an fisherman if possible so I will then have more of an understanding into fishing.

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· Why you are producing it (personal reasons, interest etc)

I have chosen to do about fishing because it is easy for me to gather the information as I have family members who are fishermen and have the right equipment. I have no interest in fishing however the information is easy to gather. The booklet I am producing is a booklet because there are a lot of information that could be used plus images and so on however fishing is not my strong suit so I will need to get an interview involved.

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Any existing examples you can draw inspiration from?

I have got a fishing magazine called Korum of which I can take inspiration from. I can also take inspiration from a fishing show such as Sea watch and learn a few things in the process also there are books, the internet, tv and DVDs about fishing of which I can take inspiration from. The equipment alone should be enough to give me inspiration however having some other examples to give me inspiration would be a good idea.

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The intended target audience?

The demographics for this would typically be males at an age range of 35-55 because stereotypically Older males go fishing or like fishing plus they were young back when there was more fishing jobs available. from a socio-economic point of view the sort of people who go fishing fall in the categories of D-C1 as they would need the money to get the equipment and also be able to have the time to go fishing and would be of lower class to working class. From a psychographic point of view the sort of people that would go fishing are older people and those of adequate resources and skills.

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How you will interpolate the intended audience?

I will use a certain language register for the audience for example ‘pole fishing’ not just anyone will know what pole fishing is but someone who goes fishing will. the colours will be of black, silver, orange or green as in previous example of fishing magazines these have been the colours used and the font will be big and bold especially for the title of the booklet.