Production Pitch Zombie Horror Concept

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Production PitchZombie Horror Concept

Page 2: Production pitch

Looking at the previous work done by your independent film studio I am aware that you have a good history of the horror genre with well known, successful titles such as “Saw” and “The Descent”. It is because of this that I believe my product would be suited to your institution on the basis that my concept follows such stories that yourself, as distributors have taken on. As well as this I believe that you would have the sufficient budget needed to take on such a task after the recent success of the high grossing productions “Hunger Games“, “Catching Fire” and “kick Ass”. I also feel that the scale of this product will increase your reputation as an independent studio and enable you to better compete amongst films released by the big six.

Page 3: Production pitch

ConceptsCurrently my concepts are based on zombie horror (the more favored sub-genre of my target audience), because of this I have had to create a compelling backstory to the product which should enable me to later add additional story and character to the production. The back story is as follow - A group of survivors have come together through different circumstances. Despite hard times and great difficulty the survivors struggle to continue in a post-apocalyptic world that has crumbled around them. Uniting as a group is the only way to survive long enough to reach a location only known as the “safe haven”. My current ideas make use of a range of settings such as abandoned buildings that have been overgrown by the environment around them, a corn field, a desolate town and if possible a fair ground as well. These settings are very conventional of the genre and if used to a high standard should allow for a successful product to be made. My other ideas for mise-en-scene follow the other conventions of the genre, for example, lighting shall be low-key when necessary to create a sense of panic and suspense. The use of costume will relate to the fact that the film is set in a post-apocalyptic world where hygiene is at a minimum and therefor clothing will be old and clearly worn. The costume of the zombies will be tattered and bloody. The use of make-up in my production for the “survivors” will be limited and make them appear somewhat scruffy as a way of highlighting the fact that the world is a struggle to live in, however the amount used for the zombies will be much greater as they will need to appear as “realistic” as possible when at close range.In terms of camerawork I intend on staying to the conventional shots of horror, such as high and low angle shots, close ups, longshots, establishing shots and handheld shots. These are all types of shots used in the horror genre to greatly increase suspense and the sense of unease. My current concepts for sound are the use of fast paced non-diegetic music to cover my product as well as the use of diegetic sounds from scenes and dialogue from some of the characters.I believe these concepts would appeal to my target audience on the basis of them largely being what was asked for when I conducted my audience research. Furthermore, many of my concepts follow the conventions of a zombie horror which in turn will increase the appeal of my target audience and increase the quality and look of my finished product.

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Target Audience

My target audience are aged around 15-25 and are male and female., because of this my product will have to suit both gender through the use of relatable characters and story. My audience will also be demographically diverse having interests in film, music, sports, reading and going out with friends. From my research I have found that there is a range of expectations for a horror production and it is because of this that I shall include many of these as a way of enticing my target audience to watch a film that they have been a part of.

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Research Evaluation

From my research I have found that there are a range of conventions for the horror genre, the most notable convention of the genre are the stereotypes given to the characters, such as, the jock and the blonde. Other conventions mainly fall into mise-en-scene. settings are most often isolated from the outside world, the lighting of the films is most often low-key with the few high-key moments being at the start of the film where there is a sense of ease and tranquillity. The use of sound is conventionally fast paced non-diegetic music, used in such a way that creates suspense and raises adrenaline. I also found that there is a range of conventions to form. For example, film trailers begin with a certified rating such as a red or green band which is then conventionally followed by the logo of all production companies linked to the product. The form of the product then conventionally has video footage which is separated up by text that draws in the audience. The end of a trailer would then conventionally has a release date.Looking at audience research I have received positive feedback relating to my initial production concepts with responses such as, ‘You have clearly established what your film is going to be like by stating what elements your going to be applying. The use of what shots you are using enables the viewer to expect them certain shots and the use of stating what make-up you will be using creates an imaginative view of what the trailer will be like.’ other feedback that I have received from questionnaires has allowed me to create a compelling backstory from what the audience would like to see.

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Mood board

This is an ideal location setting for my product as it is constrictive and for that reason creates tension and a sense of unease.

Using make up will be an ideal way for me to create believable zombies

Watching previous zombie films I have found that the more successful films involve hordes of zombies chasing after people.

This looks similar to a location that I have in mind and from this image it appears that something isn’t quite right as the earth reclaims what's been left.

From seeing what survival experts look like when they are in the wild has given me a good idea of how the survivors should look in the production.

This arsenal of weapons has given my a good idea for props, however in my production they will be fake.