1 Precession of the Equinoxes formatted the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures’ Creation Account William John Meegan PROLOGUE Not all my papers are written as I commence to write them. This paper was mainly to contrast the two diametrical ways of communication: i.e. iconoclasm speaks from a totally secular point of view and iconography speaks from both a religious and secular perspective and there are verifiable psychic reasons for this, which create confusion in the psyche of the uninitiated concerning the secular life and religious thought and that will be discussed more fully as the paper progresses. In starting out on this paper it is as if the spiritual hands that have guided me over the years blatantly took over the paper as if it had a life of its own, which of course caused me to change the title. As I checked out the ideas, which came to mind, on the internet I was amazed at the incredible accuracy of the esoteric mathematics, as I always am, when I am spiritually inspired like this. My last paper, PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES: How the ancient Astrologers learn of it 1 definitively illustrates how the ancient astrologers learned of the Precession of the Equinoxes without studying the heavenly movements of the stars. I’m not saying that the ancients didn’t study the movement of the stars I’m just saying they learned of the Precession of the Equinoxes from a totally different method. In fact; though, this paper was not intended to be such it can be considered a sequel to that paper. ICONOCLASM I began this paper with the next paragraph and I continue this way to show how it suddenly segued into the Precession of the Equinoxes. Word (iconoclasm) and image (iconography) are two diametrically different methods humans use to communicate with each other in the secular and religious realms of psychic thought and; because, of these 1 http://www.slideshare.net/williamjohnmeegan/precession-of-the-equinoxes-how-did-ancient-astrologers-learn-of-it

Precession of the Equinoxes formatted the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures' Creation Account

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Page 1: Precession of the Equinoxes formatted the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures' Creation Account


Precession of the Equinoxes formatted the mythoi of the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures’ Creation Account

William John Meegan


Not all my papers are written as I commence to write them. This paper was mainly to contrast the two diametrical ways of communication: i.e. iconoclasm speaks from a totally secular point of view and iconography speaks from both a religious and secular perspective and there are verifiable psychic reasons for this, which create confusion in the psyche of the uninitiated concerning the secular life and religious thought and that will be discussed more fully as the paper progresses. In starting out on this paper it is as if the spiritual hands that have guided me over the years blatantly took over the paper as if it had a life of its own, which of course caused me to change the title.

As I checked out the ideas, which came to mind, on the internet I was amazed at the incredible accuracy of the esoteric mathematics, as I always am, when I am spiritually inspired like this.

My last paper, PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES: How the ancient Astrologers learn of it1 definitively illustrates how the ancient astrologers learned of the Precession of the Equinoxes without studying the heavenly movements of the stars. I’m not saying that the ancients didn’ t study the movement of the stars I’m just saying they learned of the Precession of the Equinoxes from a totally different method. In fact; though, this paper was not intended to be such it can be considered a sequel to that paper.


I began this paper with the next paragraph and I continue this way to show how it suddenly segued into the Precession of the Equinoxes.

Word (iconoclasm) and image (iconography) are two diametrically different methods humans use to communicate with each other in the secular and religious realms of psychic thought and; because, of these

1 http://www.slideshare.net/williamjohnmeegan/precession-of-the-equinoxes-how-did-ancient-astrologers-learn-of-it

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two diverse methods of communicating the twain rarely, if ever, meets via the auspices of the individual’s psyche.

In every sense words are images also; for the reason that, both the spoken and written word conjures up meanings and mental images; however, iconoclasm is taken solely from linear, literal and historical perspectives; for the reason that, humans live in the time/space continuum; thus, everything bar nothing is taken chronologically as if each human being was eternally and everlastingly walking down the east-west corridor of TIME: i.e. The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Everyday communication via writing and speech is not inundated and surround by symbolic imagery per se; though, every word is an image it is not envisaged as such in the immediate moment of conversation. Each word is taken to have a one-word definition and rarely, and not too often, is those in conversation not on the same page via societal mores. The outer world also uses the discipline of pictorial art; however, in modernity the art says no more than what the secular artist intended, which is basically to record a moment in TIME.


This is precisely why the Judaeo Christian Scriptures is considered a historical document and when the sacred scriptures are read as a historical document it can be seen to go back to the Equinoctial Age of Gemini, which goes back to 6480-years; however, the mythoi of the sacred scriptures goes back only to 5509-year BC before the incarnation of Christ, which would have been according to those calculation 5542BC before the Common Era if the 33-years of Christ’s life are added to 5509.

