TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENTS HISTORY 1 by Laura Thrower, UTD. World War II was the most devastating war ever fought. It was a total war, fought in nearly all regions of the world, with more than 60 million total military and civilian casualties. The causes of this war had roots that began with political and economic events that led to the rise of totalitarian governments. INTRODUCTION Essential Question: What is totalitarinism? Totalitarianism is a type of political system in which the citizen is subjected to absolute state authority in all aspects of day to day life. In this project you will be studying three types of totalitarian regimes (a government in power) that arose as a result of World War I, and ultimately led to the events of World War II. You will learn about Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party in Germany, Benito Mussolini and the rise of his Fascist party in Italy, and the Communist party in Russia as ruled by Joseph Stalin. You will see what political, economic, and social conditions led each of these countries to be ruled by these dictators, and how the policies of each led to World War II. Ultimately, you will gain and understanding of what a totalitarian government is, and the characteristics that shaped day to day life under these rulers. I. TASK In this project assignment it will be your job to fully research your assigned totalitarian governments and its characteristics, the leader of the political party, and the reason the regime was able to rise to power following World War I. Group members will share their information and notes with each other once they have completed their research. As a team, you will then write a newspaper as if it was written during the time period of 1939 and you are writing TO citizens of the country about daily life. For example, if you are researching Stalin, your article will be written IN Russia to the citizens living under Communism. Each team member will write ONE article for the paper. You will need to have AT LEAST four articles related to the following topics: Leader's political party description that is the totalitarian regime of that country Day to day social aspects for citizens living under this government Prior economy of the country and how this allowed the totalitarian regime to come to power Political environment during this time period (1939) You will be turning in your research notes from the websites, and also a page that will answer the Essential Question "what is totalitarianism?" using information you have learned. Each student must turn in their own answer to the EQ.

Project Totalitarism

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by Laura Thrower, UTD.

World War II was the most devastating war ever fought. It was a total war, fought in nearly all regions of the world, with more than 60 million total military and civilian casualties. The causes of this war had roots that began with political and economic events that led to the rise of totalitarian governments.


Essential Question: What is totalitarinism?

Totalitarianism is a type of political system in which the citizen is subjected to absolute state authority in all aspects of day to day life. In this project you will be studying three types of totalitarian regimes (a government in power) that arose as a result of World War I, and ultimately led to the events of World War II. You will learn about Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party in Germany, Benito Mussolini and the rise of his Fascist party in Italy, and the Communist party in Russia as ruled by Joseph Stalin.

You will see what political, economic, and social conditions led each of these countries to be ruled by these dictators, and how the policies of each led to World War II. Ultimately, you will gain and understanding of what a totalitarian government is, and the characteristics that shaped day to day life under these rulers.


In this project assignment it will be your job to fully research your assigned totalitarian

governments and its characteristics, the leader of the political party, and the reason the

regime was able to rise to power following World War I. Group members will share

their information and notes with each other once they have completed their

research. As a team, you will then write a newspaper as if it was written during

the time period of 1939 and you are writing TO citizens of the country about daily

life. For example, if you are researching Stalin, your article will be written IN Russia to

the citizens living under Communism. Each team member will write ONE article for the

paper. You will need to have AT LEAST four articles related to the following topics:

Leader's political party description that is the totalitarian regime of that country

Day to day social aspects for citizens living under this government

Prior economy of the country and how this allowed the totalitarian regime to

come to power

Political environment during this time period (1939)

You will be turning in your research notes from the websites, and also a page that

will answer the Essential Question "what is totalitarianism?" using information you have

learned. Each student must turn in their own answer to the EQ.




Step 1: The teacher will assign you into groups of four team members. Each group

will be assigned a totalitarian regime to research. Each group member will become an

"expert" on one aspect of the totalitarian government. The areas of experts will be:

Leader's political party description that is the totalitarian regime of that country

Day to day social aspects for citizens living under this government

Prior economy of the country and how this allowed the totalitarian regime to


Political environment during this time period

Step 2: Your group will explore the resources provided below for your country and

take notes on all of the information that you find. As you research your totalitarian

government, make sure to take thorough notes. You will need to turn in your written

notes as part of the project. Try to use at least two sources for each section. This will

enable you to have a more complete view of your country, its leader and the day to day

life under this form of rule.

