Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia ( PUC ) cturer : Prof: Srey Sunleang bject : Report Global Warming oom : Prasat Neang Khmao me : 9.30 AM-11AM te : 17/08/12 oup 2 : eang Sokmean (group leader) hea Kimny

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Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia ( PUC )

Lecturer : Prof: Srey Sunleang Subject : Report Global Warming

Room : Prasat Neang Khmao Time : 9.30 AM-11AM

Date : 17/08/12 Group 2 :

•Leang Sokmean (group leader)

•Chea Kimny

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Global warming

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What is global warming ?

Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate patterns.

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What is the factor contributes to global warming ?

Several main causes of global warming issues.

Greenhouse gassesBurning of fossil fuel Release carbon dioxide of gasoline Methane gas from animals and agricultureDeforestationIncrease in usage of chemical fertilizers

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What does global Warming impact on ?

Thise problem seruiously influences on both nature and hunmans?

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Effect on nature and human Rise in sea level worldwideClimate change Massive crop failures

Effect on animals and sea lifeImpact on creatures and human

beings Widespread extinction of speciesDanger for ocean ecosystems

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Solutions of global warming issue Reduce greenhouse Use alternative energy supply sources,

like wind and solar power..cte…. Use less transportation based on fuel Short distances should be done by foot or

bicycle Stop deforestation Increase forestlands and plant more trees Use of biofuel

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Humans: -use less chemical fertilizers - use more bio-fertilizers rather than chemical substances -reduce industry emissions-use less consumer products

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In conclusion , global warming is the biggest and serious issue faced by us. The countries around the world, particularly the world powers have concerned about this problem, and take measure in order to clam that the industrialized countries should reduce their emissions as much as possible . It a good conduct to preserve nice earth for the generations sustainably.