In 426, Saint Augustine completed City of God, in which he wrote:

“ Some hold the same opinion regarding men that they hold regarding the world itself, that they have always been ... And when they are asked, how, ... they reply that most, if not all lands, were so desolated at intervals by fire and flood, that men were greatly reduced in numbers, and ... thus there was at intervals a new beginning made. ... But they say what they think, not what they know. They are deceived ... by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousand years, though reckoning by the sacred writings, we find that not 6,000 years2 have yet passed3” .

Here Saint Augustine is speaking from a totally biblical perspective seeing that 6,000 years passed, which included the years in the 397AD era he was speaking in, which he was inferring around 5500BC; which is extremely close to the Byzantine perspective, which I believe that Saint Augustine worked from the same source material: i.e. Septuagint Bible (Greek translation of the Old Testament).

The Byzantine Creation Era, also "Creation Era of Constantinople," or "Era of the World" (Greek: Έτη Γενέσεως Κόσµου κατά 'Ρωµαίους also Έτος Κτίσεως Κόσµου or Έτος Κόσµου ) was the Calendar officially used by the Eastern Orthodox Church from ca. AD 691 to 1728 in the Ecumenical Patriarchate, by the Byzantine Empire from AD 988 to 1453, and in Russia from ca. AD 988 to 1700.

Derived from the Septuagint version of the Bible, it placed the date of creation at 5,509 years before the Incarnation, and was characterized by a certain tendency which had already been a tradition amongst Hebrews and Jews to number the years from the foundation of the world (Latin: Annus Mundi / Ab Origine Mundi (AM)). Its year one, the supposed date of creation, was September 1, 5509 BC to August 31, 5508 BC.

From Saint Augustine perspective even with the 33-years of Jesus’ life it would still be under 6,000 years; but, what intrigued me with this figure 5509 as the BC year that began creation was that it was just too close and too esoterically symbolic to be an actual chronological date: i.e. two Equinoctial Zodiacal

2 This completely negates Bishop Ussher (1581-1656) theory that creation began in 4004BC, which was conjured up twelve hundred years after Saint Augustine wrote the CITY OF GOD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Ussher . 3 http://www.creationwiki.org/Augustine_of_Hippo

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Signs: Aries and Taurus = 2 x 2160 = 4320 and the remainder would be 1189. There just happens to be ‘coincidentally 1189-chapters collectively in the Old (929) and New Testaments (260): REALLY? There are several reasons why I believe the Early Christian Fathers created this symbolism regarding the dawn of creation. This esoteric symbolism, apparently, nobody in modernity knows about.

FIRST: The numerics of year 5509 total to nineteen, which infers the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew Coder: i.e. QOPH.

SECOND: The numerics of the amount of chapters collectively in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures being 1189 also totals to 19: i.e. QOPH.

THIRD: The fact that 1260 years is the duration of an Equinoctial Zodiacal Sign is no coincidence seeing that the number 216 is the cube of six (6): six square is the Kamea of the Sun, which six cubed symbolizes the spiritual sun. Two Equinoctial Zodiacal Signs: Aries and Taurus total to 4,320.

FOURTH: The numerics of the number 4,320 happen to coincide with the three Cosmic Hebrew Letters in the first word of Genesis: i.e. BERESHITH: Tav (400), Shin (300) and Resh (200) reduced to their lowest common denominators would be 432.

FIFTH: When adding the first of the Cosmic Hebrew letters: i.e. QOPH to the other three Cosmic Hebrew Letter spells out as part of the word first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, CHRIST (krst) in Greek is spelt out using Hebrew Letters. Is this all coincidental or symbolically synchronistic?

o These four Cosmic Hebrew Letters: Qoph, Resh, Shin and Tav are the last four letters of the Hebrew coder.

SIXTH: As seen above the Byzantine saw the creation 5509-years before the incarnation. This implies that Christ symbolizes the Judaeo Christian Scriptures: i.e. the creation of the institutional religion called Christianity. In Saint John’s gospel’s prologue the first three words has something to augment this matter by doing a direct commentary (interpretation) on the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH “ IN THE BEGINNING” .

“ IN THE BEGINNING was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made (John 1:1-3)” .

o I have discussed the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH in other writings showing it contains the whole of the Trinity and there is no need to rehash that commentary here.

SEVENTH: What drew my attention to the numerical year 5509BC was because I knew the Tower of Babel and the Pyramids of Egypt that the Equinoctial Age of Gemini was in those years prior to the Zodiacal Ages of Aries and Taurus and I wanted to find out just how many years into the Equinoctial Age of Gemini that creation was suppose to have begun. It was very obvious to me for many years that the Judaeo Christian Scriptures: i.e. Old and New

Testaments was based solely upon the Zodiacal Ages of Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces; because, of the Zodiacal symbols that were scattered throughout the bible and the secular histories of those BC eras: i.e. Tower of Babel (Gemini), worshiping the Bull (Taurus), sacrificing the Ram (Aries) and the fish symbol of Christianity (Pisces).

