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title of magazine

I have chosen to call my magazine Trance as this is another word for being hypnotised. Trance would be suitable as many EDM listeners listen to a lot of electronic music and it’s very easy to get carried away and end up listening to many songs for a long period of time. It’s almost as if you’re in a trance which is why I decided to use this title.Also, according to my survey, the most voted title was Trance. The survey was conducted on 16-18 year olds which is my target audience and for this reason it makes the title even more appropriate. It’s also a different name on the market as other magazines of an EDM nature are called “mixmag”, “DJ mag” or “Clublife”. They all have two words put together and so i wanted to create a different name which would stand out more on the shelves of shops.

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As you can see, the majority of people who answered my survey voted for trance which makes it more suitable. One person however voted for rave and this could be an alternative for trance as you ‘rave’ to dance music.

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Choice of genreMy choice of genre is EDM which stands for Electronic Dance Music. I chose this genre as it’s a very ‘irregular’ genre. Not many people are aware of it and listen to it which is why I wish to bring this genre out more and put it on the forefront along with pop. I am going to do this through my magazine as I am going to include informative articles which would attract those who would like to try out this genre. Also, EDM has sub genres within it such as Trap, deep house, techno etc. This means that I have a wide range of articles and artists that I could use which would in turn attract more audience.

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Target audience

My magazine will be aimed at 16-18 year olds as many magazines of alternative music aren’t aimed at this age range and so it would be something different for them. In addition, this is the age where you are still experimenting with new music and new lifestyles and as this is a new release for this age group they would be more likely to buy the magazine. They are very sociable and the loud ones within their friendship groups. As well as this, they will be very up to date with latest trends in music and would enjoy producing their own music as well.

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Content of whole magazineWithin my magazine I am going to put information on some well known artists within the genre as this would attract those who aren’t very familiar with the EDM genre. This is because some EDM is played on popular chart radios such as Capital so some may know a few of the popular artists. This would ensure a large amount of people would buy the magazine. Also, i’m going to include interviews, new album releases and upcoming festivals and gigs. There would also be information on how to have your own party and tips and tricks from experts on starting off as a DJ. I am also going to include some articles on fashion and makeup for festivals and events for those that are younger. For the older readers i’m going to include a directory so they can find out about the latest clubs they could visit. These are the types of articles that would interest my target audience as they would be wanting to start off with the lifestyle and would want to know more information about it. The wide range of articles would cater for everyone’s needs so they would have at least one article they would want to read.

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Initial ideas for front coverOn the cover I would either get a model in front of a wall with several lights on them or the model to be lying on the grass outside with paint splattered on them. I would get the model in front of a wall with lights as this would resemble someone having a houseparty which is suitable for my age range of 16-18 year olds. Also, since the music is played at things such as clubs and parties it would highlight the genre more and immediately tell the audience that this magazine is about EDM. the model will be wearing sunglasses as this creates a more edgy look and I will have lights either behind the model or wrapped around them to bring emphasis on them. I would get a model on the grass as it shows them being outside and my target audience enjoy the outdoors and being outside. In addition, EDM festivals are held outside which would link to the genre. The paint is an accent to the image and makes the image look more colourful. Also, since my target audience love to do creative subjects such as Art, it would link to the target audience as well and appeal to them.

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images similar to my ideas

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I will have a bold masthead at the top with a skyline and the date and issue number underneath the masthead on the left hand side. I will have the articles on either side of the page with the kicker going across the artist on the cover as this would be the best way to attract audiences attention. I will have bright colours on the front and may go ahead with the colour scheme of black, blue and white. This is because the black would represent the darkness in parties (as the lights aren’t on) and the blue and white are very contrasting colours which would represent the bright lights in parties.

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Initial ideas for contents page

I will have “contents” written at the top of the page along with the month and year. I will also have a little image of the front cover on there as throughout my research process I have found a lot of contents pages have the front cover on the contents page. There will be a large image on the right side of the page with columns of articles on the left. The image itself would be of a model wearing bright make-up and it would be a close up of them. An alternative would be the model wearing headphones and looking as though they are dancing to the song. The columns will have sections such as ‘beats’, ‘outfit perfect’, ‘try a DIY’ and ‘directory’. These would all be underlined with the titles of the articles under these headings in bold.

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images similar to my ideas

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initial ideas for double page spreadMy first page would be an article about a new artist who has been recently making EDM. It would talk about their new albums and how they’re enjoying their new job. The image would be placed on the second page and the model will be looking at the camera and sitting down with a laptop and other gadgets in front of them. This would make it look like they are producing their own music and that they enjoy doing so which would make the reader be engaged. I will also have smaller images next to the article of the model working on a computer as most EDM is computer and electronics based. This would break up the page as you won’t just have one image on the whole thing. To pull the article together I will have the same lights used on the front cover going at the top and bottom of the page in stripes. This would link the front cover and double page spread together and make it look more appealing and professional. The article will start off with a large drop cap and there will be a quote on the image relating to the artist and the article. This would draw audiences attention into the article and make them want to read it.

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Images similar to my ideas

All the model will be wearing casual clothes as those who listen to EDM are very laid back and chilled out. The lights in the images reflect the lights in clubs and this relates to my magazine as the models will be in houses. Some of my target audience aren’t old enough to go clubbing so this would be used as an alternative and would attract more people. Those who just want party ideas could also pick up the magazine as it would help them and they may like other articles within the magazine.