Previous front cover feeback and feebbggack questionnaire

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Page 1: Previous front cover feeback and feebbggack questionnaire


Page 2: Previous front cover feeback and feebbggack questionnaire

The audience response to one of my previous front covers we helpful, as they allowed

me to make improvements to create my final magazine cover. One peer stated: “Great

image of the model, coherent colour scheme.” They also said that: “To ensure it looks

professional, try not to over compensate with blending options!” I can agree to an

extent with that statement. I do believe that if I compensate with the blending and

“Layer style” tools, it might not look as professional as it should. However, I do feel that

despite using blending options etc, my magazine still looks professional and

exceptional. Another peer stated that: “I like the pose of the model and the outfit as

well. I really think it goes well with your magazine genre.” They also said that: “I would

personally change the colour of the „J‟, the brown colour of the artists names at the

side and change it to a brighter colour, so that it can stand out to the reader.” I agree

with this statement for improvement. For progress with this magazine, I have gotten rid

of the brown colour throughout my front page, and changed it to red, so that it stands

out more, and it does.