Step 3: Once everyone has had a chance to completely research their respective

political party, they will verbally share their "expertise" on their country with the other

members of the group. You will each write the answer to the EQ, "What is

totalitarianism?" as part of the notes you will turn in with this assignment.

Step 4: You will then write the newspaper articles for your totalitarian regime and

country for the area you studied as if you were writing it in the year 1939 to citizens of

the country living under this totalitarian system. Each team member will write one

article, according to the area of expertise he or she studied. You will type this article on

the computer, print it, and then arrange all your groups' articles with any corresponding

photos you would like to use on the poster board provided to you. Your newspaper

should completely tell a story of your country, its leader, and the totalitarian

government ruling it.

Step 5: The day after the newspapers are finished, your group will present to the

class. Each team member will explain what they learned about life under their

totalitarian regime in the aspect for which they researched.


Use the websites below to research your totalitarian regime, its ruler and aspects of

day to day life. Make sure to view all parts of the website, taking good notes on what

life as a citizen would have been like during this time. Use the questions below to

guide your research. Remember, you are writing the article as if you are writing it for

citizens of the totalitarian regime you have studied and you are living in the country for

which your party's philosophy rules.



a) Biography and Political Party: You will need to have one article telling about the

leader of the political party of the totalitarian regimes and what the ideas of his party

are all about. Some of the information you should look for includes:

What is the leader's background?

What are the stated ideals of the political party?

How did he gain support for his ideas and rise to power?

Nazism: Hitler. The-rise-of-the-nazi-party

Fascism: Benito Mussolini. , What is Fascism?

Communism: Joseph Stalin. Communism.htm

b) Social Aspects: You will learn about the culture and different ways of life under

your totalitarian regime. A totalitarian government used many tactics to control

all aspects of a citizen's life. You should research what life was like for the

average citizen and try to find answers for some of these questions:

What were some of the things this dictator's party do to control day to day life?

What was life like for women/children/minorities in the country?

What were ways the government dealt with dissent?

Germany: Life and Times Under the Nazi party :

johndclare.net/Nazi_Germany3.htm, Women and Children Under Hitler

Italy: Life and Times under Fascism, Women and Youth Under Mussolini,

Russia: Life under Communism:


Women's Life Under Stalin

c) Economy: You are interested in discovering how the economies of each

country were fairing before the war. The economy of each country is important

because it influences both the feelings of ordinary citizens and the actions taken

by the government. For example, during a period of economic stability or

economic growth, citizens are more likely to be content with their government

and the world. Therefore, they are not likely to agitate for or support a war.

What was the unemployment rate prior to this totalitarian government taking


What promises or actions did the leader offer to the citizens to improve life for

the citizens?

How did the economy improve under this leader?



Germany: German Economy(1933-39), Pre-War and Post-War Economy

Italy: Economy in Fascist Italy, Reasons for Rise in Fascism:


Russia: Stalin's Five Year Plan:

johndclare.net/Russ11.; Collectivization of Agriculture:


d) Political Environment: Your job is to find out how this government operates.

Some of the information you should look for includes:

Who has the right to vote?

Who controls the press?

Do the citizens have a right to voice their opinion to the government?

What role does the military have in the government?

Nazism: National Socialist Party :

http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/nazi-party ; Weimar Republic /

Italy and Germany

Fascism: Mussolini's Road to Dictatorship, Italy's Foreign Policy, Italy and


Communism: Stalin's Purges: spartacus-educational.com/RUSpurge.htm

Stalin's Use of Terror


You have now explored the different totalitarian governments that rose to power in the years following World War I and led to World War II. You should also understand what factors allow totalitarian governments to gain power and what life was like living as an average citizen in these countries, including how all aspects of your life would have been controlled by the ruling political system.

Totalitarianism is a system of government in which all social, political, economic, intellectual, and cultural activities, are controlled by the rulers and ruling ideology of a state. Several important features distinguish totalitarianism, a form of rule new to the 20th century, from such older forms of absolute governments. In modern totalitarianism, however, people are made utterly dependent on the wishes of a political party and its leaders. The modern totalitarian state is ruled by a political party, which embodies ideas claiming universal authority and allowing no rival claim of loyalty.




Most of the information in the Resource page came from the following websites. I have

found these web sites to be very valuable research sites.


History Learning Site

History on the Net



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