Present simple - Facts about the solar system

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WelcomeDear student, welcome to the galaxy of present simple. Please enjoy and practice hard!


Vocabulary Lets hit the first stage!

Now we will identify the main vocabulary related to the solar system!

VocabularyPlanet: PlanetaCelestial : Celeste

VocabularyMeteorite: MeteoritoStar: Estrella

VocabularyRotation: Rotacion Movement of a planet within itself.Translation: TranslacinMovement of a planet around the sun.

Milky WaySunThe Sun is the largest object in the solar system. It contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of the Solar System (Jupiter and Saturn contain most of the rest).Diameter: 1,390,000 km. Mass: 1.989e30 kg temperature: 5800 K (surface) 15,600,000 K (core)


Discovery: Known to the ancients and visible to the naked eyeNamed for: Messenger of the Roman godsDiameter: 3,031 miles (4,878 km)Orbit: 88 Earth daysDay: 58.6 Earth daysDiscovery: Known to the ancients and visible to the naked eyeNamed for: Roman goddess of love and beautyDiameter: 7,521 miles (12,104 km)Orbit: 225 Earth daysDay: 241 Earth daysVenusMercury

PLANETSDiameter: 7,926 miles (12,760 km)Orbit: 365.24 daysDay: 23 hours, 56 minuteDiscovery: Known to the ancients and visible to the naked eyeNamed for: Roman god of warDiameter: 4,217 miles (6,787 km)Orbit: 687 Earth daysDay: Just more than one Earth day (24 hours, 37 minutes)MarsEarth

PLANETSDiscovery: Known to the ancients and visible to the naked eyeNamed for: Ruler of the Roman godsDiameter: 86,881 miles (139,822 km)Orbit: 11.9 Earth yearsDay: 9.8 Earth hoursDiscovery: Known to the ancients and visible to the naked eyeNamed for: Roman god of agricultureDiameter: 74,900 miles (120,500 km)Orbit: 29.5 Earth yearsDay: About 10.5 Earth hoursSaturnJupiter

PLANETSDiscovery: 1781 by William Herschel (was thought previously to be a star)Named for: Personification of heaven in ancient mythDiameter: 31,763 miles (51,120 km)Orbit: 84 Earth yearsDay: 18 Earth hoursDiscovery: 1846Named for: Roman god of waterDiameter: 30,775 miles (49,530 km)Orbit: 165 Earth yearsDay: 19 Earth hoursNeptuneUranus

PLANETSDiscovery: 1930 by Clyde TombaughNamed for: Roman god of the underworld, HadesDiameter: 1,430 miles (2,301 km)Orbit: 248 Earth yearsDay: 6.4 Earth dayPluto

To check pronunciation please go tohttps://www.howtopronounce.com

Vocabulary ActivityRelate the image with the correct word


Time Expressions for Present SimpleTime expressions are used to express the frequency of an action.

Time Expressions for Present SimpleAre used to say how often something happens

Subject + Time expression + Main verbExample: Saturn generally caught different asteroidsSubjectTimeExpressionMainVerb

Time Expressions for Present Simple

Planets rotate around the sun.The sun erupts in the inside.Meteorites travel at high speed.Moons hit asteroids.Eclipses are hard to see.Neptune gets hot.

alwaysoftenusuallyfrequentlysometimesneverRead the following sentences and identify the time expressions, then click to check your answers



+ e.g: A Neutron star spins at a rate of 600 rotations per second.? e.g: Does a planet produce any type of sound?- e.g: Planets dont produce any type of sound.(S/ES/IES IN 3rd PERSON)




The solar system is the Sun and the objects that travel around it. The Earth is part of the solar system because it also travels around the sun.

The Sun is a star similar to the other stars in the sky but it is much closer to the Earth. The Sun is mostly a big ball of gases composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.

There are seven other planets that travel around the sun, too. These planets, in order, include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Earth is located between Venus and Mars. The path the planets use when traveling around the sun is oval-shaped and is called its orbit. Each of the planets in the solar system take a different amount of time to orbit or travel around the Sun.

The planet Earth takes 365 days or one year to orbit the Sun. The other planets take more or less time to orbit the Sun. It takes Mercury less than two months or 88 days to travel around the Sun. It is the shortest time compared to the other planets. The planet taking the longest time to go around the Sun is Neptune. It takes Neptune almost 165 years to travel around the Sun.

The planets of the solar system are also a variety of sizes and are made up of different substances. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. Over 1,000 Earths could fill the size of Jupiter. The smallest planet is Mercury, which is also the closest planet to the Sun. Earth and Venus are similar in size to each other.

The four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are made of rock containing many different minerals. The four outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are mostly made up of different gases. Jupiter is mainly helium, hydrogen, and water. The four outer planets also have rings that encircle them with Saturn having the most rings.

Answer the following questions according to the previous text about The Solar System:The Sun and the objects that travel around it is called:

A: planetsB: The solar systemC: MoonsD: The asteroid beltAnswer: B. The Solar System2) What is the difference between the Sun and the other stars of the universe?

A: The sun is much farther awayB: The sun shines brighterC: The sun is closer to the EarthD: The sun is much largerAnswer: C. The Sun is closer to the Earth3) Which of the following shows the correct order of the inner planets?

A: Mercury, Earth, Venus, MarsB: Mars, Mercury, Venus, EarthC: Venus, Mars, Erath, MercuryD: Mercury, Venus, Earth, MarsAnswer: D. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars4) Which of the following the correct order of the outer planets?

A: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, UranusB: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneC: Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, NeptuneD: Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, SaturnAnswer: B. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus

Listen and Complete

The Solar System is an (1) ___________ thing. I cant imagine just how big it is. I dont think anyone can. It all (2)_________ around our Sun. Our solar system (3) ________ eight planets in it. When I was a kid I learnt there were nine planets, but some time ago, scientists decided Pluto wasnt a planet. All of the names of the planets in our solar system are really cool. Everybody (4)__________ the names because they are used day in advertising or to (5) __________ cars and things. Pluto was even the name of a Disney character. I (6) ________ Saturn is the name of a car and Mercury is the name of a radio station. I (7) ________ looking at photos of the solar system. They get more beautiful as our technology (8) _______ better. One day well go on solar system tours.1. AMAZING2. CENTRES 3. HAS4. KNOWS5. NAME6. THINK7. LOVE8. GETS


Listen A Minute.comListening 9-Page Handout Quizzes on Solar System. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from http://www.listenaminute.com/s/solar_system.htmlAstronomy, S. (2017). Solar System Planets: Order of the 8 (or 9) Planets. Space.com. Retrieved 20 February 2017, from http://www.space.com/16080-solar-system-planets.html The Sun - Educational facts and history of the star we call The Sun.. (2017). Goo.gl. Retrieved 22 February 2017, from http://goo.gl/CY6FyCgoo.gl/7D3ILFgoo.gl/lWKuhVgoo.gl/YhieFhgoo.gl/HnQuQWgoo.gl/PZqmkPgoo.gl/kiR3Mugoo.gl/T73xc8goo.gl/SLui4Ggoo.gl/DDjzxfgoo.gl/t6igI9goo.gl/bk67bwgoo.gl/uNPBcBgoo.gl/WcX4bX

Solar SystemSean BanvilleListen A Minute.comBlues59976.01