Preliminary task evaluation In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? In my research I found that most of the magazine front covers have medium close up of someone, so for my college magazine front cover I used a medium close up of a student. My magazine also has the same aspects of many of the magazines I researched, such as a big masthead at the top of the cover. I also positioned the subheadings and text around the main picture, which is what the popular magazines have also done. I used a reversed out masthead, which some of the magazines I researched used. I tried to make my magazine cover look as realistic as possible. How does your media product represent particular social groups? My magazine doesn’t represent a particular social group, as I have only written about the college. My magazine would be aimed at college students, not social groups. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? My media product is a college magazine so would be aimed at students. Therefore it would be distributed at colleges. It could also be distributed in local shops for people who are interested in joining the college or finding out information about it. Who would be the audience for your media product? (Refer to your research) The audience for my media product would be students of the college or people who are interested in the college. It could also be aimed at parents of the students there if they want to know more about the college. How did you attract/address your audience? I attracted my audience by using a large image on the front cover and using a small amount of text. The masthead is bold and reversed out to attract the audience’s attention. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I have learnt that the layout and structure of your front cover is the most important part of a magazine. Making this media product has helped me with my main task as it has shown me how to bring photographs and text together to make it look realistic.

Preliminary task evaluation

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Preliminary task evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In my research I found that most of the magazine front covers have medium close up of someone, so for my college magazine front cover I used a medium close up of a student. My magazine also has the same aspects of many of the magazines I researched, such as a big masthead at the top of the cover. I also positioned the subheadings and text around the main picture, which is what the popular magazines have also done. I used a reversed out masthead, which some of the magazines I researched used. I tried to make my magazine cover look as realistic as possible.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? My magazine doesn’t represent a particular social group, as I have only written about the college. My magazine would be aimed at college students, not social groups.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? My media product is a college magazine so would be aimed at students. Therefore it would be distributed at colleges. It could also be distributed in local shops for people who are interested in joining the college or finding out information about it.

Who would be the audience for your media product? (Refer to your research)

The audience for my media product would be students of the college or people who are

interested in the college. It could also be aimed at parents of the students there if they want

to know more about the college.

How did you attract/address your audience? I attracted my audience by using a large image on the front cover and using a small amount of text. The masthead is bold and reversed out to attract the audience’s attention.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt that the layout and structure of your front cover is the most important part of a

magazine. Making this media product has helped me with my main task as it has shown me

how to bring photographs and text together to make it look realistic.