This is not rocket science; however, most Christian; because, of Christian dogmas and traditions summarily dismisses the science of Astrology. This latter comes from the forbiddance of superstition, which entails fortune telling, which both Astrology and Tarot Cards have been embroiled in; yet, both Astrology and the Tarot Cards are both numerical and symbolic imagery. If the uninitiated is incapable of distinguishing ORDER out of CHAOS that is his or her problem: ignorance of a lone individual, and each of initiate is a lone individual, is not the problem of the whole of humanity The whole point of religion is to distinguish between spirituality and the secular realm of thought.

EIGHT: The New Testament is an esoteric commentary on the numerics and sacred geometry codified into the alphanumeric structure of the Hebraic alphabet in the Old Testament. The whole of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures has nothing to do with the chronological history of humanity; though, the surface texts of the bible would debate that issue ad nauseam.

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The fact that the Early Christian Fathers chose 5509BC as the starting date of creation they were obviously augmenting Saint John’s gospel prologue and the first word of Genesis: BERESHTH; but, doing it this way shows they were deeply into the knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes otherwise the date of 5509BC makes no sense.

NINTH: I will not go too far into it in this paper; but, Zachariah chapter fourteen is the pivot chapter of the whole of the Old and New Testaments. The whole of the chapter is important to understand this; but, I see verse four as crucial; because, it alone in the whole of the chapter symbolizes the basic religious paradigm, which is symbolized around the world.

“ And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south (Zechariah 14:4)” . This mythos symbolically represents the twentieth letters of the Hebraic Coder: i.e. RESH.

The book of Malachi is designate as part of the numerics of the New Testament; for the reason that, Elijah was prophesized to return. In the New Testament Jesus called John the Baptist, Elijah. This puts the four verses of Malachi into the New Testament column totaling to 264-chapters divide two = 132, which is symbolic of RESH (200 + 1 + 300 or 213) the 20th letter of the Hebraic Coder. PEI is the 17th letter of the Hebraic Coder that is invisible to the naked eye and it inundates and surrounds the first letter of Genesis: BETH in the white area of the page. Totaling the visible letter BETH the 2nd letter of the Hebraic Coder to the invisible letter PEI totals to the 19th letter of the Hebraic Coder: i.e. QOPH, which completes the word CHRIST in the word BERESHITH: i.e. the first word of Genesis.

The remainder in the Old Testament is 925 subtract the fourteenth chapter of Zechariah; because, it is the pivotal chapter of the bible, leave 924 / 7 = 132. The numbers 2 and 7 symbolize the LIGHT (2) coming out of the DARKNESS (9) leaving 7 and 2 divided into 7 is 3½ or the coiled Kundalini Serpent. The New Testament symbolized the Kundalini Serpent culled out of the esoteric numerics of the Old Testament Hebraic texts. There is a great deal more commentary on the numerics of this symbolism; but, I will not rehash all my other researches in this paper.

The point of bringing all this out is that when the lone chapter of Zechariah 14 is removed from the total of 1189 the remainder is 1188, which is precisely 0.55% of 2160-years of a Zodiacal Equinoctial Age. The other 972-years: 0.45% of 2160, which 972 is a transposition of the number 729, which is the cube of 9³ and symbolizes the Hebraic letter PEI: i.e. seventeenth letter of the Hebrew Coder; thus, all these numeric have some symbolic commentary to the Dawn of Creation; though, they may now be meaningless to the reader.

I have gone over some of my past researches to augment the additional data I have culled out of the mythological year of 5509. We now know it is not a year; but, is recorded as such and believed by the religious and academic community to be historical rather than symbolic data.


On the other hand iconography (symbolic imagery) is a religious method of communicating the divine WORD OF GOD to the laity and the true spiritual initiate will of course amalgamate word and image in the sacred scriptures and from this perspective he or she could say:

“ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will dread no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (Psalms 23:4)” .

This is because; though, the initiate is living in the world he or she is not of the secular world; but, is of the religious realm.

The difference between iconoclasm and iconography is huge and the twain can never meet on its own volition; because, iconoclasm is ego-consciousness: i.e. hubris or 51+% of secular control of the world’s activities. Iconography symbolizes masculinity: i.e. patriarchal culture. Ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind during awakened consciousness are in the state of eternal warfare. Look at the

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MATRIX OF WISDOM when the soul first comes into the world as the two part psyche. Notice how the four columns: i.e. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are diametrically opposite to the next four columns: i.e. 5, 6, 7 and 8. This illustrates eternal warfare between the opposites.

During the dream state the consciousness mind is equal to ego-consciousness. Iconography is the unconscious mind, which is the genuflection of the ego or 50%/50% via gender equality, which represents the matriarchal culture. If the reader read and study the first eleven chapters of Genesis he or she will find the MATRIX OF WISDOM in the last one-hundred uses of the words YAHWEH and ELOHYM: i.e. 50%/50% equality.

The first eleven chapters of Genesis symbolize the Matriarchal Culture just as the child’s adolescence years are considered the Matriarchal years. Notice that the image of the Eternal Temple of God has the unconscious mind (Moon - Boaz) switching around facing its counterpart ego-consciousness (Sun - Jachin) and then both intertwine and are alchemically mystically married. Without being alchemically mystically married these two columns Boaz and Jachin stand outside the Temple of God.


Symbolism, in and of itself by itself, is basically patterns in the archetypal nature of the psyche, which is birthed solely upon the MATRIX OF WISDOM. There is nothing in the outer world that an individual can be enamored by, thinks, does or says that cannot be exemplified, epitomized and/or exalted to perfection. The whole purpose of the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. Soul (God/Man Christ) is to give the individual a Garden of Eden to live his or her life joyfully as he or she learns about his or her true nature as an offspring of God.

When the soul comes into the world as a two-part psyche it is embroiled (baptized) into a culture’s societal mores and it is within that milieu that the psyche has to learn how to read the symbolism of the world. Societal mores places the individual secularly and religious on the same page as everybody else in the culture; however, if the societal mores does not teach symbolism directly to its constituency then the soul is born into a great religious disadvantage; because, an initiate can’ t learn what he or she doesn’ t know exist.

The MATRIX OF WISDOM writes the sacred scriptures and when the initiate teaches him or herself how to read and study it properly he or she will envisage how this spiritually takes place.

If there is a systemic system of symbolism codified into the bible would not the bible exude clues as to how to read its texts symbolically? Though, I initially started out studying the bible reading translations I eventually started teaching myself how to read the Hebraic letters and learn their numerics and definitions. Serendipitously, I stumbled upon patterns in the first chapter of Genesis reading the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible; but, though I would learn a great deal of esoteric knowledge from this it was an extremely rare occurrence to be achieved through a translation. I neither read nor speak Hebrew nor study Hebrew that much; but, what I learned by studying the first chapter of Genesis over the past forty years is that if the Hebraic coder is studied and the original texts is studied letter by letter a great deal can be learn symbolically via Gematria. In fact the symbolism I envisaged I have witnessed artistically codified into the mosaics and frescoes of the Sistine Chapel and the architecture, stain glass windows and stone sculptures surrounding Chartres Cathedral. I began to see how the New Testament was written via the esotericism codified into the alphanumeric structures of the Hebraic letters. The Seven Liberal Arts are perfectly integrated as one unified system of thought throughout the bible.

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Most important about symbolism in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures: i.e. Christian religious mores is that all symbolism commences with the first letter of the bible: BETH, which is inundated and surrounded by the invisible letter PEI. Beth is obviously the surface textual materials and Pei symbolizes the esotericism that is codified in the numerics of the letters, which creates sacred geometry throughout the Old and New Testaments. Not translating the numerics of the Hebraic letters into English or any other language while translating the Hebrew is literally ripping the WORD OF GOD out of the bible.

Both Beth and Pei are basically the BIG BANG of the bible; because, the entire Old and New Testaments are commentaries on those first two letters of the bible. Nothing in the bible can be written unless it had already been prefigured in a previous text. When I discovered the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which has been known throughout all times and climes in all cultures around the world in antiquity I would learn that it was the original source material for writing the WORD OF GOD in the all the sacred scriptures of the world. In fact the MATRIX OF WISDOM’S schematics is the foundation of all religious temples around the world. It is the foundation of Astrology and the Game of Chess and everything in the universe seen and unseen.

To understand symbolism in the sacred scriptures from out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM one has to learn to listen to the silence that is the WORD OF GOD from out of the Mouth of God: i.e. Pei, which symbolizes the Vesica Piscis: i.e. the Throne of Christ: Merkabah (Chariot).

The uninitiated would be amaze that to meditate in silence and pay attention to what is being silently suggested brings forth great advantages in the initiate’s activities in life. This is called Active Imagination; however, it is much more than that. It is the music of the spheres if you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Many of the ideas developed in my researches have come to me in this manner.